

2155-2200 (Late 22nd Century)

Early 2155    - In the alternate timeline, where Earth has been destroyed, the Xindi scour the Solar System and the nearby parts of the galaxy destroying all the human colonies they can find.  Mars, Alpha Centauri and the Vega Colony are all destroyed.    

2155      In the alternate timeline, where Earth has been destroyed by the Xindi, Dr. Phlox returns to Denoblia to continue his research into the memory loss that Archer is suffering from.  It takes "ten years" to come up with a treatment.  ("Twilight")

c. December 2155    The surviving humans, traveling in small slow moving convoys, head out to rendezvous at Ceti Alpha V.  The journey takes a year.   (date is speculation from "Twilight")

2156        Events of the possible Fifth Season of Enterprise

2156 The Romulan Wars begin between Earth forces and the Romulan Star Empire.   (speculation from "Balance of Terror" - noted in Star Trek Chronology)

The Romulan vessels are easy to identify by the bright markings on their hull, which are designed to look like birds. (Star Trek Chronology, "Balance of Terror" (TOS)


c. December 2156 - In the alternate timeline where the Earth was destroyed by the Xindi, the Enterprise and her convoy arrive at Ceti Alpha V.   They are the only convoy to arrive, and the total human survivor population is now very small.   T'Pol resigns her commission and Tucker assumes command of the Enterprise.   ("Twilight" - 9 years later, the total survivor population numbers 6,000)

2157        Events of the possible Sixth Season of Enterprise

2158        Events of the possible Seventh Season of Enterprise.

Also this year, two women are killed in Heliopolis City on Alpha Eridani II by an entity variously known as "Jack the Ripper" and "Redjac" ("Wolf in the Fold" - TOS).

2159   A third spaceship disappears in the Taurean region of space, never to be heard from again.  ("Lorelei Signal" - TAS)

2160    The Romulan Wars are ended at the Battle of Cheron. The Romulan Neutral Zone is established.  (Star Trek Chronology, "The Defector" TNG.)

The earth forces under Admiral Ivan Wolfe catch the Romulan fleet by surprise at Cheron and destroy it almost in it's entirety. The Romulans sue for peace.




May 8, 2161    The United Federation of Planets is formed. 

The Federation is governed by a Council, located in San Francisco on Earth. 

The Federation Council President's office is located in Paris. 

Initial member worlds are Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, Andor, and Alpha Centauri.   

The entire Sol system is a founding member as Earth brings both Luna and Mars into the Federation with it as it joins.   Presumably, other earth settlements such as Vega Colony are not self-sufficient enough to yet seek membership independent of Earth.   ("The Outcast" (TNG), Star Trek Chronology, Star Trek Star Charts. Initial member worlds are a long time part of "fandom continuity.")

Part of Starfleet's original charter is the little known Section 31, an autonomous group concerned with searching out, identifying, and quietly dealing with potential dangers to the Federation.  Section 31 is a covert organization within Starfleet intelligence which deals with threats to the security of the UFP.   Members of this organization defy the principles of the Federation in order to protect them, which is one of the reasons why Section 31 is not officially sanctioned by Starfleet and its very existence is not acknowledged openly. ("Inquisition,"  "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")

Part of the Federation Charter is the non-interference directive, or Prime Directive, which prohibits interference in the affairs of sovereign planets or societies.   ("Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")

2164   The drug felicium is used to halt a plague on Ornara. It is not realized at the time that felicium, a product of Brekka, has powerfully addictive properties, making the Ornarans dependent on the drug long after the plague has been controlled. ("Symbiosis" (TNG) 200 years prior)

2165  Sarek of Vulcan is born.  (sources: Star Trek Encyclopedia, Star Trek Chronology, "Journey to Babel" (TOS), "Sarek" (TNG).)

Guinan meets the Q.  (200 years prior to "Q Who?" TNG)

The Statutes of Alpha III are drawn up, a key development in the legal history of the United Federation of Planets.   (Date is completely speculative based on "Court-martial" - The book Worlds of the Federation indicates that these statutes were part of the reason that Alpha III was the first planet to be admitted to the Federation after the admission of the charter members in 2161, but this is unsubstantiated in other sources) 

December 2165

In the alternate timeline, where Earth has been destroyed by the Xindi, Dr. Phlox arrives at Ceti Alpha V to attempt a new procedure aimed at restoring Archer's memory.   The episode "Twilight" is predominantly set in this timeframe.  (12 years after the events of "Twilight" which took place in 2153)

2167  The Starship Archon visits planet Beta III in star system C-111.

The U.S.S. Essex (registry number NCC-173) is caught in a magnetic storm and destroyed above the Class-M moon on Mab-Bu VI.   ("Power Play" TNG)

The planet Deneva is colonized by the Federation (100 years prior to "Operation: Annihilate!")

2168  The Starship Horizon visits Planet Sigma Iotia II, about 100 light years beyond Federation space. ( "A Piece of the Action" (TOS).)

Settlers from Earth establish a genetically "perfect" colony on planet Moab IV.  ("The Masterpiece Society" TNG)

2169   A new type of impulse engine is adopted for Starfleet vessels. The basic design of this sub light propulsion system remains essentially unchanged for at least two centuries. ("Relics" (TNG) Scotty noted that the impulse engine design hadn't changed much in 200 years.)

Ancient burial vaults of the First Hebitian civilization on Cardassia are unearthed. Grave robbers remove priceless artifacts, including many made of jevonite, described as unimaginably beautiful. ("Chain of Command, Part 2" (TNG) Gul Madred said they were unearthed 200 years before the episode (2369).)

Around this time, the last of four wars are fought between the people of Earth and the cat people known as the Kzinti.  ("The Slaver Weapon" (TAS), according to Mr. Sulu, the wars ended 200 years prior to the episode - which would put it right after first contact with the Vulcans in 2069.  In this timeline I am assuming he misspoke and actually meant 100 years prior to 2269.)    NOTE:  This Kzinti continuity is actually from Larry Niven's Kzinti universe, as "Slaver Weapon" was adapted by Niven for the series from his short story "The Soft Weapon."  As such, more than most animateds, "Slaver Weapon" is generally considered by most fans to not be a part of the official Star Trek canon. Likewise, Niven fans do not generally consider this episode of animated Star Trek as part of the Niven universe.   In should also be noted, that in the Niven universe, the span of time that passes before the end of the fourth war is even longer.  The first battle between Kzinti and humans was between two vessels, the Angel's Pencil and a Kzin Warship in the year 2366.   According to the novel Game, the Fourth Man-Kzinti war ended in 2584.

2170   A group of Native Americans, seeking to preserve their culture, leave their North American home to search for a planet on which they can begin a colony. Their leader is Katowa. They eventually settle on Dorvan V. ( "Journey's End" (TNG).)

2172   Sarek of Vulcan, at age seven, goes through the kahs-wan ritual.   (speculation)

2175    Laas first assumes humanoid form.   (200 years prior to "Chimera")

2178   Terra Nova is admitted to the Federation.  (Star Trek Charts, p. 32)

2183   The planet Izar is discovered.  After the first manned landing by the crew of the S.S. Horizon, the Izar Colony is founded this same year.    (Star Trek Star Charts, p. 32)

2187   Another space ship disappears without a trace near Taurus II.   ("Lorelei Signal" - TAS)

2195   Robert April, who will become the first commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701), is born on Earth.  Late in his life he will become a Federation Ambassador-at-large.   (75 years before "The Counter-Clock Incident" - TAS)

2196   Starfleet withdraws the Daedalus class starship from service.  (178 years prior to "Power Play" TNG)

c. 2199   Garth of Izar is born.  ("Whom Gods Destroy" (TOS) - date speculation - assumes Garth is in his sixties in that episode)



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