

June 2153-August 2154
Third Year of USS ENTERPRISE (NX-01) Voyage

June 16, 2153

The Enterprise enters the Delphic Expanse

(end of second season of Enterprise; speculation)

July 28, 2153 - July 31, 2153 Events of "The Xindi"

Six weeks into the Delphic Expanse, Captain Archer and his crew learn of a Xindi working at a mining colony, and set out to track him down and gain information about the mysterious race. But when Trip and Archer get caught in a deadly trap, Enterprise's newest crew members, a squad of Military Assault Command Operation soldiers (MACOs), must rush to free them. Meanwhile, T'Pol suggests an intriguing Vulcan cure for Trip's vivid nightmares of his sister's death.

(dates are speculation - episode mentions this is six weeks after entering the Delphic Expanse)



 early August 2153 Events of "Anomaly"

The mission to find the Xindi takes a treacherous turn when Enterprise is crippled by inexplicable, destructive spatial anomalies that distort the laws of physics. With systems down, Osaarian pirates board the ship and and raid it of valuable supplies. The crew captures one of the marauders, and Archer's sense of morality is tested when he interrogates the prisoner.








August 2153 Events of "Extinction"

Their ongoing quest for the Xindi leads the Enterprise crew to a tropical alien world where Archer, Reed and Hoshi are exposed to a highly contagious virus that transforms their bodies and minds into those of the long extinct alien inhabitants of the planet.









August 2153 Events of "Rajiin"

Rescued by Archer from an alien bazaar, a captivating slave girl, Rajiin, uses her erotic, hypnotic mental powers on the crew to steal data on humans for her Xindi overlords. But when her deception is discovered, Archer throws her in the brig, forcing the Reptilian Xindi to storm the ship, weapons blazing, to spring her free.

Meanwhile, Trip and T'Pol initiate a dangerous experiment to insulate the ship from further destruction from strange physical phenomena in the Delphic Expanse.




late August 2153  Events of "Impulse"

Boarding a damaged Vulcan vessel adrift in an asteroid field, Archer and his team discover that the remaining crew have mutated into violent, zombie-like creatures. When T'Pol begins to succumb to the mutation, the crew must fight their way out before they lose her forever.






early September  2153 Events of "Exile"

From light-years away, a powerful telepathic alien, Tarquin, mentally contacts Hoshi and convinces Archer to let the ensign briefly visit his isolated planet in exchange for crucial information on the Xindi.








c. September 14, 2153 Events of "The Shipment"

After infiltrating a Xindi-Sloth plant that synthesizes vital explosive materials for the Xindi super-weapon, Archer, Reed and MACO Major Hayes capture and interrogate the plant foreman, Gralik, who upon learning of the Xindi council's attack on Earth, establishes an uneasy alliance with Archer.

(episode is set three months after the Enterprise entered the Expanse.)





late September 2153   Events of "Twilight"

After Enterprise is assaulted by severe spatial distortions, Archer loses the ability to form new, long-term memories, causing him to wake up each morning unaware that any time has passed since the day he was afflicted. Despite the crew's best efforts to keep him involved in decisions, it becomes clear over time that they can't continue to function in this manner, leading T'Pol to become his caretaker and Trip to take command of the ship.







October 2153 Events of "North Star"

After finding thousands of humans on a Delphic Expanse planet living in settlements seemingly straight out of the Old West, Archer gets embroiled in a dangerous cultural conflict once he discovers that the humans are systematically oppressing the alien race that originally brought them to this world.






October 2153 Events of "Similitude"

After an accident in Engineering leaves Trip mortally injured, Dr. Phlox attempts to save the chief engineer by creating a "mimetic simbiot" — a clone — of him to harvest neural tissue from it. In its very short lifespan, the simbiot grows rapidly from baby to adult, and surprises the crew with detailed memories of the real Trip's life. Meanwhile, the accident has left Enterprise disabled and adrift inside a destructive space cloud, so the crew attempts to free the ship before they are stranded forever.




November 2153 Events of "Carpenter Street"  

Ex-crewman Daniels, a temporal agent from the future, appears on Enterprise and sends Archer and T'Pol back in time to 2004 Earth, to learn why three Xindi-Reptilians have been detected in the timeline where they're not supposed to be. Using 22nd-century technology, Archer and T'Pol scour Detroit, Michigan, and locate an abandoned factory where the Xindi are developing a biological weapon with the help of a local medical worker.

(Takes place 150 years after 2004.   Note: The events in the episode that are set in 2154 take place over two days)



late November 2153 Enterprise discovers a third sphere in the Expanse (just before "Chosen Realm")

Events of "Chosen Realm"

A Triannon crew which Enterprise rescues from a crippled ship turns out to be a group of religious extremists who hijack the NX-01 to eradicate the "heretics" on their homeworld. Furthermore, when the group's leader, D'Jamat, learns that Archer's crew has dared desecrate the Expanse's mysterious Spheres — which the Triannons consider holy shrines of the "chosen realm" — he demands that Archer choose a crewman to be put to death.

(date is speculation)






early December 2153 Events of "Proving Ground"

Andorian Imperial Guard Commander Shran and his warship track Enterprise down in the Delphic Expanse to offer Captain Archer help as an ally, and together, the two former adversaries plan to steal a prototype of the Xindi's planet-destroying superweapon. As a confrontation with the Xindi looms, Lt. Reed gets help fixing the NX-01's damaged weapons systems from a striking Andorian female, Lt. Talas, a contentious officer with her own agenda.





December 12, 2153 - December 16, 2153      Events of "Stratagem"

Having located the prototype of the Xindi superweapon, Archer and the crew manage to capture the weapon's creator, Degra, and launch into an elaborate scheme to dupe their prisoner into revealing the location of the final weapon under construction. With time running out before the Xindi discover Degra's disappearance, the entire crew play key roles in the massive charade which combines Archer's acting skills, Trip's faux alien shuttlecraft, Hoshi's decrypted data and Dr. Phlox's memory tampering, in order to trick the Xindi scientist into believing he and Archer are now allies and on the run after escaping a Xindi-Insectoid prison.

(Date of December 12, 2153 given during the episode)




December 27, 2153 - December 30, 2153 Events of "Harbinger"

Enterprise encounters an abnormally large spatial distortion and rescues an alien from a craft trapped inside. While Archer and Dr. Phlox try to solve the mystery behind the rapidly deteriorating alien, tensions between Lt. Reed and MACO leader Major Hayes escalate into a full-blown brawl. Meanwhile, Trip's flirtation with a female MACO forces a surprisingly jealous T'Pol to confront her attraction to her fellow senior officer.

(Date of December 27, 2153 is given at the start of the episode)



Captain Archer agrees that the crew of the Enterprise should be put into a comatose state, in order to combat the effects of an approaching area of space on the human neuro-cortex.  Dr. Phlox is left in control of the ship, as his Denoblian physiology is determined to be immune.  (two days prior to "Doctor's Orders")

c.  January 3, 2154 Events of "Doctor's Orders"

While Enterprise travels through a section of the Expanse lethal to human neurology, Dr. Phlox must put the entire crew to sleep and handle all aspects of a working starship, but even with T'Pol's help, the doctor's skills might not be enough to keep the crew safe when complications arise. With the ship not moving out of the area fast enough, Dr. Phlox must figure out how to start the warp engines without blowing up the ship, while realizing he may not be entirely immune to the region's radiation himself.  (date is speculation)




January 8 - 12, 2154 Events of "Hatchery"

When Enterprise stumbles upon a damaged Xindi-Insectoid ship on a barren planet, Archer and the crew search the ship and discover a cache of several dozen Insectoid eggs, but with the nursery's bio-support failing, Archer becomes fiercely determined to help his enemy's offspring hatch. As Mayweather and Tucker attempt to learn all they can about the alien ship, Archer becomes consumed with saving the Xindi hatchlings, causing the crew to start raising questions about Archer's judgment.   (date of January 8 given in episode, episode takes place over about 4 days)




mid January 2154 Events of "Azati Prime"

The Enterprise finally arrives at the Xindi superweapon construction site, and despite a troubling glimpse into the future by time-traveling operative Daniels, a determined Archer leaves the ship in T'Pol's hands as he alone pilots a suicide mission to destroy the huge Earth-bound planet-killer. With Archer gone, T'Pol and the crew attempt to escape enemy territory undetected, but once discovered are forced to make a last stand against multiple Xindi attackers.     (date is speculation, episode takes place immediately after "Hatchery")




January 13, 2154 - August  2154       Events of the remainder of the Third Season of Enterprise

February 2154  - In the alternate timeline, where Archer loses his long term memory, T'Pol is given a field commission and promoted to the rank of Captain.  She assumes command of the Enterprise and continues the mission in search of the Xindi weapon.  ("Twilight" - several weeks after Archer is injured).

February 2154 - Kolos is released from Rura Penthe  ("Judgment" plus one year") 

March 2154  -  In the alternate timeline, where Archer loses his long term memory, the crew of the Enterprise finally determines where the Xindi weapon is being assembled.  ("several months" after Archer is injured in "Twilight.")   The Xindi intercept Enterprise, and in the ensuing battle 13 Enterprise crew are killed, and the ship's warp propulsion is crippled.   Enterprise can now only achieve Warp 1.7.    They eventually reach the place where the Xindi weapon was built, only to discover it has already been deployed.

March 2154 - When the Xindi weapon is likely to be completed, if the Enterprise crew does not stop them in time.  (speculation from Stratagem and Twilight.)

c. August 2154  - In the alternate timeline, where Archer loses his long term memory, the Enterprise races back to Earth, her warp engines finally repaired (Tucker said it would take "six months" to repair the engines).   The crew arrives in the Solar System not long before the Xindi weapon arrives.   The Earth, in this timeline, is completely destroyed with a total loss of life.   The Lunar colony is presumably destroyed at this time as well.    ("Twilight")

August 2154    The NX-02, the second Warp 5 starship, is launched from orbit around Earth.  (14 months after the Enterprise is refit "The Expanse")


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