


Table of Contents - Section Four

bulletCharacter Templates
bulletAstrogation Officer
bulletCommunications Officer
bulletEngineering Officer
bulletMedical Officer
bulletMarine Personnel
bulletOperations Officer
bulletScience Officer
bulletSecurity Officer
bulletNon-Commissioned Personnel
bulletFleshing Out a Character
bullet Decorations and Awards


Starfleet is a semi-military style body designed to protect Federation peace, provide aid and assistance to Federation members, serve as a gatherer of knowledge ("to boldly go where no one has gone before"), and to regulate shipping and travel within Federation space.

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Rather than create several sub-processes for chararacter generation, GURPS: STAR TREK uses the Character Template system pioneered in GURPS: TRAVELLER. After buying a racial template, the player buys a character template. Remaining points (if any) are spent as the player wishes. Star Fleet Characters are built on 100 points


Astrogation officers man the helm and navigation stations on the bridge and are responsible for getting the ship from point A to point B.

90 Points

Attributes [40 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 11 [0], IQ 13 [30], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [40 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 15-25 points in  3D Spatial Sense [10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Alertness [5/level], Collected or Imperturbable [5 or 10], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], Daredevil [15], G-Experience [10], Improved G-Tolerance [10], Strong Will [4/level].

Disadvantages [-35 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -20 from Code of Honor {Gentleman's} [-10], Curious [-5 to -15], Impulsiveness [-10], Overconfidence [-10], Gloryhound [-15], Stubborness [-5], Workaholoc [-5], and Xenophilia [-5].

Primary Skills [14 points]: Astrogation (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Cartography (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, , Electronics Operation {Sensors} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, and Pilot {Starship} (P/A) DX + 2 [8] - 13.

Secondary Skills [20.5 points]: Area Knowledge {Known Galaxy} (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Computer Operation (M/E) IQ -1 [0.5] - 12, Electronics Operation {Deflector Shields} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Engineer {Vehicles} (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Free Fall (P/A) DX+1 [4] - 12, Gunner {Ship's Phasers} (P/A) DX+1 [4] -12, Gunner {Photon Torpedoes} (P/A) DX + 1 [4] -12, Tactics {Space} (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12,  Vacc Suit (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12.

Background Skills [10.5 points]: Astronomy (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Intelligence Analysis (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Navigation (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Planetology {any} (M/A) IQ-2 [0.5] - 11; plus up to 6 points in Area Knowledge {any} (M/E), Beam Weapons {Phasers} (P/E), and Guns {any} (P/E)

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Communications Officers provide both audio and video communications with personnel on ship and on planets, and provide an interface with Starfleet Command through the subspace radio on board.

90 Points

Attributes [40 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 11 [0], IQ 13 [30], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [40 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 15-25 points in  3D Spatial Sense [10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Alertness [5/level], Collected or Imperturbable [5 or 10], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], Daredevil [15], G-Experience [10], Improved G-Tolerance [10], Strong Will [4/level].

Disadvantages [-35 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -20 from Code of Honor {Gentleman's} [-10], Curious [-5 to -15], Impulsiveness [-10], Overconfidence [-10], Sense of Duty {Ship} [-5], Workaholic [-5], and Xenophilia [-5].

Primary Skills [14 points]: Antropology (M/H) IQ [4] - 13, Diplomacy (M/H) IQ [4] - 13, , Electronics Operation {Commo Board} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Fast Talk (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, and Language {Galanglic} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13.

Secondary Skills [18 points]: Acting (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Administration (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Area Knowledge {Known Galaxy} (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Computer Operation (M/E) IQ -1 [0.5] - 12,  Detect Lies (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Free Fall (P/A) DX+1 [4] - 12, Interrogation (M/A) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Public Speaking (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Politics (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Psychology (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Savior-Faire (M/E) IQ -1 [0.5] - 12,  Vacc Suit (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Xeno-Antrhopology (M/H) IQ-2 [2] - 12.

Background Skills [11 points]: Astronomy (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Intelligence Analysis (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Navigation (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Planetology {any} (M/A) IQ-2 [0.5] - 11, Streetwise (M/A) IQ-2 [0.5] - 11; plus up to 6 points in Area Knowledge {any} (M/E), Beam Weapons {Phasers} (P/E), and Guns {any} (P/E)

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Engineering personnel provide the necessary repair and upkeep of equipment aboard ship. Note that Starfleet Engineers, at first, are primarily concerned with the various electronics systems throughout the ship. This is due to the Federation’s heavy use of electronic equipment for almost every function. The only non-electronic equipment aboard most ships are the Warp drives and Impulse engines. However, Engineers can specialize in any Engineering or Mechanic field, because Starfleet encourages research and development of newer and better systems.

90 Points

Attributes [30 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 10 [0], IQ 13 [30], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [40 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 15-25 points in  3D Spatial Sense [10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Alertness [5/level], Double Jointed [5], Common Sense [10], G-Experience [10], Improved G-Tolerance [10], Lightning Calculator [5], Manual Dexterity [3/level], Mathematical Ability [10], Temperature Tolerance [1 or 2], Strong Will [4/level] and Versatile [5].

Disadvantages [-30 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -15 from Code of Honor {Professionalism}[-5], Curious [-5 to -15], Delusions {"The Engines have feelings"} [-5],  Loners [-5], Odious Personal Habit {grease-monkey} [-5], Sense of Duty {Ship} [-5], Stubborness [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills [20 points]: Engineer {Vehicles}(M/H) IQ [4] - 13, Engineer {Electrical} (M/H) [4] -13, Mechanic {Warp Drive} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 13, Mechanic {Impulse Drive} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 14, and Mechanic {Power Reactor} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 14.

Secondary Skills [14 points]: Computer Operation (M/E) IQ  [1] - 13, Free Fall (P/A) DX+2 [8] - 12, Mathematics (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Physics (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12,  and Vacc Suit (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12.

Background Skills [16 points]: Armoury {Deflector Shields} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Armoury {Ship's Weapons}(M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Electronics {any}(M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Electronics Operation {any} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Engineer (other) (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Mechanic (other) (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Ship Building {Starships} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Photonics (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12; plus up to 5 points in Area Knowledge {any} (M/E), Beam Weapons {Phasers} (P/E), and Guns {any} (P/E)

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MARINES - See Section Five

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Medical personnel provide day-to-day medical care to the people aboard ship, and treat injuries just like any other doctor.

Medical sciences as depicted by Trek are an extrapolation of knowledge that exists today. Use of medicines, surgery, and specialized devices to heal the sick and injured seems little different in Trek than it does now, except that practice is a lot more successful and more painless. People rarely die in sickbay, and they are usually up and on their feet astonishingly quickly even after terrible injuries. These notes are intended as reference for use by GM’s, and players playing the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) on a Starship. They are of great use to games set in the time of TNG or DS9, and only minor changes are needed to stock a Sickbay of any era.

Chief Medical Officers of Starships have the responsibility of overseeing the health of the entire crew. Regular physicals are required annually, and officers who refuse the exams are reported to the Captain or First Officer and may be relieved of duty. A crewmember may also be removed from duty if their physical or psychological condition warrant it in the opinion of the ship’s CMO or Counselor. CMO’s are also tasked with overseeing the ship’s stores of medical supplies, and choose which to employ as standard. Some CMO’s also have strong talents as researchers, and this is encouraged in Starfleet as long as primary duties are met, and all research follows recommended procedures.

Typical staffing for class one Starships includes one Chief Medical Officer, four Physicians, three Medical Technicians, and twelve Nurses. Eight to twelve research and laboratory personnel serve the Medical Department, and in emergencies, additional personnel with medical training can be drawn from other departments. These personnel are rotated on three eight-hour shifts, the "day" watch, the "night" watch, and the "graveyard" shift. These staffing guidelines should give GM’s ideas on staffing for smaller Starships, Starbases, and planetary facilities.

It is recommended that the primary staff be chosen from a group with diverse skills in various branches of medicine (such as neurosurgery, genetics, etc.) and specialties in non-Terran races. A CMO should choose individuals for their staff that complement their capabilities and provide the Sickbay with a well-rounded staff.

90 Points

Attributes [45 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 10 [0], IQ 14 [45], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [35 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 10-20 points in  Composed [5], Common Sense [10], Disease Resistant or Immune to Disease [5 o r10], Higher Purpose {Heal the Sick} [5], Less Sleep [3/level], Manual Dexterity [3/level], Sanctity [5], Sensitive or Empathy [5 or 15], and Single-Minded [5].

Disadvantages [-35 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -20 from Addiction {Stimulants} [-5], Charitable [-15], Code of Honor {Hippocratic Oath}[-15], Curious [-5 to -15], Guilt Complex [-5], Honesty [-10], Nightmares [-5], Pacifism {cannot kill innocents or self-defense only}[-10 or -15],    Selfless [-10], Sense of Duty {Patients} [-5], Stubborness [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills [24 points]: Diagnosis (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 15, Electronics Operation {Medical} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 15, Physician (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 15 and Surgeon (M/VH) IQ [8]- 14 .

Secondary Skills [16 points]: Genetics (M/VH) IQ-1 [4] - 13, Pharmacy (M/H) IQ [4] - 14, Physiology (M/VH) IQ-1 [4] - 13, Psychology (M/H) IQ [4] - 14.

Background Skills [5 points]: Administrion (M/A) IQ-2 [0.5] - 12, Computer Operation (M/E) IQ-1 [0.5] - 13; plus up to 4 points in Area Knowledge {any} (M/E), Beam Weapons {Phasers} (P/E), and Guns {any} (P/E)

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Operations Officers or Line Officers provide an interface between the day-to-day normal activities of the crew on board ship and the command personnel. Operations personnel study a program designed to give them a working knowledge of all other divisions in Starfleet. Ops Officers are frequently trained to become commanders themselves.

90 Points

Attributes [50 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 13 [30], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [35 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 10-20 points in  3D Spatial Sense [10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Alertness [5/level], Charisma [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], G-Experience [10], Improved G-Tolerance [10], Reputation Decorated {varies}, Strong Will [4/level] and Voice [10].

Disadvantages [-40 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -25 from Chummy [-5], Code of Honor {Officer's}[-5], Fanaticism {patriotism}[-15], Honesty [-10], Intolerance {"the enemy"} [-5], Jealousy [-10], Odious Personal Habit {"by the book"}, Overconfidence or Gloryhound [-10 or -15], Sense of Duty {Ship} [-5], Stubborness [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills [21 points]: Leadership (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 14, Savior-Faire {Military} (M/E) IQ [1] - 13, Tactics {space} (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 14 plus one of the following options

  1. Armoury {any} {M/A} IQ+2 [6] - 15, Gunner {any ship mounted} (P/A) DX+3 [4] - 15*.
  2. Astrogation (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Pilot (spacecraft) (P/A) DX+2 [8] - 14.
  3. Cartography (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Electronics Operation {Commo} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Electronics Operation {sensors} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, SIGINT Collection/Jamming (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 12, Traffic Analysis (M/H) [2] - 12.
  4. Engineer {vehicles} (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 14, Shipbuilding {starships} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Mechanic {warp drive} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Mechanic {impulse drive} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Mechanic {power reactor} (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12.
  5. Gunner {any} (P/A) DX+2 [2] -14*, Gunner {any other} (P/A) DX+2 [2] - 14*, Pilot {space fighter}(P/A) DX+1 [4] - 13, Navigation (M/H) IQ-2 [1] - 11, Parachuting (P/E) DX-1 [0.5] - 11, Survival {any} (M/A) IQ-2 [0.5] - 11.

Secondary Skills [6 points]: Administration (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12, Computer Operation (M/E) IQ  [1] - 13, Free Fall (P/A) DX [2] - 12, and Vacc Suit (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 12; plus Beam Weapons {any} (P/E) DX+1 [0.5] - 13*,  Guns {any} (P/E) DX+1 [0.5] - 13* .

Background Skills [18 points]: Astronomy (M/H) IQ [4] - 13, Heraldry {military} (M/A) IQ [2] - 13, Intelligence Analysis (M/H) IQ [4] - 13, Planetology (M/A) IQ [2] - 13,  Strategy (space) (M/H) IQ [4] - 13; plus 4 points in any other skills already possessed.

* includes bonuses for IQ

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Science personnel provide the investigative research for ships and transmit that information back to Starfleet Command. Science personnel are also useful on landing parties and at Starbases.

80 Points

Attributes [45 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 10 [0], IQ 14 [45], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [30 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 15-25 points in  Alertness [5/level], Common Sense [10], Impeturbable [10], Intuition [15], Language Talent [2/level], Lightning Calculator [5], Mathematical Ability [10], Reputation {Famous Scientist}[varies], Single-Minded [ 5], Strong Will [4/level] and Versatile [5].

Disadvantages [-40 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -25 from Curious [5], Absent-Minded [-15], Age [3/year], Bad Sight {correctable}[-10], Clueless [-10], Delusion {crazy theory} [-5], Hard of Hearing [-10], Intolerance {uneducated people} [-5], Obsession {proivng a crazy theory} [-5 to -15], Odious Personal Habit {"pedagouge"}[-5], Stubborness [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills [24 points]: Either two of Anthropology, Archeology, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Programming, Cryptology, Ecology, Economics, Geology, History, Law, Literature, Mathematics, Paleontology, Philosophy, Physician, Physics, Psychology, Theology, or Xenology. All are (M/A) IQ+4 [12] - 18.


One of Genetics, Linguistics or Physiology; all (M/VH) IQ+4 [24] -18.

Secondary Skills [6 points]: Research (M/A) IQ [2] - 14, Writing (M/A) IQ [2] - 14, and Computer Operation (M/E) IQ [1] - 14, Electronics Operation (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 13.

Background Skills [15 points]: Language {any} (M/A) IQ [2] - 14, Leadership {M/A) IQ [2] - 14, Savior-Faire (M/E) IQ [1] - 14, Teaching (M/A) IQ [2] - 14 plus 8 points in any Gun or Beam Weapon skill (P/E)

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Security forces provide basic police duties on ship, as well as protective duties to landing parties. Some Security personnel will take additional training as Starfleet Marines. See Section Five of this work suggestions on training for the Starfleet Marines.

82 Points

Attributes [40 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 12 [20], HT 10 [0]

Advantages [40 points]: Rank 3+ [5/level]    required plus 15-25 points in  Alertness [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5], Higher Purpose {uphold the law, protect the ship} [5], Intutition [15], Legal Enforcement Powers [10], and Single-Minded [5].

Disadvantages [-40 points]: Duty {Starfleet, All the Time}[-15] plus -25 from Bully [-10], Cannot Harm Innocents [-10], Curious [-5 to -15], Guilt Complex [-5], Honesty [-10], Intolerance {law-breakers}[-5], Odious Personal Habit {"authoritarian"} [-5], Overconfidence [-10], Stubborness [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills [22 points]: Area Knowledge {post} (M/E) IQ+2 [4] - 14, Law Enforcement (M/A) IQ+2 [6] - 14, Beam Weapons {any} (P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*, Guns {any}(P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*, Brawling (P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*, Fast Draw {any} (P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*, Judo (P/H) DX+2 [8] - 14.

Secondary Skills [15 points]: Computer Operation (M/E) IQ [1] - 12, Criminology (M/A) IQ [2] - 12, First Aid (M/E) IQ [1] - 12, Holdout (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 11, Research (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 11, Shadowing (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 11, and Stealth (P/A) DX [2] - 12

plus any three of the following Interrogation, Intimidation, Leadership, or Streetwise; all (M/A) IQ [2] - 12 and Detect Lies, Diplomacy or Psychology; all (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 11.

Background Skills [5 points]: Administrion (M/A) IQ-1 [1] - 11; plus up to 4 points in Armoury {any}, Electronics Operation {any}; both    (M/A) and/or Animal Handling, Explosive Ordinance Disposal, Forensics, Law and Tactics; all (M/H).

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Non-Commissioned personnel (NCP) join Starfleet for a career, but do not aspire to achieve commissioned rank. They fill the jobs of the day-to-day operations of the ship. They usually join Starfleet at age 18 and go through a shorter education than Academy Cadets. 

90 Points

Attributes [50 points]: ST 10 [0], DX 12 [20], IQ 12 [20], HT 11 [10]

Advantages [40 points]: G- Experience [10] plus a total of 30 points in 3D Spatial Sense [10], Acceleration Tolerance [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Fit [5], Improved G-Tolerance, Military Rank 0-2 [5/level], Reputation {decorated}[varies].

Disadvantages [-35 points]: Duty to Starfleet {full time}[-15] plus -20 from Chummy or Gregarious [-5 or -10], Code of Honor {soldier's} [-5], Fanaticism {patriotism} [-15], Intolerance {"the enemy"} [-5], Overconfidence or Gloryhound [-10 or -15], and Sense of Duty {comrades in arms} [-5].

Primary Skills [24 points]: Free Fall (P/A) DX+1 [4] - 13, Savior-Faire {military} (M/E) IQ+1 [2] -13, Vacc Suit (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 13, and one of the following seven options;

  1. Area Knowledge {sector} (M/E0 IQ+1 [2] -13, Astrogation (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 13, Pilot {spacecraft} (P/A) DX+2 [8] - 14.
  2. Armoury {any} (M/A) IQ+2 [6] - 14, Gunner {any ship mounted} (P/A) DX+4 [8] - 16*.
  3. Cartography (M/A) IQ+1 [4] -13, Electronics Operation {sensors} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 13, SIGINT Collection/Jamming (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 13.
  4. Electronics Operation {Commo} (M/A) IQ+2 [6] - 14, Traffic Analysis (M/H) IQ+2 [8] - 14
  5. Engineer {vehicles} (M/H) IQ [4] - 12, Shipbuilding {starships} (M/A}IQ [2] - 12, and any two of Mechanic {warp drive}, Mechanic {impulse drive} or Mechanic {power reactor} each (M/A) IQ+1 [4] - 13.
  6. Leadership (M/A) IQ+2 [6] - 14, Tactics {space} (M/H) IQ+2 [8] - 14.
  7. Diagnosis (M/H) IQ+1 [6] - 13, Electronics Operation {medical} (M/A) IQ+1 [4] -13, First Aid (M/E) IQ+1 [2] - 13, Pharmacy (M/H) IQ-1 [2] - 11.

Secondary Skills [5 points]:  Computer Operation (M/E) IQ [1] -12, Shortsword (P/A) DX [2] -12, Beam Weapon {any} (P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*, Guns {any} (P/E) DX+2 [1] - 14*.

Background Skills: A total of 6 points in Scrounging (M/E), Administration (M/A), Heraldry {military} (M/A), Brawling (P/E), or Carousing (P/A; HT).

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Starfleet Ranks follow in the Naval tradition. Following are the levels that correspond to those ranks. These are recommendations only. I have seen a variant of these levels that begins with Ensign as level 1. GM’s have the final decision on what rank equals which level.

Non-Commissioned Personnel

Rank 0 : Spacehand Recruit, Spacehand Apprentice, Able Spacehand

Rank 1 : Petty Officer 3rd Class, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Petty Officer 1st Class

Rank 2 : Chief Petty Officer, Senior Chief Petty Officer, Master Chief Petty Officer

Rank 3 : Warrant Officer 2nd Class, Warrant Officer 1st Class, Chief Warrant Officer, Midshipmen

Commissioned Officers

Rank 3 : Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade

Rank 4 : Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander

Rank 5 : Commander, Captain

Rank 6 : Fleet Captain, Commodore

Flag Officers

Rank 7 : Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral

Rank 8 : Admiral, Flag Admiral

Rank 9 : Admiral of the Fleet

Rank is bought as per the Rank advantage in GURPS: Basic.

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Uniforms in Starfleet have gone through several variations.

During the 2245-2270 era, uniforms consisted of black pants, boots, and long-sleeved tunics of various colors: gold for command, blue for sciences, red for engineering and security, and green for marines. Kirk wore a green wrap-around uniform tunic during the second year of his first five-year mission, but generally, green was reserved for Starfleet Marines.

There also were emblems on the tunic at about the level of a pocket, which were different for each ship, and for each department within that ship. Command insignia for the Enterprise was an arrowhead-like design with several different symbols within. Command was a star-like symbol, sciences was two interlocked circles, engineering was a stylized spiral, and medical was a red cross. Ranks were indicated by the number of stripes on the sleeve cuff.

In 2279, Starfleet adopted the arrowhead/star Fleet wide, partially in recognition of the contributions that the Enterprise had made to the Federation.

In 2280 the uniforms were changed into a slightly more casual, pale-colored, two-piece jumpsuit design, with an integral medical monitor at the level of a belt buckle on the tunic and integral boots on the pants. These uniforms were very unpopular both with the servicemembers and the public and they were withdrawn from service in 2282.

In 2282, Stafleet intoduced the familiar maroon tunic that Starfleet uses today. This "monster maroon" (as most called it), used different colored shirts beneath a maroon jacket for departmental designations. Marines wear a similar uniform except the tunic is blue and the pants white.

It remained the uniform of choice until the beginning of 2360, when it began to be phased out in favor of a design similar to the old 2160 era uniforms.

By the 2360, departmental designations colors had changed. Red now indicates command, blue is still science, and yellow/gold is now engineering and security. There probably is still a green uniform for the Starfleet Marines, but none has ever been seen on the shows. TNG uniforms were almost skin-tight one-piece black suits worn over boots, with the departmental color displayed in an asymmetrical pattern in the chest/torso area and on the upper sleeves. These were changed to a two-piece design in 2366.

(See illustration plates for more details)

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Militaries throughout history have rewarded their soldiers with honors, and Starfleet is no exception. Awards, Medals, and Decorations serve to encourage excellence, and help to provide Starfleet personnel with a sense of their own worth and Starfleet’s appreciation of them. This point should not be underestimated, since many individuals have to sacrifice a great deal in order to establish a career in Starfleet, and often are unable to have or maintain families, homes, or other "traditional" symbols of self-worth.

Starfleet awards are of several types. They can be divided into four types: medals for military missions, medals for peace missions, general ribbons, and medals for notable achievement. Additionally, there are several non-Starfleet decorations issued by individual Federation and non-Federation member worlds. If a character earned these while in Starfleet service, they are entitled to bear it alongside their Starfleet decorations, although it will not mean as much to Starfleet personnel. These decorations are worn on formal dress uniforms. If a medal is awarded more than once, it is decorated with a design of metal leaves, called a cluster.

The most impressive awards are those granted for military missions.

They are of four grades:

The Starfleet Medal of Commendation (StarCom) is issued for valuable service in action. It is the highest military award that can be issued for meritorious service in a situation where there was no risk of life. It is somewhat common, and, as such, is not as impressive as the higher medals.

The Bronze Star is more valuable. It is awarded in recognition of a single act of heroism performed in a situation where there is a significant risk to life. This is the highest medal that can be awarded in a non-combat incident, such as rescuing someone from an impending Warp core breach.

Note that StarComs and Bronze Stars awarded for valor in a combat situation have a small "V" appended to them - this makes that award much more impressive.

The Silver Star is the next highest medal. It is awarded in recognition for an act of heroism performed at risk to life above and beyond the call of duty. It is only awarded in combat.

Finally, the Medal of Honor (or Gold Star) is awarded for multiple, consecutive acts of heroism performed at risk to life in a situation far above and beyond the call of duty. This is a very rare honor, and is often given posthumously.

There are also individual ribbons awarded for participating in certain memorable military campaigns. The value of these ribbons depends on the fame and/or notoriety of the event. For instance, the ribbon for the battle of Wolf 359 is one of the most recognized decorations in Starfleet.

Since Starfleet is not totally a military body, it also gives an award for peaceful missions. This is the Palm Leaf of Axanar medal, and it is awarded for notable success on a peace mission. Multiple receipt of this award proceeds in a series of stages: the Palm Leaf itself, the Palm Leaf with Oak Cluster, the Palm Leaf with Silver Cluster, and finally, the Palm Leaf with Gold Cluster. Although just as important as the medals for action missions, it is not as highly regarded among Starfleet’s rank-and-file.

Starfleet also awards a general series of ribbons for crew on missions and campaigns. They tend not to figure in reactions of fellow Starfleet crewmembers, but can add background detail to a character or provide a GM with a way to say "Well Done" to a group of players who have performed particularly well.

These ribbons are of four grades:

The General Services Ribbon is awarded to anyone who served in the field during a particular mission or campaign.

The Outstanding Services Ribbon is awarded if the particular mission or campaign was completed successfully.

The Praentares Ribbon of Commendation, Second Class, is awarded if the particular mission or campaign was completed in an outstanding fashion, to the highest level that was expected.

Finally, The Praentares Ribbon of Commendation, First Class, is awarded if the particular campaign or mission was completed above and beyond all expectations of success.

There are a great number of individual medals and awards. GM’s should be encouraged to be creative here. Some of these medals would be given for meritorious demonstrations of particular ability with a skill in a difficult situation. These are the kinds of displays of skill that wind up being taught at Starfleet Academy. The GM should figure that they involve a critical success -and- some clever thinking on the part of a player in a difficult situation. For example, young Captain Picard is facing a hostile Ferengi ship in the damaged USS Stargazer. He then rolls a critical success on his Tactics: Space roll. Realizing that the Ferengi ship is only using lightspeed sensors, he orders an immediate jump to Warp One. The Ferengi Captain thus tracks on the Stargazer’s old position rather than on it’s new one. By the time that the light from the new image reaches him and he sees two Stargazers bearing down on him, he is blown to photons. This became the classic "Picard Maneuver": it becomes a standard maneuver taught at the Academy, and Captain Picard is awarded the Grankite Order of Tactics for it.

Another class of awards are those awarded by Federation or non-Federation governments, as noted above. Finally, since Starfleet personnel are encouraged to engage in scientific research as part of their duties, there are numerous scientific awards that can be granted, culminating in the Nobel Peace Prize. Again, the watchword here is GM creativity - there should be as many or as few of these awards as they desire.

Awards can serve as a Reputation modifier among other Starfleet personnel, and civilians in the know. If the GM wishes, and the players are willing to pay the character point casts, the above awards can produce the following benefits:

Bronze Star with "V"; multiple StarComs with "V", Palm Leaf of Axanar (+1 reaction); 5 points.

Silver Star; multiple Bronze Stars with "V" (+2 reaction); 10 points.

Grankite Order of Tactics (or similar); multiple Silver Stars (+3 reaction); 15 points.

Medal of Honor; Nobel Peace Price (+4 reaction); 20 points.

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