


In the third part of using Star Trek vessels in Battlefleet Gothic, we're having a look at some of the frequently encountered aliens from Star Trek: The Next Generation onwards. These aren't full fleet lists, though you could of course take more than one of a given type. I'm sure you guys out there will find great use or scenarios for these vessels, and when you play Star Trek using the Gothic rules, you probably aren't using 3000 points a side or so anyways.

Note that, unless noted otherwise, phasers and torpedoes use the rules from the first part. For the purpose of Leadership, see also the first part, except for the Borg, who will ALWAYS have Leadership of 10. Other vessels can buy the equivalent of the fleet admiral and rerolls for the same cost as the Federation (though still only one per fleet). As with the Federation, a fleet can consist of anything you like (you won't need 3 cruisers for a Battleship for example), and cannot be placed in squadrons, but unlike the Federation, all vessels follow the normal move and turn sequence.

The Klingon Empire

The Klingons are a warrior like race, where honor is one of their primary motivations. Currently they are at an uneasy peace with the Federation, though occasional clashes aren't unheard of. They especcially seek death in a glorious battle, seeing dying of old age as a dishonorable death that won't get them in Sto Vo Kor.

Klingon Special Rule:
Klingons don't need to pass a Ld test to go on All Ahead Full special orders.

Klingon Technology:
Disruptors - Disruptors are a powerful energy weapon that can overload shields by it's sheer impact and cause substantial damage to the enemy vessels. Disruptors fire in the same way as a lance, but need to beat the armor to hit. If a natural 6 is rolled, a Disruptor shot ignores any shields the target may have, including Holofields and the likes.
Cloaking Device - When a vessel is activating its cloak, which it can do at the start of it's turn, it counts as ordnance for the purposes of shooting at them. The downside however is that the vessels shields are down when its cloaked, and that it can't shoot. A vessel that is cloaked can disengage from a battle automatically, it doesn't need to take a command check, neither does it need to actually move off the table.

B'Rel class Bird of Prey

Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Escort Escort/1 30 cm 90o 1 4+ 1 65


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Disruptor 30 cm 1 Front

Special Rules:
Cloaking Device

K'Tinga class Cruiser


Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Cruiser Cruiser/6 20 cm 45o 3 5+
Rear: 4+
1 220


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Disruptor 30 cm 2 Front
Phasers 30 cm 8 All Round

Special Rules:
Cloaking Device

Vor'Cha class Battleship


Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Battleship Battleship/12 20 cm 45o 4 5+ 3 460


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Disruptor 45 cm 4 Front
Prow Phasers 45 cm 8 Front
Dorsal Phasers 45 cm 8 Front/Left/Right

Special Rules:
Cloaking Device


The Romulan Star Empire

The Romulans are a broken off part of the Vulcan race, still faithful to the ancient Vulcan ways of martial prowess. Arrogant and haughty, they are a force to be reckoned with, and they are known to infiltrate enemy positions before ever striking out, plotting and scheming their plans long before they actually are set in motion.

Romulan Technology:
Cloaking Device - See the rules for the Klingon Cloaking Device.
Plasma Torpedoes - Plasma Torpedoes are highly destructive weapons. For every hit they do they actually cause two points of damage, and will always hit on a 4+, unless the opponent has a lower armour. Roll for criticals as normal.

D'Deridex Warbird

Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Battleship Battleship/14 30 cm 45o 4 5+ 4 470


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Prow Lances 45 cm 4 Front
Port Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Left
Starboard Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Right
Plasma Torpedoes 30 cm 5 Front

Special Rules:
Cloaking Device


The Ferengi

For a Ferengi, there is only one thing in life: making profit. Their whole culture is based around the gaining of wealth, and they aren't very militaristic in nature, though they have been known to attack other vessels, both for gaining their technology and for selling them off to gain ever more latinum. It is a rare occasion when you encounter a Ferengi that actually doesn't have the details of the confidential mission you were set out to perform.

Ferengi Technology:
Mind Device - The Mind Device radiates a field that influences the minds of all those present except other Feregi. This is represented by each vessel in the fields range, ROLLING a Special Order dice, and applying that result in their next turn. A vessel already on special orders (like Brace for Impact) will lose it's order (unless it rolls it again). The rolled Special Order stands till the start of the next Ferengi Turn (by which time the affected vessel will have hopefully moved away from the Ferengi, to avoid this happening again).


Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Light Cruiser Cruiser/4 30 cm 90o 3 Front: 6
3 140


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Prow Phasers 45 cm 6 Front/Left/Right
Torpedoes 30 cm 4 Front

Special Rules:
Mind Device


The Cardassians

The Cardassians are a martial race, arrogant and proud. They have been in a starting peace treaty with the Federation before the Dominion war, and were the former owners of Deep Space Nine and occupiers of Bajor. They were constantly attacked by terrorists of the Maquis, a group of rebels that won't allow their colonies annexed by the Cardassians, and later the Cardassians pledged allegiance to the Dominion as a way to further satisfy their expansionist nature.

Cardassian Technology:
Disruptors - See the Klingon entry above.

Galor class Cruiser

Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Heavy Cruiser Cruiser/10 20 cm 45o 3 5+ 1 270


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Prow Disruptors 30 cm 2 Front
Port Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Left
Starboard Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Right
Dorsal Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Left/Right


The Dominion

The Dominion is a strong race from the Gamma quadrant, led by the Holy Ones, or Shape-shifters (such as Odo) and commanding a fearsome warrior race known as the Jem'Hadar. The Jem'Hadar are probably one of the most impressive warrior races known, being stronger than a Klingon, and utterly loyal to the Shapeshifters, willing to give up their lives to save one of them.

Dominion Special Rule:
Dominion vessels can come to new heading without taking a Command check.

Dominion Technology:
Energy Cannons - These weapons count as Eldar Pulsars.

Jem'Hadar Frigate

Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Frigate Escort/2 30 cm 90o 3 5+ 2 70


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Energy Cannon 30 cm 1 Front
Dorsal Phasers 30 cm 6 Front/Left/Right

Jem'Hadar Battleship


Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Battleship Battleship/16 30 cm 90o 4 6 4 650


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Energy Cannon 60 cm 5 Front
Port Phasers 45 cm 8 Front/Left
Starboard Phasers 45 cm 8 Front/Right
Dorsal Phasers 60 cm 12 Front/Left/Right
Aft Phasers 30 cm 6 Rear


The Borg

The Borg are the most feared race in the galaxy. They cannot be bargained with, and they are only out for one thing, total dominance of the universe. To accomplish this they assimilate other races and their technologies, gaining knowledge of many of the galaxies secrets in this way. Originally hailing from the Delta quadrant, they have started their invasion of the Alpha quadrant recently.

Borg Special Rules:
A Borg vessel can not use any kind of Special Order, and as such are immune to the Mind Devices of the Ferengi and the likes. They are highly mobile however, and can turn and fly in any direction they want (like Eldar), without moving first. A Borg vessel will however always travel in a straight line in the chosen direction, and is not allowed to turn during its move.
A Borg vessel hasn’t got front/rear/side to speak of, so all their weapons are all round.

Borg Technology:
Adaptive Shielding - The Borg can adapt their shields to be particullary effective against a certain type of attack. The Borg player declares which vessel adapts to which weapon at the start of his turn, and this effect will stay until the start of his next turn. Whenever the vessel is attacked by that form of attack, it counts as having a 2+ save (for exmple, if the player chooses lances, the vessel will save against lance shots on a 2+).
Tractor Beam - A Tractor Beam always hits on a 3+, and causes no damage what so ever. It does allow however the Borg to make teleport attacks against the vessel caught even when that vessel still has shields left.
Cutting Beam - The Borgs main form of attack is by cutting out sections of enemy vessels, to weaken them before they board. A Borg vessel has a total strength of the cutting beam equal to the vessels remaining damage, which he can use to fire at one vessel, or disperse amongst several (for example, a Cutting Beam with Str 20 can be focused as one Str 20 on one vessel, or be dispersed as up to 20 Str1 Beams in any direcion). The Cutting Beam attacks as normal weapon batteries.

Borg Cube

Name Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets Points
Living Nightmare Battleship/30 30 cm Special 1 Adaptive Shield
4 Normal Shields
6 5 1500


Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Cutting Beam 45 cm Special All Round


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