See these links for more information about what types of tests should be ran for post tubal women and for a full explanation about the MEDICAL PROTOCAL FOR POST TUBAL AND PRE-TUBAL WOMEN .
Q. I went to the doctor because I've been having labor type cramping and really heavy periods. I never had these types of periods before my tubal ligation. He wants me to take the "pill" to "regulate" my periods. I got the tubal because I didn't want to be on the pill. What's going on?
A. The Doctor is "guessing" that you may be experinceing PTS in the form of an estrogene/pergestrone defiency. This may be mild, or you may be going into ovarian failure. The pill is hormones. He might be making a "good guess" that you need some sort of hormone replacement or he might be wrong. The doctor should order for you a complete blood workup before you begin any type of HRT, that would include testing your FSH and LH levels.
Q. What is a hormone blood work up?
A. Womens hormone balances are very delicate. If it's off just by a little bit your systom will experience a type of "hormone shock". A drastic change in a womens menstral pattern is a good indicator that something may be off. Having a blood work up is a non-inivasive way of checking the balance. From here you know where to "look".
Q. Are these types of hormone blood tests important?
A. Yes. Having a complete outline of all your levels can tell a lot about a any womans state of health. It can show if you have an estrogen or pergestrone defiency as well as checking for possible auto immune desieases such as Lupus and Graves, etc...
Q. I had a noticable change in my period. My doctor wants me to have my levels checked. What tests might be ordered?
A. Pregnancy tests, prolactin, LH/FSH, FT4 (oligoamenorrhoea), (oestradiol); (T/SHBG if appropriate). Please see the following page: http://www.chlabs.co.nz/problem.htm This is a good example of some basic labs that can be ordered and why they are ordered.
Q. Can being on the pill alter the test results.
A. Yes. Before you being altering your hormone levels you should know were your starting. If a doctor suggests putting you on the pill because you are having symtoms that something "hormonal" may be happening you should request that you have a "complete" blood work up if the doctor doesn't suggest it on his own. Have this done ASAP. Only after you know what your current levels are at do you want to start using hormone replacement theropy which in this context the "pill" or any other "hormone" that is being perscribed.
Q. My doctor ordered me a TH test twice, and it came back normal both times. Does that mean everything is O.K.
A. No. A TH test only checks for your thyriod. If this isn't your problem then other tests should be ordered. If your symtoms are a change in your periods which might be estronge or pergestrone related a FSH and LH is what should be ordered. This is not to say that the TH test shouldn't be ordered as well.
Q. I had a tubal about 2 years ago. My periods right away got worse, and not are very bad. I have them for two weeks at a time and I experience heavy bleeding and pass clots. My Doctor want to do a D&C to "correct" this. Should I have my levels checked?
A. Yes. A D&C is an invasive thing. Before anything more invasive is done you should first have some basic tests done.
1. Ultrasound.
2. Blood work
3. Pap smear
4. x-ray, catscan, etc...
This is not to say that all the above should be done. It's just an example to type of "non-invasive" tests that can be done to rule in or out what might be happening to cause your symtoms. In the end it may be a D&C that is necessary to help you, but what if it is not and you go ahead with it unneedlessly?
Q. I feel what is happening to me might be directly related to my tubal. My Doctor has never mentioned "Post Tubal Syndrome" to me. What is PTS?
A. It is pretty mush agreed by the medical community what causes PTS is a disruption of blood flow to the ovaries and reporductive system. Even a very small disprution can cause a shock to your system. The glands and organs are with out as much blood as is required by them to function properly. This starts a chain reaction (a shock) to your system.
Q. I just had a tubal! Will I develope PTS?
A. Not everyone who gets a tubal suffers post tubal syndrome. Hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones. You may want to have your levels tested now so you have has a base to go by if you do develope problems in the furture. Keep a record of you pattern to see if it changes. Try not to worry about it. Odds are you won't develope it. You will know if it happening.
Q. I been having problems eversince my tubal. I'm being told by my doctor that the only solution is to have a hystomectory. Do I have other options?
A. Yes. If you are suffering fibords or endo, there are operations, such as Dr. Hufnagels FRS (Female Reconstructive Surgery) which can correct the problem but leave you intact with all your organs. For more information about this see Dr. Hufnagels page at http://www.drhufnagel.com/