You Can't Be a Beacon if Your Light Don't Shine

Here we are admiring one of my favorite collections ~ and my "Dream Life" ~ The story begins in about if you'd like to skip ahead and just go to the Lighthouse Links, you won't hurt my feelings...not everyone is into MY "memories"..just peek in on Sweet Laney for me on your way out, thank you...

Click here for Lighthouse Cards!!

On with the story..."Why I collect Lighthouses"...well, I can remember being around 10 years old on Locust Street, and EVERY Sunday afternoon from 4pm to 5:30pm, my Dad and I would have to watch Shirley Temple movies. (I can't say that I truly have a "favorite" one, but there are some I like above the others)..anyway, "Captain January" stole my heart, and I longed to sing and dance to the CodFish Ball with Shirley and Buddy Ebson..but I especially wanted to live in "Cap's" Lighthouse, Keep the Light, save the ships, and tap-dance on the spiral staircase! I guess that was where the yearning began.

Next, came Pete's Dragon and Helen Reddy as the "Keeper". Not only did I want to live in her Lighthouse, but I want her vocals... "I'll be your Candle on the Water..." and I wanted to save ships from peril (I'm pretty sure that I'll sound like her in Heaven ~ not so sure I'll ever get to be a lifesaver though) While I'm on the subject, I have to insert a picture that captured my heartstrings when Josh was on deployment in 1997-98... Aura's Angels ~ Ray of Hope" That's a wistful...hopeful portrayal of how I felt while he was on that ship...See? She is up above the mountains, looking out for him over the sea..a source of comfort, just like Elliot (Pete's Dragon), if you know what mean...SO, back to my story...

I've always been in awe of the high school, it was more of a longing to live closer to the beaches so I could go to beach parties! I'd get home from school and watch Beach Party on tv every afternoon at 4pm, and thought I'd DIE if I never got to go to a real beach party!! Really! I think I actually drooled when no one was around. Did I ever get to one? No, not really.

My awe of the ocean turned from parties to a deep awe and reverence for God. The power of the sea is so inspirational; I feel small and powerless in comparison and I want to sit still (in a white, tall-backed beach chair, with an umbrella, of course) and listen to the pounding waves while I read, or watch my Grandchildren build sand castles and chase waves and collect shells....or simply talk to God at the edge of one of his best creations.

It was years and years later, that the Disney Channel came out with the Avonlea weekly series. Again, my dream-life.....Gus lived in a lighthouse! It was around this time, that I saw my first "Harbor Lights" figurines...and so my collection began!

I'm drawn to the serenity of the sea; you won't find me "laying out" on the beach or fishing (although if you EVER are looking for Chris, that's the first place to look); I prefer to just walk it early in the morning, or at dusk, watching God's awesome display of His power in the pounding surf, catching the mist on my face and hair, watching the seals and otters, and of course, falling asleep at night to the sounds of gentle peace.... someday, I'll live on the...well, I'm changing my dreams of the "coast" to just "waterfront property". Ocean, River, Inlet...Lake....swamp...nah, not a long as my house has lawn which leads to sand (so my granbabies can come and build their dream-castles) which leads to water...I'll be happy! I'm so easy to please...

~ Click on the seashell to go home ~