Donia's Story
The ride to the cabin alone was a blast. My favorite road to take is the bumpy road, until they flattened it out. I would usually get a little car sick. (Mom's note: a LITTLE? Any amount of throwing up is not a little carsick!) I loved stopping at the Big Apple when it was open. We would get some fresh apple cider and apple crisp! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
I remember always wanting to go up there, and almost every winter we would go for a few days and play in the snow. Grandpa and Grandma bought a bunch of sleds and we would go pick any driveway to sled down, or our Dads would sometimes help us dig a snow run. I loved the taste and smell of snow. I would never want to leave.
Grams would be up next and would be getting
coffee started and walking around in her moo-moo. The kids would wake up one by one, and go up stairs and have some hot cocoa and color and kick the cupboards. (Mom's note: They'd just swing their feet while sitting on the bar stools, so the cupboards below got kicked...something we forever were saying not to do!) We would wait for everyone else to "rise and shine" and then the day would start!
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year I think. I love it when we all go to the cabin for Thanksgiving. Grandpa would take so much pride in his turkey and stuffing.
Chase had me scared to death about sleeping down stairs. I tried to sleep down there once and he told me the boogie man and his wife were there and were gonna get me as soon as I fell asleep.
Then he would tell me racoons could get in and hurt me, so I literally didn't sleep downstairs for years! He also made me believe that BigFoot was there and would come out at night and that scared me enough to go inside when it started getting dark.
Thanks Chase! =-)
Nights were always fun too. We would all play games like Trivial Pursuit and Spades and Hearts. Every once in a while we would be able to get the "grown ups" to play go fish. There was the airhockey table and we had bumper pool for a while.
I have so many memories of the cabin. I remember the talks I had with Aunt Holly and Aunt Jenny.
The cabin is part of our family and I hope it always will be. Some of the best times of my life were at the cabin. I hope that when I have kids, it will be as special to them as it is for me.