Story Info

This story,
Is actually my first try at writing on my own.
I am very proud of it & so far my friends like what I am writing.
This story will stay rated PG.
I don't like going to read a story & seeing warnings,
And I hate bad language, So this story can be read by ANY age.
I don't really know what else to put here,
But if anyone has any questions, Please e-mail me,
I will do my best to answer them all.

Chapter 1

**Victoria Rose Collins was 16 the year her whole world was turned around.**

I was upstairs in my room, online when I heard
Mom yell from downstairs.
"Tori come down here for a minute please"
I yelled back, Ok Mom just a sec!
I then shut down the computer & ran downstairs to find both of my
parents on the couch in the living room,
What's Up? I asked.
Tori we have some bad news, my Mom answered.
Then my Dad said, Honey, We are moving.
All I could do was sit on the arm of the couch,
I was speechless.
My Dad continued,
I have been transferred to Tulsa Oklahoma.
We are leaving next month.
I couldn't believe it,
I had lived in Colorado all my life,
My friends & family were here,
How could I leave?
I then looked from my Mom to my Why?
Dad answered, Honey, We have to, If you want to keep everything
we have, then we have to move, Otherwise I am going to lose my job.
I then started to cry & said, But everyone I know & love are here.
I then realized that no matter what I did or said they would have to
move so I was just going to have to deal with it.
Have you told Luke & Bre yet?
(**Authors Note** Luke is my 12yr old brother his full name is Lukas
Walker Collins & his birthday is October 22, & Bre is my 14yr old
sister her full name is Breanna Leigh Collins & her birthday is May 7,
Bre is also my best friend)
My Mom answered, Yes we told them,
Luke went to play basketball with Kevin,
Bre went to Karens house.
Oh ok.
Now I was in this by myself, since Luke & Bre weren't
bothered by it, I shouldn't be either right? Wrong,
I would try not to show it but I definitely wasn't happy.


Chapter 2

The next thing I knew a month had passed & we
had the car & U-haul packed & we were on our way to Tulsa.
It had been hard to say goodbye to everyone,
But I had done it & now I was a little excited,
I mean who wouldn't be, We were moving to a completely
new state & that meant new people & I had
always LOVED meeting new people.
About an hour later
I was woken by Bre yelling "There it is!! There's the state line"!!
Now I was really excited,
we would be in Tulsa in about 3hrs.
Bre looked at me & said, Don't worry Tori!
It will be fun, Just think
of all the kids we will get to meet!
Mom said we are moving on to a street
full of homeschoolers so now we can have kids to hang out with.
I just grinned at that, That would be great!
We had always lived around kids that went to public school & Mom & Dad
had decided when we were born that they wanted to control
what we learned, So we had been homeschooled
since we had been old enough to learn how to read,This was fine by me,
I would rather stay in bed then get up at 7:30 every morning, I hated to get up early!! :-)
Luke was riding with Dad in the U-Haul,
Bre & I were in the van with Mom.
Bre said, Tor I am bored, Wanna play a card game?
I said Sure,
So for an hour we played spit & goldfish
until we were both sick & tired of it.
Then Bre fell asleep & I climbed
up onto the front seat & fiddled
with the radio, As I was turning the channels a
cool tune popped out at me.
Me so I left it there & turned up the volume,
I could hear,
"MmmBop Ba Du Bop ba Du Bop Ba Du Be Dop ba Du Bop Ba Du".
It was a really catchy song & soon
both Mom & I were singing it.
After it was over the announcer came on & said "
You asked for it & there it was MmmBop,
the new song by Tulsa locals, Hanson! "

I thought hmm that's cool,
They are really good & they are from Tulsa,
I wonder if they have a cd out.
Wow I wonder if I'll get to meet them!!
That would be awesome!!
The next thing I knew Bre was awake & Mom had
me get the road map out
so that we could find our new house.
About an hour later we finally found it,
it was two story & to me it
looked like a gingerbread house,
I thought it was adorable.
Luke was all excited 'cause he saw toys
in the neighbors yard & a tree
house & to him that meant playmates!
It was 9:00 before we had gotten our
overnight & sleeping bags in the
house, we were going to unload the truck & unpack
the next day but for now we were just exhausted.

Chapter 3

The next day we got up early,
started unpacking & getting the house setup.
I was up to my elbows in soap suds washing
dishes when there was a knock on the door.
I yelled for someone to answer it,
but of course everyone was out back unloading
furniture, So I yelled, "Just a
minute" and dried my hands on
my jeans on the way to the door.
When I opened it a lady was standing there
with a ton of kids & the longest hair
I had ever seen on a person!
I said," Hello can I help you?"
The lady said, Yes, my name is Diana Hanson,
we are your neighbors &
We are here to help you unpack!
All I could do was smile because
of the way she had said that!!
She then said, Now what is your name?
I said, I'm Tori, If you can wait here
just one minute I will go get my Mom.
I then very softly closed the door & made a mad
dash for the backyard & my parents.
I quickly explained the situation to
my Mom & she ran to the front door to greet
Mrs. Hanson & the tribe!

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