I was upstairs in my room, online when I heard
Mom yell from downstairs.
"Tori come down here for a minute please"
I yelled back, Ok Mom just a sec!
I then shut down the computer & ran downstairs to find both of my
parents on the couch in the living room,
What's Up? I asked.
Tori we have some bad news, my Mom answered.
Then my Dad said, Honey, We are moving.
All I could do was sit on the arm of the couch,
I was speechless.
My Dad continued,
I have been transferred to Tulsa Oklahoma.
We are leaving next month.
I couldn't believe it,
I had lived in Colorado all my life,
My friends & family were here,
How could I leave?
I then looked from my Mom to my
Dad answered, Honey, We have to, If you want to keep everything
we have, then we have to move, Otherwise I am going to lose my job.
I then started to cry & said, But everyone I know & love are here.
I then realized that no matter what I did or said they would have to
move so I was just going to have to deal with it.
Have you told Luke & Bre yet?
(**Authors Note** Luke is my 12yr old brother his full name is Lukas
Walker Collins & his birthday is October 22, & Bre is my 14yr old
sister her full name is Breanna Leigh Collins & her birthday is May 7,
Bre is also my best friend)
My Mom answered, Yes we told them,
Luke went to play basketball with Kevin,
Bre went to Karens house.
Oh ok.
Now I was in this by myself, since Luke & Bre weren't
bothered by it, I shouldn't be either right? Wrong,
I would try not to show it but I definitely wasn't happy.