Chapter 4

I went back to doing my dishes when I heard
someone come up behind me,
I quickly turned around to see a guy, about my age with shoulder
length brown hair, he was kinda cute,
One of the tribe I thought.
I said, Yes can I help you?
He said, No but I think I can help you.
I instantly liked him.
He said, I am Isaac, if I heard correctly
earlier your name is Tori?
I smiled & said, yes it is,
He said, Ok cool, Now ya want a hand with those dishes?
Since I had a stack about a mile high, I was quick to agree.
Isaac said, You must have thought the mob
was here when you opened the door & seen us outside,
at least that's what your face looked like.
I laughed & said,
I had never seen so many little blondes in my life!
He laughed at that one & said,
Well those little blondes are my brothers
& sisters ages 15, 12, 8, 6.
The 4yr old & the baby are home with the nanny.
I just looked at him in shock,
Wow that's alot of brother's & sister's!
He agreed & said, Now for those dishes,
I'll wash & you can put
away since I don't know where you want them.
After about an hour of working together the
kitchen was done & I had
found out that Isaac was 17,
he was homeschooled & in the same grade
as me. Also the group Hanson I had
heard on the trip was actually him & his brothers.
We then moved outside to help with
the last of the unloading.
There I met Isaac's younger brothers & members
of the band, Taylor 15 & Zac 12 who was already
begging my Mom to let Luke spend the night at his house.
Bre on the other hand kept giving Taylor
these looks & I knew she was hooked.
Isaac's sisters Jessica 8 & Avery 6 were just
as cute as they could be & when I had met everyone,
it really didn't seem like there was as
many as I had previously thought.
About an hour later Mrs. Hanson said they
had to get home & make dinner & that we were invited.
So she left with Jessie & Avie.
Isaac, Tay & Zac stayed to help us finish.

Chapter 5

Isaac helped me move all my stuff into my new room &
then were put together my bed & dresser.
He then sat & talked to me while I unpacked &
put up pictures & posters.
Then Tay & Bre came in saying, that everyone was already over at
the Hanson home & we better leave now or miss dinner.
We made it in plenty of time for dinner & afterwards the boys
gave Bre & I kind of our own personal concert in their,
as they tell us so famous basement.
It was great! They sang MmmBop which up until now was the only
song of theirs I had heard,
But when they sang I Will Come To You
I knew that was my favorite.
After that our parents called us & said it
was time to go home since
it was getting late. We still had unpacking to do.
As we were leaving though Isaac asked me if we were busy tomorrow,
Of course we weren't so he asked if we would like to go rollerblading,
Me being not very good on rollerblades
hesitated but Bre had been listening in & said we
would love to go so what could I do?
I was stuck, So I said ok & it was set, We would meet
out front at 11:00 tomorrow.
The next morning I was kinda nervous,
I was starting to like Isaac &
I didn't want him to see me make a fool of myself,
I wanted to strangle Bre!
I was outside getting my skates on at 10:30,
I wanted a chance to warm up before Isaac came outside,
I was just getting my turn down when I felt someone
tap me one the shoulder,
then I lost my balance & fell right on top of
that person, When I looked down I could see Isaac laughing,
Then he asked, are you alright? You must not have been expecting me.
I said, Sorry about this, No I wasn't expecting anyone.
Then I picked myself up & tried my hardest not
to trip over my own feet. Then it happened just what I dreaded!!
As I tried to skate up to the steps, I fell flat on my face!!
Isaac skated over & helped me up, I was so embarrassed!
He said, Don't worry about it, I'll help you.
Pretty soon you will be better than me!!
I said, That would be cool, thanks!
Then we heard Luke & Bre coming
around the house & I could hear
Tay & Zac racing down the driveway,
I said, Well it looks like I will need your
help sooner than I expected.
He said, No Problem, Grab onto my belt loops & I will pull you.
So I did & all that day whenever
I would go to fall, Trip or anything else, he was there to help.
It was the best skating trip I have ever been on.
After about an hour of skating,
I was hot & thirsty & so was everyone
else, so we stopped at a ice cream stand & got
something to drink, Luke
& Zac insisted on having ice cream & after a
few bites decided to throw it at each other, I wanted to kill them,
They had ice cream everywhere,
In their hair, On their faces, hands & all over us.
I finally got them to go to the restroom & clean up,
But it wasn't easy!
We got home at about 3:00 & we were starving!!
Mom & Dad were struggling
with getting their bedroom furniture to fit in their new room,
So Isaac & I offered to help,
while Tay & Bre volunteered to make lunch.

Chapter 6

**2 Weeks Later**

Isaac & I became good friends.
One day I was on the porch reading & I can hear him yelling my name,
I looked up & he is running across my yard,
Isaac what in the world has gotten into you, I ask?
He said, Tori you will never guess my good news!!
Well if I am not going to guess then tell me!!!
He said, Melissa Smith agreed to go out with me,
Can you believe it!! I am so happy!!
I just looked at him & thought,
Ohh you poor guy!! She just agreed to go out with you
because you got your record deal, I knew that for a fact because last
week when I was in the mall I was in one aisle & Melissa & her friend
were in another, She was saying how before she couldn't imagine
going out with Isaac Hanson, But now that he was popular,
she would be more than happy too.

I said, Thats great Isaac, I am very happy for you.
Then he gave me a hug & said, Tori,
You are the best friend a guy could have!!
I just laughed!!
He said, Well I Gotta go get ready for my big date, TTYL.
I said, Ok, Have fun, See ya tomorrow.
Then I went in the house & helped Mom make dinner,
After dinner I was in my room online & Bre knocks on my door,
I yell, Come in!
She walks in, I said, Wow long time no see!! Whats up?
She said, Tori I have the best news!! Taylor asked me out!!
I said, Wow Bre thats great!!
But I was thinking, I am really happy for her,
But when am I going to have happy news like Isaac & Bre's?!?!

They next day Isaac came over, I could tell he was really happy.
So Isaac? How did the date go?
It was great!! We went to see Deep Impact,
I hardly saw any of the movie, I was too busy looking at Mel.
I laughed,
Isaac it sounds to me like you are in love.
He laughed & said, Well I wouldn't go as far as to say love,
But I have a really huge crush!! Ya know this is great Tor,
I have never had a friend I could tell this stuff to,
And I never imagined having a girl for a best friend,
I dunno I guess it seems like every girl
I would start to become friends with my feelings would change
into something deeper & she wouldn't feel the same way & we
would stop being friends.
But I know you & I will be friends forever.
I gave him a hug & said, We Better!!
He laughed & said, Well I was bored so I thought I would come
over & see if you wanted another skating lesson?
Sure let me get my skates, then I ran into the house.
When I got back outside Isaac was in the driveway practicing some
of his fancy moves.
Trying to make me look bad again I see!!
He laugh, Nope I am just warming up!! Ya ready?
Yeah I guess as ready as I'll ever be.
We practiced until we were both to hot to keep going,
Then Mrs. Hanson called Isaac in to have dinner.
We said goodbye & we both went our seperate ways,
Him to have dinner then spend the rest of
his night thinking of Melissa,
"Ugh why did I always get mad when I thought of that name!!"
And me to, well find something to keep me busy which will probably
end up being the internet.
After dinner I was upstairs in my room when Mom called up to me,
"Tori you have a phone call"
Thanks Mom I'll get it in the hall!!
Then I picked up then phone & yelled downstairs, Ok Mom I got it.
Then I heard a click of the extension being hung up & I said,
Is this Tori?
Yes, Who may I ask is this?
This is Ryan, Ryan O'Neill I am one of the Hanson's friends,
We met skating the other day.
Oh ok yes I remember you, How did you get my number?
Well I called Isaac & he gave it to me, I hope thats ok.
Sure thats fine, I just couldn't remember giving it to you,
So whats up?
Umm Well, Ya see some friends are going bowling tomorrow night & they
are kinda bringing dates,
I was wondering if you would like to go with me?
Isaac is going to be there with Melissa & I think
Taylor was coming with your sister.
Ya know Ryan, That sounds like fun, I would love to go.
Ok cool!! I'll pick you up at 6:30 tomorrow night.
Ok Ryan thats cool.
Ok great, Bye!!

Chapter 7

The next day true to his word, Ryan was here at 6:30 on the dot.
I asked him to come inside & meet my parents,
They seemed to like him & he was the perfect gentleman.
Then we were on our way to the bowling alley,
I could see Isaac, Tay & Bre climbing into Isaac's Ford Explorer,
They were going to stop & pick up the darling
Melissa then meet us there.
Ugh!! there it is again, What had Melissa ever done to me?
Why didn't I like her!!I knew why,
Because what I had heard at the mall,
That she only liked Isaac for his fame & that irked me!!

When we got to the bowling alley,
Ryan rented our shoes & I went to find a ball I could actually pick up.
I did. Then when everyone else got there we divided into teams.
It was me, Ryan, Tay & Bre, against Isaac, Mel & another couple
who's names I didn't know.
We had a blast, Even though we lost, But that was ok.
Right after the game was over & we were all sitting around talking,
Ryan got a beep, He went & called the number & it was his Mom,
His Grandmother was in the hospital & he needed to get home asap.
Isaac said, I will take Tori home you go on.
Ryan said, Well ok, Will you walk me outside Tori?
I agreed, When we got outside,
He said, I am really sorry about this.
It's ok Ryan, Don't worry about it,
I am fine, this is your Grandmother, you need to be with her.
Yeah I know, But I had wanted to finish our date!!
Ryan, we can go out another time, Now you need to go.
Yeah your right, I'll call you!!
Then he gave me a quick kis on the cheek & ran
to his jeep got in & drove away.
When I got back inside everyone was ready to go.
So I got my shoes & got into the car.
Then came Tay & Bre they climbed into the back with me,
Then Isaac & Mel got into the front.
I could tell Melissa wasn't happy about something,
On the way to the car I could hear her complaining.
When we got to her house Isaac walked her to the door,
I seen her reach up to kiss him but he pulled away & said,
Goodnight Melissa, See ya later.
Then he started walking towards the car,
I got out of the back & climbed into the front seat where
Mel had been sitting.
When he got into the car I could tell he wasn't happy,
Tay & Bre were too busy talking & laughing with each other to notice.
I asked, Isaac are you ok?
Yeah I am fine.
When we got home, Tay walked Bre home,
I was about to walk with them when,
I decided instead to follow Isaac,
After he parked the car he walked around the house & sat on the
swing in the backyard, I walked up behind him & since it
was a double swing I asked,
Have ya got room for a friend?
He turned around & said, Yeah sure climb on.
So I sat beside him, Isaac, What happened tonight?
I noticed you were a little upset while we were bowling,
then you were very upset when you & Melissa got in the car.
Tor, She isn't the one!! I thought she was perfect,
But all she does is complain.
Isaac, That was my fault.
Yours? How?
Well.. If I would have just had Ryan take me home early,
She wouldn't have been mad because I rode with you guys.
Oh Tor!! No, It wasn't your fault at all.
She was just in one of her moods.
Don't you even think of blaming yourself!!
Are you sure it wasn't my fault?
Good, But still, Tell me what happened.
To be honest, I have no Idea, She just started getting mad when
we were on our way out to the car.
I don't think I am going to go out with her anymore.
Oh Isaac, I am really sorry, You must be really upset.
No ya know what I am a little, But not as bad as it could be.
But inside he thought, This can't happen again,
Tori is my best friend, She doesn't see me any other way!!


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