The tour was supposed to start in a week.
They were practicing every day, I had so many private concerts, I was ready to MmmBop them to death!! I was helping Mrs. Hanson by babysitting & anything else I could do, while she ran all around town & met with people to get everything ready for the tour. Today it just happened that I was babysitting Mackie & Zoe. Mrs. Hanson was just about to walk out the door & the guys were in the van, They were off to yet another appointment, When the phone rang, She answered it. I was in the other room & I could hear her saying, But Mindi!! How can you leave now!! The tour is in a week, We need you, Yes I understand that, No, Yes, Well ok, But I am going to have to find someone else to replace you permanently, Ok Goodbye! She then stuck her head in the room I was in & said, We will be back in about an hour & a half, dear. Mrs. Hanson, Is everything ok? Actually no, But I have to hurry so can I explain later. Yeah sure, bye! Bye! I loved watching Zoe & Mackie!! They were such good kids, we had alot of fun, While Zoe slept, Mackie & I played games. I would take one of his lego blocks & hide it somewhere, Then he would go find it. He loved it!! Before I knew it Mrs. Hanson & the guys were back. When they walked in I could tell something was wrong. Isaac said, Mom what are we going to do? Mindi can't just quit!! We need her! Mrs. Hanson answered, I know Dear but what can I do. I had no idea who Mindi was or what was going on, But I decided to see if I could help anyway. Mrs. Hanson, I am not sure what is wrong, but is there anything I can do to help? Thank you Tori, But no not at the moment. I think she thought I was saying something else, I don't think she realized I meant about their problem at the moment. So I said, Well, Ok then I will be going, Talk to you guys later. I heard a chorus of, Bye Tori! Then I left. Later that night I got a phone call from Isaac, Hey Tori! (He sounded unusually happy!!) Hey Isaac, Whats up? Well, Ya know today how you offered to help us? Yeah, But I don't think your Mom understood my question. Well, She didn't, But Tay, Zac & I did. Anyway, There is something you can do. Really? What? Well, Ya see, Mindi left. Ok, Who is Mindi? The Nanny. Oh! ok, Wow she just left!!?? Yeah, But anyway, We were wondering what you are going to be doing for the next few months? Umm, Well, With you gone, I am going to do nothing. Thats what I thought, How would you like to be our new nanny? Huh!! You want me to be your nanny!!!?? Oh My Gosh!!! I would LOVE to!!! You would?!?! Yes!!! Awesome!! We are going to have a blast Tor!!! Oh Wow, Isaac I never expected this, What about my parents? Well, My Mom & Dad are actually in your living room right now & well actually, so am I & they said that was ok with them!! Isaac!! You are calling me from my own house!! Yeah, Now come downstairs!! Then he hung up. I had to sit down for a minute, I couldn't believe it, I was going on tour with Hanson!! And I would get to do my favorite job in the world, Watching Mackie & Zoe. This is an awesome day. When I got downstairs, Everyone was grinning. I laughed & said, I can't believe you guys!! This is awesome, Thanks for letting me do it!! My parents said, Well Honey, We know how much you love babysitting & we know Isaac needs a sitter!! Isaac laughed & said, Yeah I know, You will have to watch me extra hard!! Mom said, But really Tori, we know you love to take care of children, And this is a great opportunity, So we thought you should take it. I gave both of my parents a big hug. Then our parents visited for awhile. Isaac & I walked outside. Thank you Isaac, For giving me the job. Hey, Your my best friend, I would love for you to come on our tour with us & anyway I know you won't be as mean as Mindi. You didn't like Mindi? No Way!! Ugh! Ok. Then we played hide & Go Seek with our brothers & sisters until it was time to go in. When I went to bed that night, I couldn't help thinking again, This was the best day of my life.
We started the tour Monday June 16th, We all got up really early, I had a hard time saying goodbye to my family. I noticed that Tay & Bre were missing, But I knew where they were, They were saying their goodbyes in private, I really didn't blame them, Then I saw them walk around the corner, I walked up to Bre & gave her a hug, I could see that she had been crying. Don't worry Bre, I will be there to keep Tay in line, You have nothing to worry about. She smiled, I know, I am just going to miss all of you so much, I mean look at this Tor, Here you are going on tour with Hanson & one of them is my boyfriend!!! Don't worry, we will be back & be bugging you again before you know it. Everyone gave hugs & we all climbed into the van. I waved at my family until they were out of sight, I knew this was a chance of a lifetime & I was really happy I had taken the job, But boy was I going to miss my family. When we got to the airport, We had so much stuff it took us about 2hrs to get it all checked in, While Mr. & Mrs. Hanson took care of that, I watched the kids with Isaac's help & Tay & Zac just tried to stay behind us because there was a bunch of fans on the other side of the room, Whispering & giggling, I knew at any minute they would realize that Hanson was here & they would attack us, I was afraid I would lose all the kids in the mob so I found a row of empty seats & had them all sit together. Isaac held Mackie & I held Zoe, Jessie & Avery sat on each side of us, Then it happened I heard a shriek & a voice that said, THERE'S HANSON!!!!! Isaac called their body guard Jason over & he kept the girls away, Tay & Zac had no choice but to sign some autographs & Isaac feeling like he should too, Sat Mackie down & told him not to move & went over to the girls with a marker I had handed him, ready to write. Jason let the guys sign a few autographs then Mr. & Mrs. Hanson said that the plane was here & because of the mob we had better get on it now. When we got on the plane since we were the first ones they let on, we had to figure out a seating arrangement, There was four seats in the middle row, And Avery & Jessie both wanted to sit next to me, which was fine with me, So Tay & Zac took Mackie on one side of the plane where there was three seats then Isaac, Me, Jessie & Avie took the middle with Mr. & Mrs. Hanson had the other side with Zoe. So we took up a section of the plane straight across. When we took off Jessie & Avie were nervous so I held their hands, Avie wanted Isaac to hold her hand so we all held hands until we took off & they fell asleep, Then I pulled out my disc man & put in my Trisha Yearwood cd, I am a big country music fan, Isaac said, I'm bored, What are you listening to? So I handed him the head phones so he could hear, Hmm, Cool I like this song, Mind if I finish it? No go ahead, then I handed him the disc man & pulled out a book I had been reading. I read until I grew really sleepy then I leaned my head on Jessie's which was on my shoulder & fell asleep. When I woke up, Isaac was the only one awake, And he had found the book I was reading and was reading it. So Ike? Is that a good book? Oh, Yeah sorry about that, Do you want it back? No you go ahead, I have read it before anyway. Ok cool, Thanks. Did you have a good nap? Yeah I did, Have you been awake the whole time? Yeah, I tried to go to sleep, But I just couldn't, I think I am too excited. So where are we going now? You guys have only told me on tour, No cities or anything. Oh, Well I guess ya might want to know that huh? Yeah, I might. Well we are on our way to New York right now, There we will get your passport & Zoe's since neither of you have one, Then we have a few meetings & I think we are on Rosie. Rosie!!! I love her she's awesome!! Yeah, she is. Then after that, We leave the US for Europe. Europe!! This is so great, I have always wanted to go to Europe!! Are we going to stop in Paris? Umm, I am not sure, But I think so. Ohh Great!!! He smiled & said, Wow you are more excited than I am. Yeah I guess I am. Well I am bored, What do you what to do? You can ask that lady for some cards. So he did, We played, Go Fish & Spit until everyone woke up. Jessie wanted to sit with Zac so her & Tay switched spots & Tay played cards with Isaac & I until we landed. We waited until almost everyone else was on the plane then we started gathering our things together. I was trying to carry Mackie & my bag at the same time & I was having a really hard time, Isaac came up & took my bag, I couldn't say anything with Mackie choking me , so I smiled my thanks. As we were walking out into the airport someone grabbed my arm, I was about to elbow that person in the stomach when I looked up & it was Isaac, I gave him a puzzled look & he said, I don't want to lose you guys in this mob, So I said ok & grabbed his hand & held Mackie tighter. I had never seen so many people in an airport before, We were getting shoved in every direction, Then there were the fans, screaming & chanting, Hanson, Hanson, Hanson!!! We were half pushed half dragged out of the airport & into a waiting van, Before I knew it we were pulling away with fans chasing the van. I looked next to me & there was Isaac, Wha? What just happened? You, just experienced your first Hanson fan mob!! Ohh!! What about our bags? They will be taken care of, Don't worry about it. Somehow we hadn't lost anyone in that mess, I couldn't believe it, I even did a head count to make sure & yep, they were all there. When we got to the hotel, I was in the same room as the girls. Ike, Tay & Zac shared a room & then Mr. & Mrs. Hanson shared one with Zoe & Mackie. As soon as I got to my room I layed down on the bed & was out.
When I woke, it was the next morning. I sat up in bed & Jessie & Avie were sitting on the floor watching cartoons. Hey guys. Oh, Hey Tori! Whatcha watchin? Rugrats. Cool! I love Rugrats!! You do? Mindi never liked anything we liked. Well I'm not Mindi & I like cartoons. Ya wanna watch with us? I'll tell ya what, I am going to pass this time & go take a quick shower instead, ok? Ok. Now promise me you won't open the door to anyone!! I don't care if they say they are Mommy or Daddy, You come get me first. Ok, Tori. Ok I'll be right back. They didn't even hear me, They were too engrossed in their show. I took a quick shower & was just walking out of the bathroom, When there was a knock on the door. I answered it, It was Mrs. Hanson, Well good morning, Girls! Good morning, I must have laid down & fallen right asleep last night, I don't even remember the girls going to bed. Oh, Tori, Thats ok, I know you were exhausted. I brought the girls in about an hour after you went to your room & you were out across the bed, I got you to get up & change. You did? I don't remember that at all. Oh well, Thanks. Thats ok, Like I said you were tired. So where is everyone? They had a photo shoot, So Mr. Hanson & the guys are there, Zoe & Mackie are still asleep so I thought I would run over here to see if everything is ok. Now I am going to wake Mackie & get him dressed then we will be back & we can go get some breakfasts, How does that sound? That sounds great, I am, come to think of it hungry. Jessie & Avie, Both said they were starving so Mrs. Hanson left to go get the babies & we finished watching Rugrats. When she got back we went down to the hotel restaruant & had breakfast, we then went to where the guys were having their photo shoot. I could tell they were all trying their hardest to smile but this guy was a real pain. He was telling them to look this way or look that way or turn this way or oh I couldn't keep up with him, He was saying so much. The guys I could tell were tired & about to strangle him, Thankfully Mr. Hanson noticed also & said, Well That will have to be enough Because the boys are tired & they have more interviews today. So we got all of our stuff together & left. After the photo shoot they had a interview. After the interview they got to have a break, We had lunch. Then another interview, then we had the whole day free, It really wasn't that bad, But I had to keep 3 little kids occupied for hours. That was the hard part, I decided that as soon as I could I would go to a store & get coloring books & anything else they could play with. After this interview, We had the rest of the day free so to my joy we went shopping!! We went to all the great New York stores, I hadn't been paid yet, So I had to watch what I spent, But that was ok, Because I really wanted to spend in Paris. We were in one store & I saw the most gorgeous dress, It was light blue (Just my color) & it buttoned up the front. I loved it, But when I saw the price I didn't dare think of getting it. Isaac walked over to see what I was looking at, He said, Wow Tor, What a nice dress!! Are you going to get it? No I can't, Why not? It is just too much, I will wait & maybe I will get it the next time we come to New York. Ok, Thats your decision, But I think Mom is ready to go, So we left for the hotel to get ready for dinner.
When we got to the restaurant, Mrs. Hanson made sure that Ike, Tay & Zac didn't sit next to each other, I couldn't help asking why. She said, For some reason my children do not know how to act in a resteraunt, They always seem to have a food fight or something else so now they can't sit next to each other. After she was finished talking & she started helping Mackie order his dinner I looked at Zac & Ike on either side of me & Tay across from me, They all just started giggling. I rolled my eyes at them & looked at the menu. After we ordered. Mr. Hanson had to make a phone call & Mrs. Hanson went to change Zoe, I could see out of the corner of my eye Isaac raise his arm above his head like he was stretching, I looked at him & he just smiled, Then I felt it, It was cold & wet & it was sliding down the back of my shirt, I looked across the table & Tay was trying his hardest not to laugh. I simply stood up & walked to the bathroom, When I got in an empty stall, I moved my shirt & the ice dropped to the floor. When I got back to the table, Mr & Mrs. Hanson were back & the waiter was bringing my food. I looked at Isaac & I think he thought I was mad because he gave me this puppy dog look, I smiled at him & ate my dinner, All the while my mind was making up a plan of revenge. ****************************************************************** When we got back to the hotel I told everyone good night & took Jessie & Avie to our room to get ready for bed. Then I called the guy's room, Because I knew that only Zac was there & Ike & Tay were in their parents room, I told Zac my plan Then got ready for bed. I made myself wake up at 12:00, I knew Tay & Isaac would be asleep & Zac would be waiting for me. So I snuck out of my room & down the hall, I softly knocked & Zac opened the door with a huige grin on his face, He showed me a can of shaving cream he had found, Then we went to work. Zac squirted some shaving cream on Tay's hand & I tickeled his face his a feather soon he was covered with it. Then we moved onto Isaac, we did the same to him. Zac climbed in his own bed. Then I quietly snuck out of the room & back to my own bed, Ready for what was to happen in the morning. ******************************************************************** When I woke up the next morning, I had to get the girls dressed & ready for yet another day full of interviews & stuff, So I woke them & we got ready then went to Mr. & Mrs. Hansons room, The girls decided though that they wanted to go wake their brothers, So they knocked on their door & Zac answered, when he saw who it was he put his finger to his lips & told us to be quiet, I thought for sure that they would have found the shaving cream by now, But nope, we walked into the bedroom & Tay & Isaac were sprawled out across the beds, There was shaving cream everywhere. When Jessie & Avie saw the mess they started laughing histarically. Well That woke Tay & Ike, They sat up & started wiping at their faces. Isaac said, What the, What in the world. Then he looked over at Zac & I standing in the door & said, Oh my gosh, You!! I lost it then I had to sit on the floor I was laughing so hard, Tay just sat there, Then he said, Shut up Ike!! She got us back. Then Ike said, Ok well then can we call a truce? Sure, Truce. Then Isaac stuck out his hand so we could shake, I didn't want to shake because his hand was covered in shaving cream, I'll Tell ya what Isaac, you go wash that stuff off & then we will shake hands. Oh No, No way!! He grabbed my hand & pulled me onto the bed, Then Tay & Him rubbed shaving cream all over my face, I screamed the whole time!! After they were done I said, That wasn't nice you guys, What happened to the truce? Well there is a truce.. Now. Haha very funny, now you guys had better get cleaned up because you don't want to be late, They all stood up & saluted me, Yes Maam!!!! I smacked them both playfully in the head & told the girls we had to go back to the room so I could change.