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-P-Funk Tour List-

George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 04/26/97 From: Case

I caught the first 2 1/2 hours of the P-Funk Lite tour at Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County on Saturday. They were one of 6 or 7 bands that played something called Quadmania. This was a FREE outdoors show on the campus. Your tax dollars and somebodies tuition at work. The Crowd (mostly college age) was amped. Body piercing seemed to be the order of the day for many in the crowd. Lots of folks getting their drink and smoke on. Lots of bodies being passed around above of the crowd. (Basically, a bunch Maryland suburbanites pretending that they were on a farm in upstate New York in the sixties.) I quickly realized that many of these people were not born by the time that I saw my first Parliament-Funkadelic show in 1974? P-Funk came out in Funkadelic mode at about 7:30 with One Nation and then Red Hot Mama. The initial band was led by Mike Kidd Funkadelic Hampton and Blackbyrd. Hampton sang most of Red Hot. ( I don't really remember him singing lead before.) Gary Shider and George showed up after about a half an hour and lead the the crowd though the various traditional chants over top of the funk groove. Lots of rap with Louie, George and George's grand daughter (Daddy's Little Angel). No horns. Hampton provided another great version of Maggot Brain. Lige and Blackbyrd were Strong! I have no idea how long they played. I had to book early , but I definitely got my moneys worth while I was there. Rumors of the demise of the P have been greatly exagerated!

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by Maxim,