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-P-Funk Tour List-

George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars

Review 10/20/99 From: shayne

Alright, while I'm waiting for my boy eric's mothership(ok Cherokee), to pick my ass up and take me to Chicago tonight for the show, I thought I'd let all yaw know how the P was last night. They were playing at the Rave, as opposed to the Eagles Ballroom where they were last April, and this suited the mob better. Smaller venue + a hype crowd equals a hype funk mob. The show kicked off about 9, with Lige and Blackbird in the first group. As they kicked into P-funk, Garry came out, followed by Kidd Funkadelic a few minutes later. This was the first time in a long time I ever saw Hampton out so damn early. A prewarning to the rest of the review...I remember all of it, but it may be out of order slightly due to my mind being slightly out of order at the time. Ok then, Bop Gun was next, followed by a motherfunking curveball-"hit it and quit it". When they started the riff I knew this was going to be an even better night. George came out around this time, wearing some crazy Egyptian pharoah cloak, with a death mask on the front and an alien on the ass. The rest of the first grouping of songs included Cosmic Slop, Knee Deep, Undisco Kid, Give up the Funk, and Flashlight. All classics to keep yo ass movin. During flashlight somebody handed GC a blunt and he started puffing away, giving a little to Lige too. He even put it out, then sparked it back up 15min later! After the Treylewd raps, we got Booty, then Maggot Brain-with the Kidd and Blackbird complementing each other nicely. Straight from this they rolled into Take your dead ass home, minus the lyrics. After One Nation, Atomic Dog(with some fine ladies onstage) the went way back with Red Hot Mama, followed by I'll Bet You. This was definitly a FUNKADELIC night, as the previous reviews I've read held true. I know this was probably too long, but why the hell not. The Rave show was $20 face, but they were handing out vouchers which for $10, would get you admission and 2 drinks!! Peace

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by Maxim,