Looking for that vacation hot spot? Tired of Toronto? Bored of Bangladesh? Hawaii irritating your hernia?

Why not go to the place on everybody’s minds? Hell™! You too can take a tour of what Dante Alighieri, an Italian, called "The Inferno" of good times! Available on a one-time only basis to the living, Hell™ offers unearthly accommodations second only to one! So we try harder!

You’ll bask in the glow of burning coals, take a swim in our lake of fire and ice and dodge pitchfork-wielding demons with thousands of other "damned". Vacation with a spouse, a lover, an ex-! Hell™ is the perfect something to give to someone who has everything! It’s easier for a camel to fit through an eye of a needle to get to that other place, but Hell™ takes Visa™, Mastercard™, Diner’s Club™ and even souls! Just sign where we tell you. No muss, no fuss, no legal razzle-dazzle.

Buy! Buy! Buy! Sell! Sell! Sell!

Vacation of the Damned One Weekend Getaway:$1,247.97
Vacation of the Damned Week-long Honeymooners’ Special:$980.97
Eternal Damnation:More or less free.

We'll be waiting for you.