You reminded yourself three times since you left work to take your laptop. You remembered the extension cord, your notes and a comfortable writing surface. But one look around your Saudi Arabian hotel room tells you everything you need to know. Your plug is as compatible as your toaster to your 1973 copy of Mad Magazine. Great. Now you’ve got three months to write the Great American novel and three hours of battery life to do it in. Your Saudi Arabian bellboy begins to chuckle, calling you a stupid camel in his native language. Enraged, you call the hotel authorities, who laugh and call you more of the same.

Sound familiar?

What you need is the World Traveler Global Socket Power Adapter. While not as compact or sleek as other models, this handy converter is hard to forget. No need for costly calls to yourself! Also, the various hooks, prongs and dimples arrayed fetchingly across a three-dimensional map of the Earth’s surface will help you remember which plug comes from what country. You’ll never short out your computer trying the wrong plug. Just locate your current country; the plug is right on top.

Pulling out your World Traveler Global Socket Power Adapter, you speedily break the Saudi Arabian bellboy’s arm. He writhes, drops your bags and departs without a tip. Finally! Three months of solitude – just you, your laptop and the World Traveler Global Socket Power Adapter.

WTGSPA (priced to move!):$49.97
Legal Defense Forms for Striking Saudi Arabian Bellboys: