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Monday, March 10, 2025

In Association with Amazon.com

In Association with WD


Harris, Harris & Donahue
Literary Agents







Arthur Freeman




‘Let's Go SHOPPING!!!!!!!’

Let's Go SHOPPING!!!!!!!

	We entered to the women's wear
	from work to bank to mall.
	It's heavens picks from fashionland.
	A frenzied shopping squall.

	First thought. I knew I should be home.
	So , , , silently I scream.
	Be brave I think. How bad is it?
	How is it, she can gleam?

	Too long too short too big in bust,
	something here is right.
	We'll find the clothes that fit her form.
	With-in our shopping sight.

	In blue, or black, or red and green
	She'll match these clothes for sure.
	So give a hand and hold these please,
	Again she changed once more.

	I look around. A sea of clothes.
	All yelling for her touch.
	Eeek! I shriek, but cup my mouth
	toooooo much!

	Too long too short too big in bust,
	something here is right.
	We'll find the clothes that fit her form.
	With-in our shopping sight.

	Not right. Wrong fit. Wrong tag on brand.
	The clothes in here are wrong.
	Lets leave and find another place.
	It shouldn't take too long.

	Some time ago the sun shone bright.
	The day was half way here.
	But now the stars are twinkling through,
	still, , , shopping is premier...

	That store, before, had lost its class.
	Their taste in clothes went bad.
	Another store, with so much more
	has surely got the fad.'

	And so again

	We entered to the women's wear
	from work to bank to mall.
	It's heavens picks from fashionland.
	A frenzied shopping squall.

	First thought. I knew I should be home.
	So , , , silently I scream.
	Be brave I think. How bad is it?
	How is it, she can gleam?

	And so again, , , another feast
	of silk and cotton wear.
	With mirrored walls, the changing rooms
	are calling her to there.

	In blue, or black, or red and green
	She'll match these clothes for sure.
	So give a hand and hold these please,
	Again she changed once more.

	Too long too short too big in bust,
	something here is right.
	We'll find the clothes that fit her form.
	With-in the shopping night.

	Again I look. A sea of clothes.
	All yelling for her touch.
	Eeek! I shriek, but cup my mouth
	toooooo much!

	Not right. Wrong fit. Wrong tag on brand.
	The clothes in here are wrong.
	Lets leave and find another place.
	It shouldn't take too long.

	Whoaaaaaa,, but wait. There's one more thing.
	She's yet to try this on.
	So, to the changing room she goes
	Perfection, , , in her palm....

	She smiled at the prize she's found.
	Her happy heart is proud.
	And now all done we leave that store
	with screams of "GOODBYE CROWD!"

	At last, we're home. It's really late.
	Near me, , , the newly purchased box.
	I know tonight she'll dream about,
	her brand new store bought socks.!!!!!!!

	PS....Good luck to you,, Son.