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Peak Tramways

| Link | Minibus-Green | Minibus-Red | Peak Tramways | Taxi | Tramways|

News in this site:-

19th June 2005

China Railway Study

We was add a link between and us in this week. Hope you will enjoy to visit our site, and welcome all the friends which like to know more about the Chinese Railway!!!!

Click here
The photo of the DongFeng11G (DF11G) and NY7 was add in the page of the Diesel Locomotives.

Click here
The page of DMU (Diesel Multiple Units) was open today.

Click here
The photo of the Shao Shan 7E (SS7E) and Shao Shan 9G (SS9G) was add in the page of the Electric Locomotives.

15th May 2005

Click here
The photo of the Lanjian was add in the page of the EMU.

14th May 2005

We add photo in the page ,

Click here
We add the photo of DF4, DF4B and DF11in the page of Diesel Locomotives

Click here
And the photo of SS9G and SS8 in the page of Electric Locomotives

Click here
And the Date of the 8K Electric Locomotives

25th September 2004

Click here
The site:- was opened today!!

Click here
We add the photo of 8K and Shao Shan 7C in the page of Electric Locomotives

16th September 2004

Click here
A new page( Subway ) was open today . Now we will take you to go to the Beijing Subway Line No.1 at first.

7th August 2004

Click here
The photo of Shao Shan 1 and 8 was add in Electric Locomotives page.

6th August 2004

Click here
The photo of Shao Shan 6B and 7E was add in Electric Locomotives page.

27th July 2004

Click here
The photo of Dong Feng 9 was add in Diesel Locomotives page.

16 July 2004

Click here Some NLB's photo was add today!!!

15th July 2004

Click here
Was add the photo of the MTR.

Click here
The photo of the Old Peak Tram was add today.

Click here
The page - transport_hk - Minibus-Green was add some photo .

Click here
The page - transport_uk - Bus was add some photo of the Lodon Central.

10 July 2004

Click here We add some photo in the transport-singapore - Bus's page.

9 July 2004

Click here We add some photo in the transport-japan - Railway's page.

7th July 2004

We add a lot picture in the page of the railway in Germany.
Click here

30th June 2004

Click here
Today the Tramways page was open for you!

Click here
The Taxi's page was open too!

Click here
Was add the photo of the KCRC East Rail G12, G16 and G26.

29th June 2004

Click here
The X2000's photo was added today!

19th June 2004

Click here
Today we are busy for upload the photo in this site, hope you will like this and visit agian! The Peak Tram's page was add many photo!

18th June 2004

Click here
The page - transport_uk - Bus was open today. We add some photo today.

17th June 2004

Click here The CKS's page was add some photo now, please come and visit.

Click here The Star Ferry's page was add some photo too.

Click here The Turbojet's page was add some photo too.

16th June 2004

Click here
Was add the Refurbished EMU's photo agian, please come and visit. Next update will in next week! Please come and visit agian!

3rd June 2004

Click here
Was add the ER20 Diesel Locomotives and the Refurbished EMU's photo now, please come and visit.

2nd June 2004

Click here
Sorry for update in long time we add some photo in Diesel Locomotives page.

1st June 2004

Click here Sorry for no update in long time, We add some photo in the NWFF's page. Please come and visit this!

Click here The Turbo Jet's page was add some photo too.

Click here The Star Ferry's page was add some photo too.

Click here The Discovery Bay's page was add some photo too.

10th February 2004

Two new sites was open now! -- transport_macau and transport_germany.


The new site address is and

23th September 2003

Our sister site -- transport_uk was open, we will add the picture in coming soon.


The new site address is

28th May 2003

Welcome to transport_hk, in our site, you can find out all the transport in Hong Kong,

like the buses, ferry, railway, taxi, etc.Hope you will like our site!

Please feel free to have a browse.

In the our site, you can find out many in scale transport model, too.

Later, we will add some page for the transport in China, Singapore, UK, Germany.......

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