Where in the hell do you want to go today? (sorry Bill)

My Main Page
My Army/Gulf War Page
My Famous Radio Page
My "Real" Job Page
My Cars Page
The Garbage Page
The dumping ground for everything I didn't have room for on the other pages.
Bert & Ernie Are Evil Page

OK, OK...Before any of you seeing this page think to yourselves "Man! This guy is a real jerk!", let me say that I'm not doing this to be funny. Trust me...not at all.

As I stated earlier, on my Main Page, I've very bored today (my birthday of all days), and to be honest, feeling very lonely. Why? Basically, because it's days like this, when I'm supposed to be all happy, warm and fuzzy, and stuff, that I realize how alone I am.

Why am I alone? Good question. There's only one answer; I was a rotten person to the three women that cared more about me than anyone else in the world. And now, here I am, making this page to express my guilt and all that garbage to the entire world.

I guess I'm doing this, in a way, as a lame attempt to make myself feel better. Maybe by doing this I'll get over my self inflicted emotional injuries. But then again, as I sit here and look back over this crap, I don't think so...so, nevermind, and go on to the next page.

If any one of you (any one of you who this page is "dedicated" too), ever happens to run across this page (and if that happens...who the hell have you been talking with?), please forgive me for being rotten. If it makes you feel any better, I'm paying for everything now...simply by being alone and spending my time on this bloody computer making a web page on my freaking birthday.