Where in the hell do you want to go today? (sorry Bill)

My Main Page
My Army/Gulf War Page
The Famous Radio Page
My "Real" Job Page
My Cars Page
And I just thought about this...No, it's not about the rock group "The Cars"
My Ex-Girlfriends' Page
My NEW "Bert & Ernie Are Evil" Page
My Personal Bio Page
Are you all snuggled up in bed? This is gonna put ya to sleep.

This photo was taken in Germany. I just couldn't pass it up. Needless to say, the "F" word isn't spelled like that in German, or else I seriously doubt if that would have been printed.

This page consists of, basically, just photos that I didn't have room for on the other pages.

Ya bored yet?

Another shot of me in my fraternity daze.
This is a clip that was taken while playing an online flight sim called Aces High. When I'm not out in the skies being a menace to public safety, I'm online being a menace to online fliers.

This is me and my English "Ex" when I lived in the UK. Do I look drunk? No? Good.