Where in the hell do you want to go today? (sorry Bill)

My Main Home Page:
My Aviation Page: Grab your barf bag!
Various Junk Page: Loads of useless (more than this page, if you can believe it) junk.
My "Ex's" Page: Go ahead, you cheeky little buggers...I know you are going anyway.
My Cars Page: Woohoo!!! Finally updated March 03 with my newest toys!
My "Real" Job Page: And you thought I was a bum!
My Radio Page: Groupie applications inside.
Photos from my military years, including the first Gulf War.: Support our troops!! If you don't, bugger off! I have no time for scum!
My NEW "Bert & Ernie Are Evil" Page:


F. Scott something's Personal Bio Page.

This page, as of 29 March 2003, is STILL under construction (Hey...I'm lazy!).

Biography...hmmmmmmm. Well, let's see...

I was born a poor black child in Northwest Georgia. But, as luck would have it, I was adopted by Michael Jackson, and then it got all better! I snagged some of his Dr. Guzeman's "So, You Want to be a White Guy" skin potion, and took a bath in it. Hence, I am what you see before you today! I had to run away though at the tender age of 2 however, because he started giving me the heebie jeebies with his monkies, elephant man ramblings, and overall strangeness.

At the age of 3, I was adopted again by an escaped circus clown, and grew up with a fairly normal childhood, with the exception of being smacked in the face by rogue whipped cream pies and being drenched by unsuspecting looking flowers attached to my dad's lapel.

I moved away from home, out on my own, at the age of 5. I found a small apartment in the white section of Harlem, NY. It was there that I founded the national foundation known as P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals). It was also this time frame of my life that I found a wallet on the sidewalk which contained a single $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 bill, and have been living like the person I am until this day. (Okay, so the ending kinda sux...It's 5am for crying out loud! I need to be in bed asleep.)

Now that fiction time is over...

Below, I've added the first composite photograph of the fraternity I belonged to in college. Woo Hoo! Can ya find me? hehe.

Thank you very much for your time, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out.



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