The Companion to The Little Book On Line
for Teachers and Tutors![]()
U: Maps - Map Reading Skills
Learning Outcome #5: Demonstrate map-reading skills, including finding directions, judging distances, and reading the legend.Directions, Part A: Use the Glossary and the United States map in Section U under Important Things to Remember in The Little Book to answer the questions below about directions and judging distances.
- What is a compass rose?
- What are the four cardinal directions on the compass rose?
- If half way between north and east is northeast, what is half way between south and west?
- Look at the diagram below. Based on the compass rose, moving from point "A" to point "B" is moving north. To discover the direction between the other points, draw a compass rose on the point at which you start. Your compass rose should have north pointed in the same direction as the compass rose on the diagram. Be sure to place the point of intersection of the two lines on the compass rose on the point at which you start. (Look at point "A.") Determine the direction moving from point to point below. Possible answers are north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, or southwest.
a. "B" to "C" b. "C" to "D"
c. "D" to "E"
d. "E" to "F"
e. "F" to "G"
f. "G" to "H"
g. "H" to "I"
G ![]()
B ![]()
A ![]()
D ![]()
- Look at the United States map in Section U of The Little Book. If you were in Washington D.C., which direction would you travel to Columbus, Ohio?
- If you were in Cleveland, Ohio, which direction would you travel to Columbus?
- Which lake is northeast of Lake Erie?
- Which lake is southwest of Lake Huron?
- Find Ohio on the U.S. map. Go west two states. Go southwest three states. Go east four states. Go northeast three states. Go northwest two states. In which state are you?
- What is the distance between Cleveland and Columbus? (To measure distance on a map, you will need to use the map's scale. First of all, place the edge of a piece of paper on a straight line between Cleveland and Columbus. Carefully mark the paper at the locations of Cleveland and Columbus. Place the marked paper on the scale and determine the distance. If your distance line lies in between marks on the scale, estimate the distance. On this map each pair of marks represent 100 miles. Half way between marks would be fifty miles or close to the next mark might be 80 or 90 miles.)
- What is the distance between Cleveland and Washington D.C.?
- What is the distance between Cleveland and the southern most tip of Florida?
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