The Companion to The Little Book On Line
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U: Maps, Maps, and more Maps!
Learning Outcome #4: Locate the United States, the nation's capital, the state of Ohio, and Ohio's capital on appropriate maps of the nation, hemisphere, or world.
Directions, Part A: Answer question 1 below. Then, use the Glossary in The Little Book to answer questions 2 through 8.
- Grids are used to find specific locations. Use the grid below to find the exact location of the following symbols:
# is located in A , 3 $ is located in ___, ___
= is located in ___, ___
+ is located in ___, ___
& is located in ___, ___
  A B C D E 1
=== +++ ### &&& $$$ 2 3 4 5
- Grids drawn on maps use geographic coordinates. What are geographic coordinates?
- What is the difference between latitude and longitude?
- Look at the map under the definition of "geographic coordinates" in the Glossary. Is the equator an example of latitude or longitude?
- Which longitude line does not touch North America?
- Find the point at which 60o N (60 degrees North) and 150o W (150 degrees West) intersect (meet). Are the coordinates 60o N x 150o W located on North America?
- Are the coordinates 20o N x 90o W located on North America?
- Are the coordinates 40o N x 120o W located on North America?
Directions, Part B: Carefully read and study Section U under Important Things to Remember and Related Words in The Little Book. Be sure to study the two maps. Then, answer the questions below. Use the Glossary for questions asking for definitions.
World Map Questions:
1. What is a continent?
2. By which two continents is the compass rose located?
3. What is a hemisphere?
4. Which two continents are located entirely within the Western Hemisphere?
5. On which continent is the United States located?
6. In which two hemispheres is the United States located?
7. Which ocean is located closest to Washington D.C.?
8. Which ocean do Alaska and Hawaii share?
U.S. Map Questions:
9. Mexico is our southern neighbor. Write Mexico just above the word "miles" in the scale. What country is our northern neighbor?
10. The Great Lakes are on the map. How many lakes are there?
11. Which of the Great Lakes is a part of Ohio's northern border?
12. How many states border Ohio?
13. Locate the Atlantic Ocean on the map. The northern most state on the Atlantic coast is Maine. Write Maine in the correct state. The southern most state on the Atlantic coast is Florida. Write Florida in. Which city is located close to the Atlantic coast approximately halfway between Maine and Florida?
14. What is a capital?
15. Columbus and Washington D.C. are capitals. How can that be?
Directions, Part C: Below are a series of maps and multiple choice questions for you to practice locating the United States, Washington D.C., Ohio, and Columbus and other map-reading skills.
Helpful Location Hints: Read these carefully several times.
- Do not confuse Columbus and Cleveland. Columbus is located close to the middle of Ohio. Cleveland is on Lake Erie.
- Lake Erie is on Ohio's northern border and the Ohio River is its southern border.
- Do not confuse the city of Washington D.C. with the state of Washington. Washington D.C. is located on the middle of east coast of the United States by the Chesapeake Bay.
- The United States is located in the northern and western hemispheres. Use Florida and the Great Lakes as reference points. The United States includes Alaska and Hawaii.
Questions for Map #1: View Map
1. Which of the following states does NOT border Ohio?
a. Kentucky
b. Indiana
c. Michigan
d. Virginia2. Which of the following states is on Ohio's western border?
a. Kentucky
a. Indiana
b. Michigan
d. Pennsylvania3. Which city is Columbus?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D4. Cleveland is located North of letter ____.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D5. City C is ____________ of city B.
a. northeast
b. northwest
c. southeast
d. southwest
Questions for Map #2: View Map
6. Which of the Great Lakes is between cities "R" and "T"?
a. Lake Erie
b. Lake Huron
c. Lake Michigan
d. Lake Superior7. Which city has the geographic coordinates 40o N x 76o W?
a. R
b. S
c. T
d. Y8. Which longitude line passes close to Ohio's western border?
a. 40o N
b. 45o N
c. 80o W
d. 85o W
9. Which city is Washington D.C.?
a. X
b. Y
c. Z
d. d
10. What is the distance between cities "d" and "e"?
a. 300 miles
b. 400 miles
c. 600 miles
d. not possible to determine
Questions for Map #3: View Map
11. Which direction is traveling from city "g" to city "h"?
a. northeast
b. northwest
c. southeast
d. southwest
12. What is the distance between cities "g" and "h"?
a. 600 miles
b. 700 miles
c. 800 miles
d. not possible to determine
13. What is the distance between cities "L" and "P"?
a. 1900 miles
b. 2400 miles
c. 3600 miles
d. not possible to determine
14. Which city is Washington D.C.?
a. M
b. O
c. P
d. h
15. Which of the following cities is Columbus, Ohio?
a. h
b. L
c. M
d. P
Questions for Map #4: View Map
16. Which direction is traveling from city "H" to city "E"?
a. northeast
b. northwest
c. southeast
d. southwest
17. Which of the following cities is located in Ohio?
a. E
b. F
c. G
d. H
18. Which city is Washington D.C.?
a. E
b. F
c. G
d. H
Questions for Map #5: View Map
19. Which letter is the United States?
a. U
b. V
c. X
d. Y
20. In which hemisphere are countries U, V, and W located?
a. northern
b. eastern
c. southern
d. western
Map #1
Back up to Map #1 Questions
Map #2
Eastern Seaboard
Back up to Map #2 Questions
Map #3
Back up to Map #3 Questions
Map #4
Outline Map of North America
Back up to Map #4 Questions
Map #5
Back up to Map #5 Questions
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