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S. Evaluating Officials and Issues#16. Demonstrate the ability to use information that enables citizens to make informed choices.
Ohio Department of Education - High School Proficiency Testing Fact Sheets
In a representative democracy (republic) laws are made and the government is run and issues are decided by people elected by the citizens who vote. Therefore it is very important that the citizens be well informed about the persons and issues for which they vote. The following questions relate to preparation for voting.
In answering these questions refer to Section S of The Little Book and the Related Words list. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
- EVALUATE means to
A. raise the price of something.
B. prefer one candidate over another.
C. make a judgement about the worth of something.
D. lower a score.
- CANDIDATES for the U.S. Senate
A. must be nominated by the President.
B. must be nominated at a national convention.
C. must first serve in the House of Representatives.
D. may vote for their own election.
- DISTINGUISH means to
A. receive a prize.
B. put out a fire.
C. differentiate between two or more things.
D. study political issues.
- The word FACT is
A. something written.
B. something known with certainty.
C. belief based on hearsay.
D. information based on speculation.
- The word OPINION can have more than one meaning. However, it CANNOT mean
A. one's personal view.
B. a written decision of a court.
C. a code of laws.
D. one's judgement about something.
- Examples of PROPAGANDA are likely to be found in
A. library reference books.
B. opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court.
C. material aimed at promoting a movement or idea.
D. advice to a jury from a judge.
- During a political campaign each side tries to outdo the other. Words are SLANTED, which means all of the following EXCEPT:
A. They are designed to persuade.
B. They are not always truthful.
C. They are usually designed by public relations firms.
D. They are carefully checked for accuracy.
- Which description of SOUND BITES is NOT correct?
A. They are brief, low-budget TV commercials.
B. They are short, punchy campaign ads.
C. They are the audio reproduction of chewing sounds.
D. They are often more colorful than truthful.
- An IMPARTIAL person is best defined as someone
A. important.
B. who thinks he is important.
C. who is fair to both sides.
D. who pays no attention.
- You can consider information RELIABLE if
A. you know it as factually accurate.
B. it appears in the newspaper.
C. enough people believe it.
D. you have always believed it.
A. getting mentioned in the headlines.
B. being thought worthy of respect.
C. wearing disreputable clothes.
D. deserving of punishment.
- The word SCAPEGOAT means
A. a scarecrow.
B. a person or group which is made to take the blame for others.
C. someone who escapes from jail.
D. a hit-and-run driver.
- ASSETS are all of the following EXCEPT:
A. valuable individuals or things
B. properties and money used in running a business
C. campaign literature
D. attractive characteristics of a person
- The word CRITERIA has to do with
A. guesswork.
B. a set of standards.
C. job descriptions.
D. resumés (biographical sketches).
A. a contract to perform a service.
B. a set of principles.
C. an unfounded hope.
D. a local ordinance.
A. to dream.
B. to persuade by sound logic and truthful arguments.
C. to influence by words which are clever and often not quite honest.
D. to assert one's rights in court.
- A FUNDAMENTAL principle is best defined as one which
A. forms the basis upon which action is to be taken.
B. is large.
C. is required by law.
D. cannot be changed.
- A question submitted to the voters for decision on election day is called
A. an initiative.
B. a rider.
C. a petition.
D. an issue.
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