The Babbling Brook



This web page is 100% made in the USA. It is fully biodegradable and comes in four delightful colors. It chops, it dices, and it slices. It makes thousands of julienne fries. It can cheer you up on a bad day, or at least give you a laugh. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this elixir can be your very own! Just send $19.95 in certified funds. This page is cloudy with a chance of rain. Please watch for broken glass and falling rocks.

p.s. the author is in no way responsible for any injury, real or imagined, that may occur as a result of viewing this page (or the author's picture). The author is also not responsible for any items left behind. Make sure that all proper gear is worn when in dangerous areas. heavy goggles and radiation suits are suggested. ~the author



Now that you have been warned, let's get on with it already..


Click HERE for my personal information, also titled everything you wanted to know about me, but were afraid to ask. Be afraid, be very afraid.

If you're brave (and I do mean brave) click HERE for a photo of me. If you're even braver than that, HERE is a pic of the author nekkid. Keep in mind these photos aren't *that* recent, I am really quite average looking : )

Some more pictures are HERE (including family and friends) since I just got a scanner (sorta), I'll be adding a few more after christmas, so be patient.

If you are even braver than brave, you can go HERE for some of my poetry. I'm no Shelley or Keats, so be gentle with your criticisms.

These are a few LINKS to places on the web I think are cool, you may or may not agree, but maybe someone, somewhere will laugh at or at the least appreciate some of them : )

If you have waaaaay too much free time on your hands, you can read some of my random RANTS. In other words, you can read some of the stuff I downright despise and some stuff I really like.. or you can just snitch the cool background =P




This page was created by brook mcguire using MS Word --yeah yeah, I don't wanna hear it, my other webeditors had expired and I wasn't gonna redownload the *(@(*)$ things.

Please EMAIL me your questions and/or comments. No, really.. please email me :) I'd love to have some feedback.

This page was last updated January 11, 2000

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