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The New Generation of SM Pages
by Usagi-star

Well, how's that for a dull title. ^.^ As you can tell, this is  going to be about the newer SM pages on the web that are promising and refreshing after losing so many great ones in the past few months. We have lost - and by lost I mean a lack of updates for months on end - such great pages as Sailormoon Cybercity, the SM Zone, Bow to the Glaive, Resignation, many of the Kraider shrines,, Sailormoon Euphoria and many more that  I haven't listed. Some have simply lost their interest in SM; it doesn't hold the same enticing magic that it did when  they first discovered it. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, but in this case there are some wonderful pages that are shaping up to fill these lost pages' shoes.

Otaku-Girl's Sekai - not only does this page have a pretty, elegant layout that's soothing to the eye, it has some really impressive stuff including translations of  the Sailor V mangas that make you feel like you're reading the manga itself and some REALLY good fan-art. ^.^

Suns And Shadows - a gorgeous, very complete manga gallery with pictures from the manga, artbooks, etc sorted into galleries such as "Suns", "Dreams" and "Lady of Light".

Venus Inc - a colorful, shiny and pretty shrine to Minako, aka Sailorvenus. I can see the design is coming along nicely; I like the use of shapes and colors. Some of the information is unique and interesting, but it's the design I like best. ^_^

Moonlit Dream - a sparkly, insightful and well-designed tribute to our favorite anime, full of detailed writeups and pretty layouts. You can tell the author put a lot of time and thought into it and that makes it more enjoyable. I also love the titles: "mirage," "daydream," "sleepwalk." ^.^

Miss Meioh - a pretty and fairly professional-looking shrine to Setsuna, and one that has plenty of spirit and passion. I enjoy this because the author explins things clearly, and the design is simple but usually elegant.

Eien no Starlight - a wonderfully comprehensive shrine to all three lights with very innovative uniform designs (the main page is gorgeous) and interesting writing (who would've thought Taiki could be interesting - kidding ^^). 

Talisman - the SM selection here is  5 shrines; one to Minako, one to Mako, one to Michiru, one to Usagi and one to Hotaru. The layouts are simple but again, elegant, and the graphics are lovely. The author has obviously seen much of the show and the writing is easy to follow and informative.

The Senshi Network - Wow. You want pics, you got 'em. 2,000 pictures of all our favorite senshi for us to take. Many are high quality and rare pictures. There's also plenty of avis and some computer goodies for you.

There are many more, but I haven't the time or energy to list all of them! So go visit these ones, now! ^_^

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