To listen to any of the sound files, just left-click, to download any of the files hold down shift, and then left-click.
trek.mid (11,055) Theme from The Original Series
tng.mid (12,445) Theme from Star Trek The Next Generation
ds9.mid (3,334) Theme from Star Trek Deep Space Nine
voyager.mid (8343) Theme from Star Trek Voyager
st1tmp.mid (29,107) Theme From Star Trek The Motion Picture
st2twok.mid (29,678) Theme From Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Kahn
st3.mid (7,304) Theme from Star Trek 3 The Search for Spock
stiv.mid (11,861) Theme Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home
st5.mid (15,000) Theme from Star Trek 5
st1stcon.mid (17,613) Theme From Star Trek First Contact
borgbat2.mid (3,330) Borg Battle Theme
cpstng.mid (14,000) Another version of the TNG Theme
stsong.mid (5,030) Another Version of the TOS Theme
trek25anni.mid (12,400) Star Trek 25th Anniversary Theme
untitled-st.mid (21,800) Was considered as Theme of the upcoming Star Trek Movie.
accessing-files.wav (87,000) Computer saying: Accessing Files
acknowledged.wav (11,000) Computer saying: Acknowledged
acknowledged01.wav (26,000) Computer saying: Authorization Acknowledged
autodestruct.wav (29,000) Computer saying: 1 minute to auto destruct
beammeup.wav (44,000) Captain Kirk saying: Scotty, Beam me up (216,000) Sound of Borg communicating
borg-hail.wav (43,000) Sound of a Borg hail
Cochran lets rock and roll.wav (63,000) Zefram Cochran saying: Let's Rock and Roll
comp01.wav (16,000) Computer Sounds
comp02.wav (35,000) Computer Sounds
denied01.wav (11,000) Computer Saying:Access Denied
denied02.wav (20,000) Computer Saying:Authorization Denied
Engage.wav (35,000) Kirk Saying:Engage
holodeck.wav (40,366) Computer voice with the sound of the holodeck door (40,366) Original Introduction to Star Trek: TOS
riker-your_on_board.wav (98,000) Commander Riker saying: Your onboard the Federation Starship Enterprise (347,000) Spock saying: You must learn to govern your passions, they will be your undoing
transprt.wav (53,292) Sound that transporter makes during materialization
turblift.wav (150,000) Turbolift sound FX, with turbolift door opening at the end
we-are-borg.wav (87,000) Borg saying: We are the Borg, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile
wolf359.wav (87,000) Data saying: Starfleet reports they have engaged the borg at Wolf359 sir (127,133) Star Trek Fonts used on Federation Shipyards & The USS Enterprise BBS (2,600) Put this on your webpage to convert today's date into stardate (353,000) Collection of USS Voyager pictures & blueprints
We have hundreds of Star Trek files, but we have limited space on the server so if you don't see what you want please request it with the title of the message being File Request and we will have it posted with the Quartermaster in 24-48 hours.
If you have any comments or suggestions for the Quartermaster, please feel free to E-Mail me by clicking the communicator shown below