My Animal Totem

Earth Influence The Awakening Time
Totem Eagle
Direction North-East
Influencing Wind The East Winds
Element Fire
Elemental Hawk (fire) Clan
Function To Initiate
Birth & Animal Totem Falcon
Plant Totem Dandelion
Stone Totem Opal
Polarity Totem Crow
Affinity Color Yellow/Green
Musical Vibration C Sharp
Personality Active, Forceful, Impetuous
Feelings Quickly Aroused
Nature Impulsive
Intention Activity, New Beginnings
Positive Traits Enterprising, Pioneering, Adventurous, Affable
Negative Traits Selfish, Egotistical, Impatient
Sex Drive Easily Aroused, Quick, Fiery and Passionate
Compatibility's Salmons and Owls
Conscious Aim To initiate and to lead
Subconscious Desire Knowledge through personal experience
Life Path Establishment of individuality through discernment
Spiritual Alchemy Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate Patience, Persistence, Compassion
Should Avoid Vanity, Conceit, Intolerance

For more about Animal Totems click here


Site Map

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there are many pages, sub-pages and links

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to see exactly what is all here,
I have included a Site Map
through the Lodge.
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just click on the site map.