[remnants of my stuffed-up life on the net]

b e a u t i f u l i n s a n i t y

its past 5am, 15 feb 2002. somthin happened today n i figured it was time my homepage undergo a complete overhaul. been meanin to finish this since its been in the works for more than 3 yrs now. then stuff happened. coz things change uknow? so rite now i feel my lifes stabilized enuff for me to capture this time in my life as im livin it rite at this very moment. n tell my tale n store it in the history books once n for all...at least in cyberspace history that is

in short got onto the net in june of 1997 n thought a homepage wud b a brilliant idea. of course the novelty wore off in no time. it hung in limbo for a gd few yrs, till i got bored at my job one day (2 yrs after i started)...but neways i abandoned it again when my life took a turn or rather a dive. n i felt i dint know where things stood in my life nemore...

onto my downward spiral into the abysses of confusion n darkness: found solace in doin weird n unusual things...got some ppl worried but i was doin fine really...i think. i mean it was durin this time i found my true self i sppose. n it turned out that i was indeed this confused n complicated person. some ppl dint quite like that or at least werent ready for that, so needless to say they ran to the hills...in droves. n sooner rather than later i turned into a recluse - but not intentionally - n evolved into a hermi...in due course retreatin into my own world. w its vices n all. i mean my world was already beginnin to suck big time neway

welllllllll my lifes made plenty of twists n turns since. ppl have come ppl have gone. things ve gotten better n some things ve gotten worse...but! heck im still around. n as fucked up as i may b sometimes im always ready to pick up the pieces n face what i gotta face n do wht i gotta do to make it in this life. even if it means jst makin it thru to the nex mornin. im grateful ive made it this far, let me tell u

n as for this homepage well i have left some stuff as is from when i started on it. ull know which bits becos theyre cornier...however i have added updates to account for the changes in my life in the past 3, 4 yrs.

so stick around n come bk as i shud b updatin this thing as often as time permits or whenever my mood sees fit. this page will always b a work in progress.

thanks for stoppin by to read my drivel, n remm tht love conquers all

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This page was last updated on 31 May 2002 at 4:55 p.m.