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My stats: I'm 21 and a Libran. Them baby books say my name means 'little rock' which I think is cool. I got hooked up to the fascinating world of the internet a few weeks ago, and so far am having a blast of a time. I'm somewhat of an online junkie, I surf a lot, e-mail a lot, chat a lot. In cyberspace I go by the names nicki_3, kea, keaxxe, and shae jingerkittella. It's amazing how the net opens doors to new worlds, how it breaks down time and distance, blurring the concept of real/unreal. The internet is terribly addictive though, it's like a vacuum, it sucks you into this other world, taking you to another domain, another world, another dimension devoid of space, geography, time. It's weird...you lose track of everything. It's crazy there are people out there living out their dreams and fantasies online, with faceless strangers...

ok, so this is where I live. For those of you who don't know, we're located in China's SE, a teeny speck if you look us up. We were a British colony for about 150 years up till about a few weeks ago when the reds took us back on 1 July of this year, which was a pretty sad moment in history if you ask me...what a day...the pomp and excess on TV that day when the Union Jack was lowered and the commie one raised. I believe the poms made us what we are today - one of the most cosmopolitan, dynamic, vibrant cities in the world. Many of us are still in denial about being part of the PRC so we get irritated when we get lumped with them as if we're all the same people (coz the fact is that we couldn't be more different). Population is currently at six million plus, but this figure is continually on the rise. Proves what a great place this is.

I recently graduated from university back in May this year. Uni life was fun, especially the first year...sailed through it quite nicely, I should say. Right now I'm not really doing much, coz I still don't know what I wanna do. So here I am pondering, thinking about what to do from here. I'm living hand to mouth at the moment, but it's not that bad really, coz after 19 years of going to school you're sore, you're mentally drained, and you just want a break from it all. Ideally I'd like to be a vet but too late for that now...

I have two babies, Jinger and Kitty, both of whom I love to death. Jin's a beautiful tan-colored mongrel, Kitty a domestic shorthair. Jinney was born without a tail, and instead has a little stump in its place. She is unbelievably adorable, those gorgeous eyes can melt anybody's heart. She resembles a cross between an Alsatian and a Chow, kinda like a brown husky. My dad adopted her from the SPCA in October of 1988 for my birthday, when she was about four months old. Kitty at 20 years of age is a grand ol mama. We got her when I was five, and she's my bestest and closest friend. She has been with me through so much, she's a major source of strength...without her I wouldn't even be here. Kitty has a mixture of brown, black and white fur on her little body, and an M-shaped arch of brown fur atop her little forehead.

[more about my babies]

I am notorious for being paranoid; I've been told I think wayyy too much, that I worry myself and others to the very core. I'm a perfectionist/idealist + a procastinator = a very bad combination. I am impatient, indecisive, moody, emotional, sensitive. Oh, and when I'm pissed off I am real bad (read: vile and vicious), so stay away lol...I could care less about what other people think, but I have lots of respect for people, I believe in their right to say or do whatever they want as long as they respect you back - mutual respect is important. I have little time for ritual and formality, ridiculous customs and blind conformity and allegiance for the sake of social approval, or to meet some dumb expectation. If people don't believe in what they do, or can't explain why they do the stuff they do - it is meaningless, stupid and pathetic. Fake people and people who suck up annoy me, as do arrogant, rude jackasses. Other pet peeves are sexists and racists. Because I am intelligent enough to think for myself, I have my own views and will not take abuse for thinking the way I do - as I said, you don't have to like it but you've gotta respect it. I am dead honest so people often conveniently assume that I am bitchy, anti-social, unrefined or just plain rude. But I'm really not, in fact I'm so much more of an introvert than an extrovert...But whatever, coz life's too short to bother with what other people think...

I love the written word...I'm a sucker for poems, lyrics, letters, anything in print! I love to write and read, and I am in love with books, magazines, newspapers haha. I write a lot of drivel - most of it bs but it's more for exploration and self-expression than anything else, and that to me is the underlying purpose of writing as a whole. Email has in a way cheapened language in that it has obliterated the need for careful thought which is crucial to meaningful writing and communication, and sad to say, writing is taken for granted these days...

I am passionate about a lot of things, and probably animal rights the most. I believe very strongly that we should treat them as we do people, because of the simple fact that animals have hearts, can feel, and have the right to live an unmolested life just as much as we do. What difference does it make if life comes in the form of a tiger, spider, snake or pig? All animals feel pleasure and pain like we do. What gives us the right to rule over them and abuse them? I condemn the horrifying, barbaric, and unnecessary forms of injustice we inflict upon them: vivisection, hunting (do we really need to kill for sport and entertainment?), fishing, fur-farming, seal-bashing, whale-hunting, factory-farming. I am also against animals for so-called sport (hunting, horse/grayhound racing) and entertainment (zoos, circuses, rodeo, bull-fighting) - I swear that my kids will never see the inside of a circus or a zoo: what, to have them think that it is ok to deprive animals of their freedom, that it is acceptable to humiliate animals, and use them? It is so sad that such atrocity and exploitation exist even at this day and age...

[hear me rant about animal rights]

Last but not least...

the most important thing to me: love

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