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The Four Musketeers

OK, I have the coolest of friends :). They've been my best friends for as long as I remember; we've been this way for hmmm...8 years! One of them I've known since kindergarten (of course we didn't know of each other's existence then, but my mom was her teacher - my mom remembers her as VERY talkative...she still is! hehe), the other since Grade 4 (although we started out as really baaad enemies - she and her then-friend had this silly, very pathetic, fight with my then-friend, and inevitably I was dragged in). The 3rd Musketeer we met in high school, nothing special: we four just hung out a lot, and before long, voila the Four Musketeers was born!

S is the quiet one...very stubborn but well-principled. Mannerful, moody, mature yet very very childish when she's being silly hehe. Yep, a girl of extremities ain't she? She carries with her this pleasant charm, she's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. She hates fake people though (and lets them know it!), and hates the big brouhaha ooh-aahh la-di-da crowd. We don't talk as much as we should, but she's allllways there when you need her, and hmm I guess outta us four, she's the most sensible one.

D - ahh, what can I partner in crime, my buddy hehe. We both are the youngest in the group (only 2 weeks apart); perhaps this is why she and I get into the most trouble? Well she may be the youngest, but she sure looks the she looks old period. I'd say about (I know she'll kill me for saying this hehe) 28, 29. She's a lil kid at heart though, much too vulnerable and gullible, and she has the sweetest, most exuberant personality. Very easy to talk to; you can go for hours on end talking to her. She loves crowds, loves being the center of attraction, she's Miss Social Butterfly hehe.

K, my kindred friend...I can relate to her extremely well and we share almost the same views on just about everything. Her kind heart shines through, she's radiant on both the outside and inside. She can make me laugh, she can make me cry...whatever the feeling, I'm always at ease with her. Simply put, she's a wonderful person.

They're great people, cool friends...And hey, our personalities clash sometimes (we are four very different people), but heck, it's these differences that make our friendship, exciting...alive. We learn together, we share our ups and downs together, we grow, we thrive.

To them, I say thank you for your friendship...Hmm remember what our teachers at school used to say about us - One for all and all for One. Kinda corny but I couldn't have said it better myself. Gotta keep in touch no matter what, ok?

Friends for life (I hope). =)

Hmmm, a few other people I treasure just as much:

J - aka manzil, tuffcukie, wolfette (amongst many many others). Hmmm well there's no pair more interesting than her and I. We make the best of friends, and the worst of enemies heheh. I look out for her, she for me...I can always be sure she'll there when I need an ear, a shoulder, a punching bag. We've gone through a hell lot together, we're inseparable. I like her honesty, her bluntness, her being quick to the point. No wishy-washy, dilly-dally. Yeah she's hard and brutal, no doubt.

My uni friends, Cynthia, Ivy, Sanna...Actually there are quite a few of them, but I think they know who they are. I wouldn't have survived uni if it weren't for them, and I really am appreciative of their acceptance of me when I was at uni, coz I was a freak...They've all taught me so much about the real world out there, about life. Duck, a special shout out to you - I'm really, really grateful for all you've done for me, thanks tons for your friendship, the last year was really tough on you, I'm glad that year is over. CONGRATULATIONS to you and Simon, I truly wish you both all the happiness in the world. Hugs, guys :).

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