What follows is the discussion held in the CEA over wuzzes. What's a wuz you ask? It's a winged creature about the size of a dog. It's completely red, except for the wings which are purple. Keep on reading to find out more!

Goddess ~ APATHY AND SILKY - I saw a wuz! Away up there! Flying around the chatroom air! We've got to catch him, and catch him quick! And then beat out his brains with a Wuz Beating stick!

HildyJ ~ Don't beat up the wuz! It's got rights too! A wuz could be a person too!

Goddess ~ Little you know, innocent one! A wuz is a terrible one! They land on your head, they eat your brains, They do terrible things with ride-on trains!

Apathy thinks the wuz will be caught, and all this effort will not be for naught. We'll use the wuz for a chatroom zoo, and charge the visitors a buck or two.

Goddess ~ They take candy from kids and worse than that, they stole the 'a' from the Ct in the Ht!

HildyJ ~ Goddess my dear, you don't understand, once your brain's been eaten, life is grand!

KasmiraJ feels sorry for the wuz and thinks it's only just a piece of fuzz!

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . Now Apathy's plan is truly cruel . . . We'll cage it and watch it and let people drool . . . No, the best thing to do is an honorable kill . . . That would be the Wuz's will!

HildyJ ~ (I know this from experience, oh yes, I do, if you come a bit closer, you'll know it well, too.)

Apathy thinks the trap is baited and is set, we'll soon have our wuz so don't you fret, and then to catch two we shall succeed, and with the two we'll let them breed.

HildyJ ~ Oh, what do you know, the Wuz ain't in YOUR mind. The Wuz's opinion's quite different, you'll find.

Goddess ~ HildyJ . . . don't tell me you're in for the Wuz's rights! That will just end in innumerable fights! And for that, how do you know what the Wuz would choose? It might choose freedom and honor, so you'd lose!

Goddess ~ Apathy, get that right out of your mind! What if two compatible wuz's you don't find? And what would we do with a wuz family? That would cause more trouble, I forsee . . .

HildyJ ~ Be nice to the Wuz, they're a civilized race! They want only freedom, which is ours to embrace! They should not be captive, nor beaten, nor killed, but left in their warrens, their tummies all filled!

Goddess removes herself from the wuz debate . . . hey people . . . think freedom, and honor . . . not hate!

Apathy ~ Ok, ok, I won't breed wuzz, I fon't need all this fuzz! But think - it could be fun, to release the wuz in CEA and run . . .

HildyJ ~ I was talking freedom, I want the Wuz free, and I think it would do the same thing for me.
Apathy ~ The wuz's natural habitat is high up in the roofs of chat, so if we are to set it free, then do it here, not in a tree.

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . if you go and get all righteous on us . . . I'm getting myself on a Greyhound bus . . . I'll leave today, and I'll be gone to stay . . . I don't know why you got so mad . . . Some people don't consider death all that bad! And infinitely preferable to life in a cage, or being hunted till your old age!

HildyJ ~ But freedom is better than death or a cage; I'm not being righteous, I'm acting my age!

Goddess ~ Death is freedom, of a certain kind . . . And who knows what might be in a wuz's mind!
Apathy thinks this debate is out of hand, he thought a wuz trap would be grand, but now it's all about death and freedom, and he doesn't need this in this fiefdom!

Goddess is with Apathy - he's cool! So now nonintervention is the rule! Leave the wuz to live and die . . . I won't be involved! Not I!

HildyJ ~ Death is freedom only be choice, For now let the Wuzzes live and rejoice!

We just hadn't had enough rhyming, so once again, the gang got together to rhyme their brains out. Read on!!!

Goddess feels a rhyme on the way . . . Apathy, are you in for rhyming today?

Apathy scratches his empty head, mayhap his rhymes he left in bed.

HildyJ wonders if she is invited . . . poets together we stand united?

Goddess ~ Apathy! Come on, give it a try . . . It's as easy as saying hi! Who cares if rhymes you did not keep . . . you can think of 'em in your sleep!

~silky~ decides to try . . . if she can't, she just might cry . . .

HildyJ ~ Invited or not, I'm joining the game. And if I offend you, you know who's to blame.

Goddess ~ HildyJ . . . of course you're a part of our rhyming game! it changes and grows, but stays the same . . . Fire up your brain, crank up your mind! And come on in, the water's fine!

Apathy ~ Very well then, I'll try and rhyme, even if they're not the best of time.

Goddess ~ Silky . . . there you go, you've got the rhyme! All the rest will come in time! Come and join the poet's band . . . the end rhyme life is truly grand!

HildyJ ~ Sounds just like Calvinball; twice as much fun! (quite hard to stop, once you've begun!)

~silky~ thinks she should be quiet and let the masters try it!

Goddess ~ Apathy . . . Throw your worries all away - I'll still love ya anyway!

~silky~ waves bye to Pre and looks and sees that she's on rhyme number three!

Apathy bounces along the words, and sees he rhymes as steaming turds. Oh what the hell, he knows they're bad, but at least he's managing to find words that sound similar. Oh. Whoops.

Goddess ~ Silky . . . you can't be a master without time spent in learning . . . most of my early tries ended up burning! Come on, don't be scared, just jump right in . . . You won't play many games before you win!

HildyJ ~ Rhyming's fun, and so good for you, chat will never, ever bore you!

Goddess hits Apathy with a pillow in the head . . . It's those kind of rhymes we truly dread! Come along now, Gouda dude! I know you can rhyme without being crude!

~silky~ believes that she's doing fine, after all, she's really tryin'!

Goddess ~ Silky . . . you're humming right along! Soon your rhymes will be a song . . . You'll rhyme right along with the rest of us, as tuneful and cheery as the chorus bus!

~silky~ be right backs, she must go and find a pair of slacks!

HildyJ ~ You've got it, Silk, you're doing well! You'll be an adept, I can tell!

Apathy spins and spouts forth rhyming couplets, then flicks on the TV to watch the . . . mupplets?

Goddess rolls on the ground and laughs out loud . . . Apathy, of that rhyme, I would be proud . . .

HildyJ ~ Now I'll flip and change the meter to one that I find much sweeter; I'm so cool and oh, so mellow, when I emulate Longfellow!

~silky~ returns from her closet door and accidently drops the slacks on the floor!

Goddess can't change her meter at will . . . she goes along just for the thrill . . . of words that rhyme in mismatched piles . . . and participles that dangle on for miles . . .

Apathy turns and looks at HildyJ, she clearly wins the rhymes today.

~silky~ tries to follow Hildy's lead, but fears she just won't be able to hold to that creed!

Goddess ~ Apathy, man, hold onto your hat . . . I've got an answer for all of that!

~silky~ waits in anticipation, she's ready for Goddess' participation!

KillRhythm ~ So thus be charged! To don that mask! Pet that kitten! And wipe that flask!

HildyJ ~ "Hiawatha" I will grant you was not rhymed in couplets; shan't you join me in this double pleasure; matching me measure for measure?

Goddess emotes and rhymes all together . . . and has to look and wonder whether . . . Say HildyJ, can you do the same? It's all in fun and part of the game . . . I'll challenge you to rhyme till death . . . which, by the way, rhymes with DYING BREATH . . .

Apathy thinks he's out of his depth, and not just because he can't think of a word that rhymes with depth. Hepth? Leapth? Hmmm . . .

Goddess puts on her rhyming gear . . . An eraser, some paper, pencil over the ear . . . She's chock full of stress and madder than hell . .. Hope I don't explode, and if I do, oh well . . .

~silky~ congratulates Kill, she's picked up the thrill!

Goddess ~ Longfellow? Mellow? Oh, give it a rest . . . I can quote that with the best of the best . . . "Listen my children, and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. T'was the 18th of April in '75, hardly a man is now alive . . . " It's rhyme as simple as simple can be . . . We're poets all - Longfellow, you, me!

HildyJ accepts the challenge, joins Goddess' poetry binge, does not pause for pen or paper; improvises this mad caper!

Goddess thinks that while Hildy might out last 'er . . . Certainly no one rhymes faster!

~silky~ encourages InevitableGuy to attempt and not look upon us with contempt!

Apathy plays with his one-penny rhymes; at least no one's about to mime!

~silky~ gasps and quivers; a mime would make anyone shiver!

HildyJ can't rhyme much faster, to do so would court disaster. A PM misplaced by rushing would have more than one fool blushing!

Goddess ~ Apathy, dear . . . it's gone too far . . . Stick with the mupplet line and stay a star . . .

~silky~ agrees that this is true and believes that would make a person blue.

HildyJ is simply waiting, why is Goddess hesitating?

Apathy munches on a biscuit wafer and thinks that things would be much safer to play along with words and books than attacking bears with curtain hooks.

Goddess' rhymes are quick, her mouse is sure . . . She can do this and so much more . . . While you're stuck at the pace of a snail, I've received, read and re'ed my email!

~silky~ wonders why apathy would try to attack a bear with such gear.

~silky~ has made a mistake, she was too quick on the uptake . . .

HildyJ ~ Apathy's attacking bears? Hasn't he enough small cares? Talk about courting disaster! Apathy's a foolish bastar(d)! (no offense of course, just had to force a rhyme . . . So it's a little coarse, it happens all the time!)

Goddess ~ I think Hildy should check her spelling . . . Oh, I can hear her brain cells jelling . . . sticking together, like slimy slop . . . making her brain a pile of glop! Faster Hildy! Faster rhymes! Cut down on the in-between times!

Tritone ~ All these rhymes - what a pain-o! Gimme a stiff shot of Drano . . .

Goddess rhymes and sings and dances along . . . life is a tune, and words are the song . . . Even when things are going wrong, poems keep the spirit going strong . . . And there's more rhymes strung right along!

~silky~ wonders if the crowd is yet frantic with our antics!

HildyJ ~ Spelling never mattered to me, I've had other places to be; do not speak of my brain jelling, your trite phrases I'll be felling!

Goddess ~ Tritone . . . Drano is for a drinking schmuck . . . A real man asks for Toilet Duck!

Apathy looks at his stomach as it growls, and perchance fancies deep-fried owls, or maybe some be-candied lobster which he can munch like some fat-cheeked mobster.

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . oh, you're rhymes are so much better . . . Mine are perfect to the letter . . . Lyricism ain't required . . . End rhyme is all that is desired!

Goddess ~ Apathy, you'll never cease to amaze me . . . Though your rhymes still sometimes daze me . . . Mobster? Lobster? That's just grand . . . I have to give you a hand! *applause is heard, from 'round the room, from an audience hidden in the gloom*

Apathy comes up with a rhyme for orange, and pulls out one well-wrapped . . . lozenge!

HildyJ ~ Goddess, oh, you skimp on rhythm! What good are your rhymes without it? Poets don't just have rhymes with'em, Meter is what's fun about it!

Goddess ~ Hildy! Rhythm? I've got plenty . . . From 1 beat to a hundred and twenty . . . And my rhymes have got style and class . . . yours are still kissing Longfellow's A$$ . . . hey, remember it's all in fun . . . it all means nothing, rhyme is #1!

HildyJ ~ Really, I was gonna stop it, Goddess isn't going to drop it, if this battle goes on forever, NEITHER of us will end up clever!

~silky~ waves hello to kristin before assuming the rhyming position.

Goddess still wonders from time to time . . . Apathy . . . lozenge and orange don't rhyme.

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . where there are strong wills, there are ways . . . If I have to, I can rhyme for days . . . :P

~silky~ sees Babies come through the door and tells everyone that we need an encore!

HildyJ ~ That's it. I'm done. I've nothing to prove, Goddess has won. (I'm still in the groove!)

HildyJ ~ Oh, make it stop! Please! I quit! I don't want the title, not one little bit!

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . congrats, on a battle fought well . . . I'm glad you sounded the ending bell . . . You see, rhymes are a point of pride . . . On which my ego seems to ride . . . And although it wouldn't be fun . . . I'd rhyme all night until I'd won.

HildyJ gnashes her teeth, mad with fury, she wants to get out of this, out in a hurry!

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . that rhyme wasn't even one . . . It's all over, but it was fun!

HildyJ ~ I understand perfectly, Goddess, believe me, but this habit for rhythm and rhyme just won't leave me!

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . I'm dealing with the problem, one and the same . . . I can't quite leave off the game! If you say something that doesn't rhyme . . . maybe it will end this time!

HildyJ ~ Goddess, we're both in a terrible state! If we don't end this soon, just think of our fate! Let's promise each other, let's each make a vow, that we will not continue, we'll end this thing now!

Goddess ~ Hildy . . . I'm happy, it's everyone else I'm worried for . . . far as I care, I've settled the score.

HildyJ ~ I've got to go now, so this is goodbye; perhaps once I leave here, this conflict will die.

Goddess waves bye to HildyJ . . . hey, buddy, thanx for rhyming today!

Apathy tries to sneak out one last rhyme, just to say he loved this time.

HildyJ ~ The glories of rhythm, the wonder of rhyme; thank you, dear Goddess, for the wonderful time!

Goddess collapses on the floor . . . all rhymed out and nothing more . . . As sad as I am to have to say so . . . it really is time for me to go!

~silky~ jumps up and down . . . maybe now she can really leave town!

Apathy tells ~silky~ she can't leave, this is but a short reprieve!

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