The first cry of a newborn baby at birth brings tears of joy...
and love to our eyes....
Our hearts filled with happiness and affection for this tiny
newborn babe...
Look around the nursery now... tiny helpless babies all lined up....
black and white, brown or tan....
they share the same space.. and are not aware of any differences...
Lying there knowing not of any geographic location....
Some sleeping peacefully, some crying... some looking all around..
frantically sucking on their fists....
Their eyes seemingly filled with such wonder...
Every one of the babes wrapped in blankets...their little knitted
caps on their head to retain heat...
Their tiny hearts beating in sync with all mankind....
These babies conceived out of the love...
The blood running thru their bodies into their tiny hearts..
Filled only with love....
Knowing not anything else....
Knowing not the color of their skin...
Knowing not the ways of the people governing their Countries....
Knowing not of pain and suffering...
Brought into this world with only one need...
The need of a warm loving touch....
The need for nurishment.....
Accepting of any and all who reach out in love for them....
Is this not really what we all need in life?
Love, security, kindness, a gentle touch, and a nurishing word....
I believe these are the basic needs of all mankind around the world..
Hate, I believe is a taught emotion....
Which only destroys and hardens the hearts of many...
Love however, conquers all....
It is past time for us to put hate to rest..
And Begin conguering the entire world with our love....
Taking only the hand of one loving person to begin a chain..
Which can and will someday encircle and envelope the entire world...
Teaching our young children that through true love....
and acceptance of all...
We can and will melt away all the pain and sorrow which now runs..
rampid over OUR earth...
There are those people out there who may say my hopes and dreams..
are impossible...... Although... I disagree...
As I truly believe there is no such word in my vocabulary.....
Miracles can and do happen each and every day around the world....
I accept you my brother....
I accept you my sister....
Please accept my very best, as I give to you my love....
Did we not all begin as one very tiny seed?
Growing rapidly to become the world....
We truly are the world...
My dream seems so simple...
Hands reaching out to other hands.....
Brothers and sisters we all are.....
The way it could and should be...
Because..... we are the world.....we are the future...