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The Differnce: A small example of the
difference between religions.
Three Things God Can Not Do:
Four Guidelines: How to see a cult

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Pastor's Study Page
Victory Home Page:

Victory Baptist Church is an Independant Fundamental Baptist Church.
We are commited to teach the Holy Bible and to point people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We do fellowship with other churches of same faith and convictions concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Below are several Bible Believing Baptist websites I encourage you to check out and listen to.
The links below are RECOMENDED for your spiritual growth, (educational and informative purposes only.)
Provided free on this website. This is not intended for you to use in replacement/substitute of attendance at your local Baptist Church.
These are just a sampling of the Bible Believing websites you will find on the internet.
Online Bible Study Suite Bible Hub
BBN Radio, 89.7 FM Listen to this radio when in this area FREE Bible lessons, may I suggest DR Charles Wagner study of Hebrews.
Fundamental Broadcasting Network, Listen on line or on your I-phone. app
Calvary Baptist Chapel
Family Altar Lester Roloff
Evangelist Tom Williams
  • Madison Baptist Church, America needs to turn back to the Bible.
  • North Valley Baptist Church
  • Olver B. Greene
    Fundamental Broadcasting NetworkListen to on internet

    Sword of the Lord Ministries God Bless

    After the Election, What Comes Next? Summit Ministries

    Wisdom for the Heart is a daily, 30-minute broadcast from the Bible Teaching
    ministry of Stephen Davey.

    Elisabeth Elliot Gateway to Joy
    BBN Radio, 89.7 FM Listen to this radio when in this area

  • Running to Win. Can be heard daily on our radio at 89.7 at 6:30 am. cst
  • Common Sense for Today, Evangelist Don Boys,newsletter
  • www.guidelines.org

    Always use discretion when surfing the web.
    Especially you tube

    Genesis Park.com, Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator! and a young earth, with the appearance of age.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer , A modern day Jeremiah. who became a martyr for his stand against Hitler
    Wyatt Museum This link provided free on this page, we do not receive royalties from This website. This link is for information and educational purpose only. God Bless
    Straight Way of Grace Ministry!, Revealing the truth about Islam
    Daily Roll Call