"G" STREETS ~ 1870
- GAMBLE, from Pratte av. West to Alby
- GAMBLE AVENUE, from Naomi west to Pratte av.
- GANO AVENUE, from Bellefontaine rd. ne. to the river
- GARIBALDI, from 16th west to Kossuth av.
- GARRISON AVENUE, from Market north to Grande av.
- GATE, from Carondelet av. west to S. 8th
- GAY, from 815 N. 12th west to 814 N. 17th
- GEYER AVENUE, from 1901 Carondelet av. west to Jefferson av.
- GILES AVENUE, from Scudder av. north to McDonald av.
- GLANDALE, in northwestern suburbs
- GLASGOW AVENUE, from St. Charles rd. north to Grande av.
- GOEN, from Picker south
- GOODE AVENUE, in northwestern suburbs
- GOVERNMENT from S. Levee west to Carondelet av.
- GRACE, from Gravois rd. north
- GRAND AVENUE, from Osage, running north entire length of city to the Mississippi river
- GRANDE AVENUE, from 16th west to Grand av.
- GRATIOT, from 801 S. 4th west to Tayon av.
- GRATTAN, from Chouteau av. south to LaFayette av.
- GRAVOIS, from Rosatti west to city limits, north of Lesperance
- GRAVOIS ROAD, from junction of Ann av. and Melville southwest beyond city limits
- GREEN, from 701 N. Levee west to 700 N. 11th
- GREEN (N.) from 16th west to Pratte av.
- GREGOR, in southwestern suburbs
- GROVE, from Kossuth av. south
- GUILFORD, from Wilkinson av. to Carr lane
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