Past events

VLSI Design and Test Workshops

August 6-7, 1998
The Habitat World, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003.

This is the compilation of abstracts of presentations made at the 2nd International VLSI Design and Test Workshops held in New Delhi, August 6-7, 1998. There were three workshops organized as part of the Workshop Series : the Test Workshop, the Logic Design Workshop, and the Physical Design Workshop. The final programs for these workshops may be found at https://members.tripod.com/~vlsi_india

Paper Presentations

Logic Design Workshop : Table of Contents

Ashima Malhotra, Duet Technologies.
Design of FIR Filters for Low Power Applications.
A Shyamprakash, Cadence Design Systems, Ram G Mohan, IIT Delhi
Parameterized Divider Cells for Datapath Synthesis
Rohit Sharma, Texas Instruments India.
Standard Cell based and FPGA based ASIC design of CORDIC core
A. V. Pranatarthi, ICON Systems, India
HardWare Software Partition Using Genetic Algorithms and Application to MPEG Encoder and ECHO Cancellation
C. Mandal, R. Zimmer. Brunel University. UK
Integrated Scheduling and Allocation for Synthesis of Structured Data Path.
Yosef Gavriel, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Constraint Programming Applied to High-level and System level Sythesis of Application-Specific Systems.
N.R. Alamelu,PSG College of Technology ,Coimbatore, India
Modelling and Performance Analysis of Buffered Leaky Bucket Policing for ATM Networks using VHDL.
M. Karthik, H. Narayanan, IIT Bombay, India.
Development of a Large Scale System Partitioner.
A. Srivastava, S. Gupta, C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi and Chandrashekhar,CEERI, Pilani
System Partitioning and Technology Selection
V. Sahula, IIT Delhi.
VLSI Design Flow Management
S. Chakraverty, Delhi Institute of Technology, India.
Hardware-Software Cosynthesis of a MultiProcessor System for Real Time Application.
Sanjeev Sablok, Dinesh Kumar, Anil Vohra, P. J. George, Kurukshetra University.
ALLIANCE Based VLSI design
M. Mahendale, Texas Instruments, India.
Invited Talk on Design of Ankoor Digital Signal rocessor

Test Workshop : Table of Contents

M. Jamoussi. KFUPM.
M-Testable Arithmetic Iterative Arrays.
Janusz Rajski, Nagesh Tamarapalli, Jerzy Tyszer. Mentor Graphics.
Automated Synthesis of Large Phase Shifters for BIST.
Rubin A. Parekhji, Texas Instruments.
On Connectivity and Inversion Problems in Scan.
Ashok S. Nale, Silicon Interfaces.
DEST: A Method for Multiplr Stuck-at and Delay FaultDetection in Combinational Circuits
Shekhar Saha, Synopsys (India).
Methodology for Static Verification of Multi-Million Gate Design.
Ashima Malhotra, Duet Technologies and C. P. RaviKumar, IIT Delhi.
Multiple Signature Testing for Path Delay Faults.
Chandramouleeswaran, Texas Instruments India.
Integrated Test Vector Flow for Design QC.
S. Baskar, Texas Instruments India.
Test Vector Language Parser, enabling language independent test flow.
A. Sinha, P. Kaul and C.P. Ravikumar, IIT Delhi.
Designing a Testable IIR Filter Core.
V.C. Prasad, IIT Delhi.
Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits : A Review (Invited)
V.C.Prasad, IIT Delhi and N.S.C.Babu, Department of Electronics, Delhi.
Test mode selection for Analog fault diagnosis using dictionary
S. Balajee, Texas Instruments
Tutorial on Design to Test Environment.

Physical Design Workshop : Table of Contents

Edward Y.C. Cheng and Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida.
A Fast Algorithm for Transistor Folding.
R.K. Pal, S.P. Pal and A. Pal, University of Calcutta.
Wire Length Minimization in Multi-Layer Channel Routing.
Sacheendra Nath and C.P.RaviKumar, IIT Delhi.
Crosstalk Minimization through Transistor Sizing.
Debashis Sarkar, Motorola India Electronics Ltd. and B. B. Bhattacharya, ISI Calcutta.
Fast Circuit Extraction from MOS switch Level Descriptions.
Soumendra Nath Mandal and Anurag Seth, Duet Technologies.
Effective Capacitence Seen by Timing Arcs in a Cell.
P. Mahalingam, S.C. Nandy, B.B. Bhattarchaya ISI Calcutta and S. Sur-Kolay Jadhavpur University.
Topological Routing in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles.
Rajeevan Chandel, REC Hamirpur.
Dielectric Based Electrostatic Microactuators.
R. Krishnan, Cypress Semiconductors, India .
TTL/CMOS interfaces
Preeti Gupta, Synopsys India.
Place Algorithm for Low Power.
Susmita Kar-Kolay, Jadhavput University.
Tutorial on Special Topics in VLSI Layout.
Satrajit Ghose, ISI Calcutta, S. Sur-Kolay, Jadhavpur Univ. and B.B. Shattacharya, ISI Calcutta.
VLSI Chips on 3-D Closed Surfaces.
K. Rajagopalan, Analog Devices (India).
Reliability Problems in Deep Submicron ICs.

Logic Design Workshop

Design of FIR Filters for Low Power Applications
Ashima Malhotra
Duet Technologies.
Noida, India.
An algorithm is presented for the design of digital Finite Impulse Response filters for low power applications. The algorithm aims at automating the design process and is completed in two phases. The first phase finds the appropriate filter coefficients which meet the given specifications of ripple content and transition band width. The second phase aims at minimizing power for above filter coefficients.
The optimal filter design method which makes use of the Remez Exchange Algorithm is used to find the filter coefficients. The coefficients are represented by a Canonic Signed Digit (CSD) code i.e. numbers which can be represented as sums or differences of powers-of-two. An extra nonzero digit in the CSD code is allocated to the larger coefficients to compensate for the nonuniform nature of the CSD coefficient distribution. Scaling is also done inorder to minimize the coefficient quantization errors due to the use of finite precision arithmetic. An iterative search is made to find the best scaling factor.

Parameterized Divider Cells for Datapath Synthesis
A Shyamprakash
Cadence Design Systems, NEPZ, Noida, UP 201305
Ram G Mohan
Dept. of Electrical Engg.
Indian Institute of Technology
New Delhi
Datapath synthesis tools provide a mechanism to recognize datapath elements from an RTL description, and helps to pick the most optimal implementation and synthesize. The datapath synthesis tool needs a datapath library which contains model cells and implementation cells for various datapath elements. A typical datapath library will contain various datapath elements like registers, multiplexers, counters, adders, multipliers, ALUs etc. Our effort was to develop divider cells for a datapath library which could be used to implement division operation. In this paper, we describe different kinds of divider cells developed for datapath library and the challenges we faced to get an optimal implementation. The entire work was done in VHDL.

Standard Cell based and FPGA based ASIC design of CORDIC core
Rohit Sharma
Texas Instruments, India
This Paper presents the ASIC design of the CORDIC algorithm (COordinate Rotation DIgital Computing), which offers a unified iterative formulation to efficiently compute trigonometric functions and is widely used in real time digital signal processing applications. Emphasis was put to improve it's efficiency by changing the adder/subtractor (heart of CORDIC architecture) and binary number system (normal binary and redundant binary). We tried the design with three different adder namely ripple carry adder, carry lookahead adder and redundant binary adder. For the standard cell based designs 0.8 micron cmos technology library is borrowed from Engineering Research Center of Mississippi State University and FPGA based designs were mapped to 0.35 micron cmos sram based FPGA.

HardWare Software Partition Using Genetic Algorithms and Application to MPEG Encoder and ECHO Cancellation
A. V. Pranatarthi
ICON Systems, India

In this paper , the system is mapped to a Processor and Hardware Architecture. To do such a mapping , the system has to be partitioned into tasks which are categorized into software and Hardware units. The tasks which come in the software units are those which take some form of user input , are executed on the processor(which is available off the shelf) and the time consuming tasks like signal processing transforms , matrix transformations, matrix inverse are to quote a few come in the hardware partition.
We have proposed a novel approach to the partitioning using Genetic Algorithms. The input to the partitioning process, are the tasks involved, in the system which is to be designed. The next input, are the various implementations which are possible for each of the tasks. The first information is usually obtained through data flow / task graphs for the system. The task graph is an directed acyclic graph in which the nodes represent the tasks which are identified in the system and the directed arcs represent the scheduling information. The metrics of a particular task are the time of execution, and the cost of the task as per the implementation which is either Hardware or software.

Constraint Programming Applied to High-level and System level Sythesis of Application-Specific Systems.
Yosef Gavriel,
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering,
Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA


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Integrated Scheduling and Allocation for Synthesis of Structured Data Path
C. Mandal, R. Zimmer.
Brunel University. UK

Important goals of data path synthesis techniques are to minimize the cost of the data path and to maximize its performance. At this level of design, the performance is measured in terms of the number of time steps in which the data dependency graph of operations is scheduled. There are two important steps in data path synthesis: scheduling of operations and allocations of hardware resources. Scheduling directly determines the performance of the design and places a lower bound on the cost of the data path. Allocation directly determines the cost of the data path and places an upper bound on the performance of the design. In the earlier stages of development the two steps were done separately. Now they are generally done simultaneously to produce better global results.

Ultimately all the components in the synthesized data path need to be placed and their interconnections routed. Some of the current data path synthesis techniques produce data paths where the interconnection between the components is random; some other techniques produce bus based structures. Data paths with random interconnects tend to impose a penalty during placement and routing. Bus based data paths, on the other hand, could have more buses than the maximum number of concurrent transfers in any time step. Since buses are generally relatively long distance interconnects, the space taken up by these is under utilized when there are more buses than transfers generally taking place. To account for these considerations we have developed a genetic algorithm to support the synthesis of structured data paths. The aim of the system is to produce designs with a simple and predictable layout structure. These structures conserve on-chip wiring resources. The data path is organized as architectural blocks (A-block). Each A-block has a local functional unit (FU), local memory elements and internal interconnections. Besides the A-blocks there are one or more global memory units and only a few global buses interconnecting the A-blocks and the global memory units.

Our scheduling algorithm delivers a performance and hardware cost optimized schedule for a given partial order of operations. The schedule is such that the architecture required to satisfy it is of relatively low cost and satisfies a minimum performance constraint. The scheduling is guided by user specified architectural parameters such as the number of A-blocks and global buses. The scheduling algorithm is versatile enough to handle multi-cycle operations and multiple implementations of an operation. The advantage of our method over existing methods is that random long-distance interconnects between data path elements are avoided. This feature makes the technique especially attractive for the high-level synthesis of designs which are intended to be implemented on reconfigurable architectures and programmable structures such as an FPGA, where interconnect resources are limited. Our method has been applied to standard examples. The resulting data paths compare favorably with other techniques for data path synthesis, in terms of performance and data path cost, while at the same time they have a structure that is advantageous for placement and routing.

Modelling and Performance Analysis of Buffered Leaky Bucket Policing for ATM Networks using VHDL.
N.R. Alamelu
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore, India

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is the transfer mode of choice for Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks (B-ISDN). In ATM, a call can exceed the negotiated traffic parameters up to maximum capacity of User Network Interface (UNI) and therefore a new network function called Usage Parameter Control (UPC) or policing function is to be implemented. The leaky bucket shapes the traffic close to its negotiated Quality of Service (QoS) parameter within a relatively small time constant. This paper discusses the implementation of Leaky Bucket mechanism with input data buffer using VHDL.

Development of a Large Scale System Partitioner
M. Karthik, H. Narayanan,
Dept. of EE,
IIT Bomabay,

Partitioning is the technique of breaking up a large system into several smaller interacting components. In short, it is a method of divide and conquer that is used to reduce the size of the problem. Rapid advances in VLSI Technology, and the corresponding increase in system complexity have necessitated the development of efficient tools for system partitioning. These find application in VLSI layout and floor planning, reducing the component count and the number of interconnects for multiple-FPGA prototyping of systems, etc.

System Partitioning and Technology Selection
A. Srivastava, S. Gupta, C.P. Ravikumar
IIT Delhi
CEERI, Pilani
In this paper, we show the importance of system partitioning and technology selection in reducing the manufacturing cost per unit. We perform the partitioning at the structural level of abstraction. The yield of individual partitions, which are manufactured as separate integrated circuits, is estimated using the concept of critical area estimation. A model is presented to estimate the total system cost, which includes the cost of individual chips and the cost of packaging the system. Our experimental results indicate that a moderate level of partitioning can indeed reduce the manufacturing cost of large VLSI systems.

Design Flow Management
Vineet Sahula
Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT, Delhi

The number and diversity of VLSI/CAD design tools has increased almost at the same pace as the the complexity and size of chip designs. There has been an increasing need for CAD management tools that can help manage design process/flow. A design-flow manager is a tool that helps the design team in organizing, monitoring, and automating the design process. We shall provide a tutorial overview of recent work in the area of design flow management. We review the characterstics and features of several flow-management tools. We indicate the need to incorporate hierarchy and concurrency into flows. We summarize the impact of modern technological breakthroughs on in flow management.

ALLIANCE Based VLSI design
Sanjeev Sablok, Dinesh Kumar, Anil Vohra and P. J. George
Kurukshetra University.

This paper describes the design efforts centered around ALLIANCE: A set of VLSI cad tools. The behavioral description for the system ( 2 to 4 line decoder is written in VHDL. Using simulator tool ASIMUT, the VHDL source code is validated and simulated. A pattern file is then generated using a pattern generator, GENPAT. The core of the chip is defined and then using LOGIC tool the standard cell mapping is done. Then using the net-list optimizer tool NETOPTIM, the fanout problems are removed within a net-list and delays are optimized. Through SCR (Standard Cell Router) tool router routing is done and physical design layout is obtained. The design errors can be checked by using a design rule checker. Design for a 2 to 4 line decoder was obtained using the above package.

Ankoor(TMS320C27xx) - Challenges in Designing a New DSP Core
M. Mahendale, Texas Instruments, India.

The talk will cover challenges in designing a new DSP core, based on our experiences with Ankoor (TMS320C27xx) - the next generation DSP core designed at TI India. We will present 3 important aspects of the design process -

Architecture Development
We will show how an architecture is influenced by various factors including application domain characteristics, requirements of the application development environment and the target silicon technology.

Functional Verification
We will present a comprehensive verification methodology that addresses the following questions :

Multi-dimensional** Optimization of the core to be embedded in a System-on-a-chip(SOC)
A DSP core is designed for use in many application/customer specific SOCs. We will highlight how the design process needs to comprehend the characteristics of SOCs so as to optimize the embedded core.

The talk will conclude by pointing out some of the opportunities and the challenges for the future.
**Multi-dimensional: (area-delay-power-test-reliability-manufacturability)

Test Workshop

M-Testable Arithmetic Iterative Arrays
M. Jamoussi

An M-testability concept is presented as a further development of C-testability , to cope up with iterative arrays of non-identical cells, regardless of the fault type. M-testability is proposed, based on a developed Classified-Level Approach (CLA), applied to interconnected cells as a first step towards their test-vector prediction. These vectors, determined using an elaborated Variable Testability Measure (VTM), are compacted for the entire array. M-testability is experimented on various arithmetic arrays and interesting results are obtained.

Automated Synthesis of Large Phase Shifters for BIST.
Janusz Rajski, Nagesh Tamarapalli and Jerzy Tyszer.
Mentor Graphics.


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On Connectivity and Inversion Problems in Scan.
Rubin A. Parekhji,
Texas Instruments, India
Scan based testing is a widely accepted method for testing large designs. The use of scan techniques is one of the easiest ways to achieve DFT (design for testability) compliance for random logic. However, scan design has various careabouts, which have to be adequately addressed for a properly testable design. This paper discusses two major careabouts of connectivity and inversions in scan chains, based on the design experience of a recently designed DSP core at Texas Instruments, India. The two main contributions of this paper are: (i) It discusses the various conditions leading to connectivity and inversion problems. (ii) It suggests synthesis guidelines and describes post-synthesis fixes to mitigate these problems. Situations wherein such connectivity and inversion checks can be profitably employed to simplify test and diagnosis are also explained.

DEST: A Method for Multiplr Stuck-at and Delay FaultDetection in Combinational Circuits
Ashok S. Nale,
Silicon Interfaces.
In this paper, a unified method for multiple multiple stuck-at and delay fault detection is presented. It is deterministic method at the path level that is, it detects all detectable multiple fault on given propagation pat (p-path)[1]. In this method top-down approach is used that is specific multiple fault is not considered directly, instead first all path s are identified and test for all multiple paths are found. Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) generated using reduced circuit[1] technique for variable ordering. Using this OBDD all propagation paths are identified and test vector for all multiple faults on those paths are found by sensitising them. using x-assign operator[1]. This problem does not involve the false-path problem and hence saves the efforts wasted in identifying false paths as in case of other path-oriented methods. This method guarantees the detection of all detectable multiple stuck-at and delay faults. The complexity of this method is determined by the complexity of OBDD generation process. This work does not concentrate on the OBDD generation techniques, but simply make use of OBDD to correlate the functionality of the circuit with its structure using reduced circuit[1] technique. This method was run on ALU74181 and results are presented in [1].

Methodology for Static Verification of Multi-Million Gate Design.
Shekhar Saha,
Synopsys (India).

The Static Verification approach is not based on functional vectors. Thus it typically runs very fast and can handle multi-million gate designs. Static Verification also gives 100% coverage of the design, in that every path in the design is checked for functionality and timing. This approach involves using two different tools to break the verification problem. A static timing analysis tool is used for timing verification. And a formal verification--in particular a equivalence checker--tool is used for functional verification. Used together, static-timing analysis and equivalence checking deliver exhaustive coverage of timing critical paths and functional equivalence for system-level designs at speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than gate-level simulators. This paper discusses the methodology for using static verification in the ASIC design cycle flow. It also shows with the help of an example how static verification could achieve a reduction of 90% in verification runtimes with respect to simulation.

Multiple Signature Testing for Path Delay Faults.
Ashima Malhotra,
Duet Technologies
C. P. RaviKumar,
IIT Delhi.
The proposed BIST architecture employs on chip multiple signature comparison technique but does not require the storage of intermediate signatures. A special kind of registers known as Concurrent Intermediate signature Comparison (CIC) registers solve the problem of signature storage by using the concept of check points. These registers have an error indicator circuit in addition to the normal Built-in Logic Block Observer (BILBO) circuit. The error signal is generated in the test mode which gives the result of each intermediate signature comparison. The technique is such that the storage of intermediate golden signatures is not required. Such a test method eliminates the necessity of scanning out the multiple signatures for off-chip comparison thereby reducing the test application time. It also reduces the aliasing problem by multiple signature comparison without any significant increase in area.

Designing a Testable IIR Filter Core.
A. Sinha, P. Kaul and C.P. Ravikumar
IIT Delhi.

Testability plays an important role in the design of reusable cores. In this paper, we consider the design of a testable core of a DSP application, namely, an infinite impulse response filter. The core that we designed can be used as a building block in the construction of a ladder-type IIR filter network. We used the multiple signature built-in self test technique to make the core self testable. We shall present the testability measurements made on the IIR core.

Test Vector Language Parser, enabling language independent test flow.
S. Baskar, Texas Instruments India.

In this paper we describe the design of a high performance, language independent parser kernel. We also discuss the need for such a parser kernel, and how it aids in architecting a VLSI test flow that is System On a Chip (SOC) ready.
Test vector languages are crucial interface languages for passing device information and test vectors from the post-design flow onto the ATE floor. As the design complexity scales the Moore's law curve, aided by the embedding of pre-designed cores onto a silicon wafer; the number of test vectors increase sharply. This warrants the use of high performance test EDA tools for test vector manipulations. The heart of all these tools is the test vector language parser kernel, whose performance plays a key role in determining the performance of the tools embedding the parser kernel. As SOC becomes more pervasive in usage, different core's test information and the vectors come from different sources. The EDA tools need to have the capability to handle multiple test vector language formats. This is handled by the parser kernel. Thus this parser kernel plays a key role in moulding the VLSI test flow to be SOC ready.

Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits : A Review
Dr. V.C.Prasad
Deptt. of Elect. Engg., IIT, Delhi.

There are three broad classes of methods for fault diagnosis of Analog circuits.They are called (i) fault analysis (ii) fault verification and (iii) fault dictionary. Fault analysis involves determination of values of all components of the circuit under test.This requires generation of as many eqations as there are components using test measurements.Further these equations have to be independent.This is usually very time consuming.Fault verification assumes that only a fixed number (say, K )of elements are faulty.However it is not known which set of K elements out of N elements of the network are faulty.Fault verification methods determine the set of K elements which are likely to be faulty and then compute the values of these elements .Fault dictionary approaches use a look table, often called dictionary to isolate a fault.Such a table has predetermined faults as rows and expected measurements values as columns.By "matching" the actual measurements with expected measurement a fault can be identified.

Test mode selection for Analog fault diagnosis using dictionary
Deptt. of Elect.Engg. 
IIT Delhi 
Deptt. of Electronics 
Govt.Of India, Delhi
Dictionary approach for fault diagnosis of analog circuits requires less no. of test points compared to other methods.In this paper, a new concept called fault pair table is introduced.This table has fault pair table as rows and node voltages of test points as columns.Rows/Columns can be treated as binary numbers.This saves memory. >From a given set of nodes,test nodes can be selected either by deleting unwanted nodes (called exclusion method )or by included nodes(called inclusion method).Techniques are presented to efficiently delete or include test nodes.Using these technique, methods are proposed to determine a set of test nodes which can diagnose all faults of interest.Such a set of nodes is called a valid set.A valid set is a minimal set if no proper subset of it is itself a valid sets. Polynomial time algorithms are designed to generate valid sets and minimal sets.Several circuit examples are given to illustrate these ideas.

Tutorial on Design to Test Environment.
S. Balajee
Texas Instruments

With increasing shift on System-on-chip, it is very important to have a integrated design to test framework in order to reduce overall test program generation cycle time. This tutorial will discuss the framework, which maps the design data to test environment seamlessly.

Physical Design Workshop

A Fast Algorithm for Transistor Folding
Edward Y.C. Cheng and Sartaj Sahni
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
University of Florida.
{yccheng, sahni}@cise.ufl.edu

The objective of transistor sizing is to reduce the circuit delay by increasing the area of transistors. One by-product of transistor sizing is the generation of layouts of transistors of widely varying size. In row-based layout synthesis, we group pMOS and nMOS transistors together and place them in rows. The layout area for these designs is wasted due to non-uniform cell heights. The layout area required can be reduced by folding large transistors so that their height is reduced. Her and Wong have developed an O(m^6) dynamic programming algorithm for the general transistor folding problem. (If only s heights are possible for the folded transistors, the complexity of Her and Wong's algorithm is O(m^3s^3). In general, s is O(m).) Kim and Kang have developed a more practical algorithm for the case of row-based designs. The complexity of their algorithm is O(m^2 log m) or O(s(m+s) log m). They also show that the area of row-based designs can be reduced by as much as 30% by performing transistor folding. In this paper, we consider the row-based-design transistor-folding problem and develop an O(m^2) or O(s(m+s)) algorithm to minimize area. Not only is our algorithm asymptotically faster than the algorithm of Kim and Kang, it is also conceptually simpler. We also report on experiments conducted by us that show that our algorithm actually runs much faster than the algorithm of Kim and Kang. Our experiments indicate that our algorithm runs 3 to 50 times as fast for m values in the range [100, 100,000].

Wire Length Minimization in Multi-Layer Channel Routing
R. K. Pal,
Department of CSE
University of Calcutta
S. P. Pal
Department of CSE
IIT Kharagpur.
A. Pal
Department of CSE
University of Central Florida,
Orlando, USA.
We consider the problem of minimizing the total wire length in a routing solution under the reserved multi-layer Manhattan routing model, where horizontal and vertical layers of interconnect alternate. We show that given a channel specification, the problem of minimizing the total wire length under the two-layer no-dogleg VH and three-layer no-dogleg HVH routing models are NP-hard.
The wire length minimization problem is neither known to be NP-hard nor polynomial time solvable in the 2i-layer no-dogleg ViHi routing model as well as in the (2i + 1)-layer no-dogleg ViHi+1 routing model. We show that these problems become NP-hard under a natural restriction that a specifi ed subset(s) of nets must be assigned to the extreme horizontal layer(s). This restriction is relevant in practice where a multi-layer routing solution is given and we wish to reduce wire length by rearranging nets within layers. Often this is required to ensure t hat nets from flanked horizontal layers do not come out into the extreme horizontal layer(s), making a feasible solution impossible. Moreover, there may be cases of assigning special nets like power and ground nets that are forced to be assigned to the extreme horizontal layer(s). We call such problems extreme layer problems.

Fast Circuit Extraction from MOS Switch-Level Descriptions
Debashis Sarkar,
Motorola India Electronics Ltd.
B. B. Bhattacharya,
ISI Calcutta.
Circuit extraction and verification is an integral part of VLSI design cycle. Given the layout description of a
circuit, the problem is
  1. to extract the switch-level circuit description (as an interconnection of MOS transistors),
  2. to evaluate the logical description (in terms of boolean functions, state diagrams, binary decision diagrams), and
  3. to verify thedesign.
Geometric information is also used to estimate resistances, capacitances, delay, and other parameters for timing verification of components and interconnects. With the ever increasing complexity of integration, this reverse engineering process is indispensable to ensure correctness of design. In this work, we address the second problem of extracting functional representation from transistor interconnect description. This is also useful in the analysis of circuits for which flat switch-level netlist is known.

Effective Capacitence Seen by Timing Arcs in a Cell.
Soumendra Nath Mandal and Anurag Seth
Duet Technologies,
Noida, India.

In this paper a simple and effective method for calculation of Effective capacitance for the PI admittance seen by a timing arc of a cell has been presented. With technology moving into deep submicron level, propagation delay and the output slew over the timing arcs of cell can no longer be calculated without taking into account the resistive component of the interconnect. The algorithm finds the effective capacitance by matching the output slew characterizing the waveform. The capacitive load so found takes care of resistive component of the load seen by the timing arc. For the given slew equation of a timing arc, a simple electrical model for the timing arc is found as a function of input slew and output capacitance. Waveform for the given PI admittance is matched to obtain the effective capacitance. The paper also gives an overview of different methods for calculating ceffective. The algorithm presented here is an iterative one. In the course of the paper, improvement of the algorithm has been sought and the whole process boils down to three calls to slew equation. The algorithm is capable of dealing with slew information provided in a timing library, irrespective of the form whether it is provided in the raw tabulated format or in form of equation. The procedure has been integrated in the RSPF-based delay calculation flow of Duiet's DCL-based delay calculator. Finding Ceffective becomes indispensable for achieving high degree of accuracy in delay calculation specially when delay and slew are characterized as a function of input slew and pure output loading capacitance. Ceffective value calculated by using the characterized tabular data and the corresponding Pi admittance are used in the SPICE-netlist and the high degree of accuracy is observed in the simulation result. As the ASIC vendors usually characterize the cells as a function of input slew and output capacitance current algorithm applicability for high degree of accuracy. This paper also addresses incorporation of Ceffective based flow in DCL-based flow. DCL(Delay Calculation Language) is the Procedural Interface based language for writing delay and power informations.

Topological Routing in the presence of Polygonal Obstacles
Padma Mahalingam, Subhas C. Nandy and Bhargab B. Bhattacharya
Advanced Computing & Microelectronics Unit
ISI Calcutta.
Susmita Sur-Kolay
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg.,
Jadavpur University,
Calcutta 700032, India.
In this paper, the problem of topological routing of m nets {n1, n2 . . nm} using two layers and in the presence of k non-overlapping convex polygonal obstacles {P1, P2 . . . Pk} is studied. These obstacles represent one or more functional blocks with pin alignment and/or routing of local nets completed. We assume that a net appears not more than once on a polygonal obstacle and the pins of the corresponding nets are placed along the edges of the polygons. The sketch is generated by processing all the nets concurrently in order to circumvent the net ordering problem in traditional global routers which route the nets one after the other.
Most of the existing topological routers for multilayer MCMs consider routing space with vias as the only obstacles, whereas we are concerned with routing in the presence of pre-placed finite polygonal obstacles in the routing layers. Our assumption of two layers takes shape in the form that two lines of distinct nets can cross only once. The more general multilayer problem and its associated layer assignment will be taken up later on.

Dielectric Based, Electrostatic Microactuators
Rajeevan Chandel
REC Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India

A micro-actuator is a silicon micro-mechanical transducer designed to perform a specific actuation function on application of an external signal. In this work silicon Dioxide based cantilevers form the basis for the microactuators. The released Silicon Dioxide cantilevers are straight, strong and show less fatigue.The use of insulator also permits greater flexibility in design . The Silicon Dioxide beams are metal coated to make them conductive to the electrostatic potential. Direct wafer bonding technology has been used to get the etch-stop layer and precise pit depth using bulk micro-machining of Silicon. The general advantage of this technique is an accurate control of actuator dimensions and versatility in the choice of beam materials. The cantilever beam microactuators are a stepping stone for a couple of microactuators.It can be utilized for a micro-switch, which has low power dissipation, low 'on'' resistance than conventional transistors and small size, light weight and higher operational frequency than electro-mechanical relays. These microactuators have rugged and shock-proof nature and highly suitable for space launch vehicles and in vibrant situations.

TTL/CMOS interfaces
R. Krishnan
Cypress Semiconductors
Bangalore, India
Most systems/chips communicate at TTL levels, while chips are designed using CMOS technology. It is not always possible to give CMOS level outputs while satisfying the output drive requirements. It is also necessary that the CMOS chips recognize the TTL levels presented at their inputs. This paper discusses the input and output stages of a CMOS chip. TTL to CMOS converters (Input stage) are usually ratioed inverter stages, with a power down control and hysteresis option. The output circuit design is goverened by issues like switching noise, slew rate, and process limitations like latchup. Proven circuits/techniques that are used to achieve CMOS/TTL compatibility are presented.

Placement Algorithm for Power Minimization
Preeti Gupta
Synopsys, India

Conventional placement techniques speak of speed and delay as the consideration factors. In this work, the cost of the Simulated Annealing algorithm has been modelled by a new approach to optimize the power dissipation. The cost function considers the switching activity of the nets in addition to their capacitance. The results were measured and compared for conventional and power-optimized placements. The Low Power Placement algorithm was run on standard cells for several static CMOS combinational circuits and the results found to be quite encouraging.

VLSI chips on three-dimensional closed surfaces
S. Ghose, B. Bhattacharya
ISI Calcutta
S. Sur-Kolay
Jadavpur University
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Abstracts Compiled by Rohit Sharma / Last Modified 20th July, 1998.