
I studied Astrophysics from 1967 until 1978 when I became the spectroscopist for the NASA Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. I mention this to show why I have a deep hatred for anyone who demands I put their politically correct nonsense ahead of what I know.

John W. Doktor of the ADL really hit a nerve when he implied that people who believe Jews have disproportionate influence are anti-semites.

First of all it would be silly to believe that every ethnic group would have money, power, and influence in exact proportion to its percentage of the population.

Secondly, it's actually pretty easy to see who has what by checking the census figures and looking through the books in library reference rooms.

The census says that there are twice as many Poles in America than Jews. So if things are not disproportionate, as John Doktor says, then for every Jew who owns or edits a major city newspaper ( Say the NY Times or Washington Post or NY Post or NY Daily News) there should be twice as many Poles who do. And there should be twice as many Polish millionaires, Polish physicians, Polish attorneys, actors, columnists, authors, editors, censors, and publishers, industrialists, skyscraper owners or leasers, network executives, and Polish neo-conservatives around GW Bush pushing for war against Islam. (Neo-conservatives were leftie traitors against America when America was fighting American enemies but are now gung-ho righties when America fights Israel's enemies)

I took math courses through the graduate level, Mr Doktor, I can add!

And so it is with the rest of the white-ethnic groups. In America we have Czechs, Slovaks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Russians, Ukranians, Hungarians, Rumanians, Bulgarians, Serbians, Macedonians, Greeks, Italians, Irish, French, and others.

Do any of these American white-ethnic groups have more money, power, and influence than Jews, Mr. Doktor?

The only group in this nation that Im sure has more money, power, and influence than the Jews are WASPS. If Jews aren't second they are very close to it. And Jews can throw the anti-semite card at the WASPS. Ever notice that the media whine about the race-card but fear mentioning the anti-semite card? ( In NYC the "Jewish Hour" is on WOR radio. Host Joey Reynolds and his guests sit around and talk about how "stupid Polacks are". Imagine if Poles did that to Jews! ) .

In America, "diversity" means WASP, Jew, Latino, Black, Gay, and Asian. You see this formula on any TV show that has multiple hosts. If you are not one of these you are not represented on TV or the movies or most other places. (Unless you are willing to slander your own white-ethnic group as Conan O'Brian does with the Irish. And the Italians involved with The Sopranos.)

Only the Slovaks supported the Iraq Invasion, all the other white-ethnic groups opposed it. ( And I distinctly remember sitting in the Woolworth's downtown in 1982 reading the NYC papers which were full of columns and letters by Jews calling for America to attack Iraq for Israel)

The names in support of both the Iraqi War and Globalism are overwhelmingly WASP and Jewish. And it's the white-ethnics who were the big losers when the factories were shipped away to the Latino and Asian nations.

Muslims are becoming powerful enough to stand up to the WASP/Jew hegemony. The French and German governments said "NO" to it.

I proudly dislike Morris Dees and Abe Foxman. They are major promoters of the scheme to confuse "WASP" with "white" to make it look like "whites" are doing well when, in fact, only WASPS and Jews are doing well while all other types of whites are sinking.

Notice how Foxman is not attacking Bustamante for his Aztec racism or for the anti-Semitic statements that have appeared in Aztlan publications. It's because it's not European-Americans doing it. What drives the ADL and Dees' group is simply extreme hatred of gentile Euro-Americans and their cultures and religions. Everything on the ADL site reeks of Jewish activist Foxman's hatred of Euro-cultures, Euro-religions, and Euro-traditions. Jewish activist groups are anti-white-gentile, anti-white-ethnic Hate-Groups. Activist Foxman is a left-wing version of J.Edgar Hoover who likes to spy on everyone and shut up anyone who disagrees with him.

Jews of my "grandfathers" generation worked in sweatshops (As did my grandparents) But they're dead.

Jews of my "father's" generation were killed by Nazis. (So were my relatives). The survivors are now mostly dead.

But the Jews of "my" baby-boomer generation are a bunch of born-into-the-middle-class spoiled brats who have a lot of nerve to claim "underdog" status. They were never anywhere near sweatshops or concentration camps. Back in Brooklyn we called them "rich kids". In Brooklyn the Jews were to white-ethnics what Israelis are to Palestinians: Overlords.

The "First Law of Whining" is that it can only be directed at people who are better off economically. So the ADL can intimidate the monied WASPS but not any of the ethnic groups below the Jews. ( I had a good laugh at the local Rabbi who whined about what an underdog he was and then we learn that he's flown to Israel over 15 times. My parents had full-time working-class jobs all their lives and they never once could afford such a thing.)

I am so sick of the ADL spy system that attempts to intimidate white-gentiles who refuse to conform to what the ADL wants us to be. I'll say whatever I want about any country, including Israel.

Germany killed the Jews yet the Jewish activist groups were created by Jewish foreigners to control Americans instead! Weird!

And I love the way Mel Gibson refused to let Abe (Goebbels) Foxman edit and censor his movie. ( The guy who did the Hitler bio knuckled under and it became a ridiculous WWII era cartoon that was totally incorrect by even the most common bios. (The idea of Ludendorff running repeatedly against his buddy Hindenburg was particularly ridiculous. He did not even do it once. And after the war the occupying powers interviewed the people (including Jews) who knew him before the age of 30. Not one detected extreme anti-semitism in him. It was the extremely degenerate Weimar Culture that freaked him out. (Germany had become the capital of white-slavery and child-sex) Hitler lied in Mein Kampf about when he started blaming Jews. (Any lie in Mein Kampf that fits the ADL beliefs is supported by them)

If I could put up with 20 years of WASPS and Jews spewing Polish "jokes"(August 1965: Jewish comedians, authors, publishers), Abe can survive the movie. (Foxman was saved from the Nazis by the Catholic church. He's hated it ever since and wants it further 'liberalized'- which means corrupted. Foxman has always been tolerated by gentile Americans because virtually everyone mistakenly thinks he was either in a Concentration Camp or born-American. Actually, he's a typical socialist foreigner who thinks he has the right to come over here and control born-Americans. ) I always wondered how Arnold Schwartzenegger was allowed to rise in the WASP/Jew media with his accent and backround. Then one night he was on TV addressing Weisenthal's group after paying them a million in tribute. (Murray Rothbard, "Mr. Libertarian" (Jewish) always called Weisenthal the "Professional Holocaust Victim" )

Bosses, landlords, teachers, professors: Virtually everyone who ever was ever in a position of power over me was a WASP or a Jew. That's not fair. That's bigotry.

The two new contenders for the presidency are Dean, a WASP with a Jewish wife and Clark who is half WASP and half Jewish. The two contenders for the new boss of the NYC Stock Exchange were a WASP and a Jew. It never ends. Martha Stewart and Kathy Gifford would still be big if Martha didnt divorce her Jewish husband and Kathy didnt switch from Judaism to Christianity)

The WASP/Jew media referred to Roman Polanski as "Jewish" in the 1960s. Then he became a fugitive rapist who ran to Europe and during that whole time he was called "Polish". When he tried to buy his way back in by creating yet another Holocaust movie the biased media again called him "Jewish". (Gentiles would not dare vote against such movies. "The Pianist" naturally tripped up "Gangs of New York" which was about WASPS hating white-ethnics. ). I used to bring home any book about Poland and give them to my father but he told me to stop it as they were all about Polish Jews and always showed Polish gentiles as bad guys. And every book about someone from Poland landing at Ellis Island was always a Jew, never a Pole. And I get so sick of hearing so many WASP and Jew names on TV and so few white-ethnic names I throw things at the screen. On the morning and evening news they always have "experts". Their faces are shown before their names under their chins. I try to guess whether it'll be a WASP or a Jew as it's almost never anyone else.( I wish that PBS would just have ONE show about Poles for every fifty it runs about Jews)

The Nazis killed three million Polish Jews and three million Polish gentiles but the Jewish activists always sneer at the dead Poles and demand that we care about their people and not our own. I put up with a half-century of anti-Polish Jewish bigotry and now I've had enough. ( On TV the crooked cops are always Polish, never Jewish, and the credits are full of WASPs & Jews )

Sensitivity? In my childhood crowds of NYC left-wing Jews would demonstrate in Lower Manhattan for Stalin, conqueror of Poland!!! Their political cartoonist was later pushed by the WASP/Jew media as "Dr. Seuss". Our parents said he was evil and insane and to not touch his "childrens" books. (Stalin killed more than Hitler but Slavic lives don't count, only WASPs & Jews)

"American Jews have tended to vote the liberal line more than any other US ethnic group" ( Alan Steinberg). "I didn't want to be a lawyer but I was Jewish and it was expected of me" (Howard Cosell). Jews stereotype themselves.

Ever notice the rules about atomic bombs?: American (WASPs and Jews), English (WASPs), and Israeli (Jews) A-bombs are "good" but French, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, and Muslim A-bombs are "bad".

The Empire State Bldg is owned by a Jewish guy. (He allows each ethnic group to light the top once for their holidays. The Jews get to do it twice.) The Twin Towers were owned by the Port Authority. It is run by WASPS and Jews and leased them to a Jew. I hated those buildings when I saw them being built. They were the symbol of shipping industrial jobs over seas by WASPS and Jews. (Where are those old Union Jews now when we need them?) When they were destroyed the killers announced that they did it to avenge America's support of Israel against them. That was quickly hidden in the Orwellian memory hole by the WASP/Jew media. The media now pretends that the statement never existed and noone knows why it was done. Balderdash. ( In the PBS story about the creation of the Towers it lauded the "diversity" of the people working there. The Poles were relegated to "window washers".)

The "Sons of Italy", "Hibernian Society", and "Polish American Congress" should work together and with other white-ethnic groups to get up there with the WASP/Jew hegemony. ( Jews of the pre-WWII generation were mostly pro-working class. The ones born since are mostly spoiled brats.) In the last week of Sept. 2003 pro-Israel Pat Robertson claimed that the 1965 Immigration bill was pushed through by two Christian-hating Jewish senators ( A.Ribicoff, J.Javits)who wanted to flood over gentile-Europeans and their religions with anyone who wasnt European gentile. I always just thought it was just rich WASP LBJ. It's sure working but the newcomers hate Israel and they are slowly taking over.

It's a shame the WASPs won the French and Indian War. They've been the most powerful ethnic group ever since. The Jews only elbowed them over in the last 50 years. "Affirmative Action" means 20% for non-whites, 80% for WASPs and Jews and virtually nothing for the white-ethnics who, together, vastly outnumber WASPs and Jews together. The Atlanta Golf Club was attacked for being "white male". No, it was WASP, not white. Liberal icon Gregory Peck demanded that Country Clubs accept Jews. He did not care that they still didn't accept white-ethnics.

(Do you think there would have ever been an Israel if there were a million WASPS between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in 1948 instead of people whom WASPS and Jews referred to as "sandniggers"? Of course not.) ....... Jewish activists don't answer to others yet they think others should answer to them and their anti-Euro-cultures Hate groups. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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