Let's face it, video game mascots rule!! They can convince people to buy video games (wouldn't you buy it right away if there was another Mario game for N64 or a Sonic game for Dreamcast?), yet they get the blunt of the deal.
Sure, some video game mascots get their own webrings and sites, but these tend to be biased. This is one of the first, if not the first, webring to deal with all video game characters. Any system, any character; as long as your site is mostly or solely devoted to a certain video game character, you can be accepted in this ring (e.g. this site is solely devoted to Yoshi; a site that mentions Crash Bandicoot once or has one thing about him won't cut it).
Here are just some of the characters that will (hopefully)
have sites in the ring (of course, if you character is not listed you'll
still be put in!):
Sonic, Knuckles, & Tails
Crash Bandicoot
Donkey Kong
Lara Croft
Parappa the Rappa
The Street Fighter Characters
The Tekken Characters
The Mortal Kombat Characters
Character Not Listed? Mail Me So They Are!!
Once you're in the queue, add the provided customized
HTML and you're added. Here's an example of what the HTML should
look like: