No Sub-species.

Color= Iberian lynxes and the Eurasian lynxes of western Europe are both spotted and close alike. However, the two are different species. smaller than their northern counterparts, yellow/brown coat is lighter in colour and the spotted markings more noticeable.
Prey= Preys almost exclusively on rabbits, but will also hunt birds, red deer young, fallow deer and moufflon young.
Endangered= threatened with extinction in its wild habitat. Hunted heavily for its coat and as a predator of livestock, the Spanish lynx is extremely rare and on the Iberian peninsular can only be found in and around the Cota Donana reserve in the south of Spain and in very isolated parts of Portugal. Although the animal is protect in the reserve it is still legal to hunt it elsewhere.
History= During the Pleistocene the Eurasian and Canada lynxes separated, but the Spanish Lynx is estimated to have occurred long before. Thought to evolve from the first identifiable lynx, Lynx issiodorensi. The Iberian was in Europe while the Eurasian lynx was in China.
Habitat= The Iberian lynx is found in scrub vegetation.
Territory= primarily nocturnal, with activity peaking at twilight as the animals moved out of their daytime resting places to hunt. Daily travel distance averaged seven km, with males generally travelling further than females. Diurnal activity peaks during the winter.

[ Introduction ] [ Lifecycle ] [ Information ] [ Canadian Lynx ] [ Spanish Lynx ] [ European Lynx ]