Link to Wild Bill's Culture Corner

If you want to create a link to Wild Bill's Culture Corner on your page you can cut and paste the following HTML code and put it anywhere you want to!

Standard Text Link


<A HREF="https://wildbill.tripod.com/biker.html">
Wild Bill's Culture Corner</A>: Home Page of the Alaskan Biker Poet!


This is what you'll get:

Wild Bill's Culture Corner: Home Page of the Alaskan Biker Poet!

Banner Link


<A HREF="https://wildbill.tripod.com/biker.html"> <IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~wildbill/mybnr.gif"
border=1 width=400 height=40 alt="Home Page of the Alaskan Biker Poet!"></A>


This is what you'll get:

Home Page of the Alaskan Biker Poet!

If you want to put the banner on your server just put your mouse pointer over the banner image and right click. Save the image with your own file name and FTP it to your directory! Then use the above HTML code and change the URL for the banner to whatever file name you give the image.

Button Link


<form action="https://wildbill.tripod.com/biker.html">
<input type=submit value="Wild Bill's Culture Corner"> </form>


This is what you'll get.