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Home of the Alaskan Biker Poet

"Poetry for the discerning biker."

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    "The perfect man? A poet on a motorcycle. You know, the kind who lives on the edge, the free spirit. But he's also gotta have the soul of a poet and a brilliant mind. So, you know, good luck."
    Lucinda Williams

    "Rubber Side Down combines poetry, essays and photography to challenge the stereotype of the bad boy biker and chronicle the rise of the biker poet and biker poetry.
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  • March 8, 2025

    For more than a decade Wild Bill's Culture Corner has been the #1 location for Biker Poetry on the internet!
    Bad Luck

    By Wild Bill © copyright 1996 all rights reserved.

    A lot was said when I was bred
    'bout what I'd grow to be.
    My aunts and uncles never thought knuckels
    would be my destiny.

    That an old Pan head run with lead
    or a Shovel with chrome pipes,
    To be frank, would turn my crank
    and bikers be my types.

    Now to be straight I'll intimate
    the following non fiction,
    That the model that turned my throttle
    and caused this bike addiction

    Was the Evolution, that revolution
    in Harley Davidson design.
    See I'm no wrench in a pinch
    with old bikes in decline.

    I am in fact to be exact
    and everybody knows it,
    Just some schmuck with the bad luck
    to be a Biker Poet.

    Announcing the release of
    "Bikers Got Culture!"

    "Poetry for the discerning biker!"

    Though a serious poet, "Wild Bill" Rogers takes the reader into the humorous side of a lifestyle that is as unique to America as the cowboy and a culture that is largely misunderstood.

    Bikers Got Culture! contains over fifty poems and limericks of humor, wit, and a touch of the unnatural. The author speaks of a Biker Culture encompassing all walks of life from the lawful to the lawless and from the rich to the poor. "Wild Bill" takes the reader through an entertaining chronicle of the beginnings of what has become one of America's biggest icons using engaging characters, meter and rhyme, then introduces the reader to a sad sack affectionately given the handle of "Oilslick" a fast-talking, beer-drinking, oil-encrusted, bug be-speckled biker.

    From the mountains of Alaska to the sands of Daytona Beach, this is "Poetry for the discerning biker!"

    Now available from the publisher at PublishAmerica or Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.

    “Wild Bill” Rogers has been writing and riding most of his adult life. With his wife Terri he was the Co-Publisher and Editor of Midnight Sun Rider Magazine. His reporting, prose and poetry have been enjoyed throughout the U.S. in print and on the internet.

    Look what others ar saying about "Bikers Got Culture!"

    “Öyou can be assured that (Bikers Got Culture!) got me going in all ways essential to the aesthetic of poetry that matters artistically and culturally...(Wild Bill) really did it with this text; seriously, and with passion, (he) got it all here and it all works on many levels.” Dr. Martin Jack Rosenblum

    “ÖNot what I expected at all! ~To be honest I thought it would be above my head and I would need a dictionary or a guide to make my way through it...that I would be shaking my head saying " I don't get it." ~I had no idea Poetry (Biker or otherwise) would amuse me this way... I get the impression the writer could spin a tale about any subject...I'm hookedÖ” Michelle Andrea McAllister “Satisfied reader!”

    “ÖIt’s funny as hell!” Joe Gouveia “Poets Corner”

    Also recommended!

    Before ya go runnin' off how 'bout a side trip to
    Wild Bill's Missing Link
    Or check out
    The Game Room!

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    Biker Poet and Writers Association

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    Biker Poetry in the News

  • Shifting Gears, Remembering Miles by K. Peddlar Bridges
    Book review on Boston Area Press and Poetry Scene by Zvi A. Sesling
  • One Guest: José Gouveia, biker poet
    JoGo is interviewed on WGBH Boston about Rubber Side Down.
  • Easy Rider Betsy Lister
    By Bill Griffith of the Boston Globe. A biker who runs her own business, writes poetry, and works for social causes makes it all look simple.
  • Poet Dr. Martin Jack Rosenblum on UWM Post
    By Graham Marlowe; Dr. Rosenblum is arguably the original "Biker Poet" A scholar and historian, he speaks of poetrys relationship with music.
  • Poet Dr. Martin Jack Rosenblum on UWM Post
    In the second article by Graham Marlowe Milwaukee professor (Rosenblum) riffs on poetry’s history, evolution
  • BPWA announces release of Verse and Steel
    Press release for Verse and Steel an anthology containing an excellent selection of work by a number of noted bikerpoets."
  • Doug Barber Living the Life
    Christianna McCausland of Baltimore CityPaper reviews Doug and Sorez the Scribe's new release "Living the Life."
  • Lowside Syndicate
    Todd Ingram of Iron Horse Magazine reviews Doug Barber and Sorez the Scribe's new release "Living the Life."
  • Sensitive Side of M.C. Gangs Comes Through in “Baiku”
    Gerbil News Network
  • The rhythms of the road
    The Boston Globe
  • Rubber Side Down Review
    Minds Alive on the Shelves
  • The History of Biker Poetry
    by Panhead Josh on Bikernet.

    Wild Bill's Culture Corner © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 all rights reserved.
    This site was last updated March 22, 2013

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