Child of the 60’s
By Wild Bill © 2011
Beneath the dieing Willow,
In a grass studded yard,
Before the season of dissatisfaction,
The child of the 60’s
Set’s there with those micro sunglasses,
Old denim jacket with sleeves mercifully discarded,
White undershirt, patched jeans and
Plastic German Army Helmet.
Stretched out on that green, metal flake Foremost frame with
Suicide shift and Chrome Sissy Bar reaching to that
Tuck and roll banana seat akin to
Jimmy Hendrix’ Custom Amp.
Tails of road kill squirrels
Flap limply in a breeze from Ape Hangers while
Black Converse Canvass leisurely rests
With menace upon the high peddle.
The fingerless gloved hands of
Fonda, Nicholson, Dern and Hopper
Relax in control of this
Dream Machine.