Come join us in Wilsonville!
The great American philosopher John Dewey believed that if American democracy is going to work, there must be at its heart what he called "face to face communities." Such communities are small enough so that everyone knows everyone else, small enough that democracy can flourish around the dinner table and at the ball park and the fire hall. They are small enough that your neighbor is not a stranger but a friend, small enough to meet one another face to face. I believe this is also true for the church and I believe that Wilsonville UMC is just such a place. I believe it is a place where we can get to know one another. It is a place where the person on the pew next to you, or singing in the choir, or standing in the pulpit can be a friend rather than a stranger. It is a place where concerns can be shared, a place where ideas can be exchanged, a place where hands can be held and hearts can be warmed. To quote Bob Dylan, "I met somebody face to face. I had to remove my hat." If you would like to find a place where you can meet people face to face, a place to come in out of the cold and take off your hat, we hope you will join us at Wilsonville UMC.
Greg Reece, Pastor
Wake Up Call Count Your Blessings The Refiner's Fire Sand Scluptures My Day In Court Seven Years Of Tribulation Why I Believe In God (by a 8 year old boy)