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US Attack on Iraq
Monday March 31, 2003--Muharram 27, 1424 A.H





Shrine of Hazarat Abdul Qadir Jilani is safe: US embassy
(Updated at 1845 PST)
ISLAMABAD: The US authorities have denied attack on the holy shrine of Hazarat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jillani in Iraq, said a press report on Tuesday.

The US embassy in Islamabad has assured that the central command has included the shrine in the holy places, which would not attacked in Iraq.

Recent pictures show that the shrine and adjacent mosque were saved from any damage.

Iraqi POW's would not send to Guantanamo Bay: Pentagon
(Updated at 1825 PST)
WASHINGTON: The US authorities would not send the the Iraqi prisoners of war (POW's) to the Guantanamo Bay US base in Cuba, said a spokesman of Pentagon on Tuesday.

The time has not yet ripe for any decision about the future of Iraqi POW's, the spokesman told.

US forces capture Iraqi general: US military
(Updated at 1745 PST)
AS-SALIYAH, Qatar: US forces have captured an Iraqi general 
in fighting in the Karbala region south of Baghdad, a senior US commander said here Tuesday.

The attacks were very effective and resulted in the capture of an Iraqi 
general with very valuable information, Brigadier General Vincent Brooks told a press briefing here at the US military's forward command base.
He said the operations by the US forces focused on Iraqi positions around Hilla and Karbala.

Israel agreed for peace talks with Palestinians
(Updated at 1720 PST)
Occupied AL-QUDS: Israeli Foreign Minister Melovan Sholom has said Israel is agreed to talk with Palestinians, a foreign news agency reported on Tuesday.

After meetings with the US President Bush and the national security Advisor Condolezza Rice, the Israeli minister expressed Israel's agreement for talks, however he said the terrorism would be the main issue in the peace talks.

Hatred against USA rises after War on Iraq: Egyptian FM
(Updated at 1700 PST)
CAIRO: Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Mahar said Tuesday the attack on Iraq has increased hatred in the Arab world against the USA, said a press report.

The war on Iraq was violation of the UN charter, he said and demanded preservation of the geographic integrity of Iraq in the war. 

The serious consequences described in the UN resolution were not meant to imposition of the war on Iraq, he observed.

US forces using British troops as shield: al-Sahhaf
(Updated at 1655 PST) 
BAGHDAD: Several people were wounded when a US warplane 
bombed two Iraqi buses carrying international volunteers, some of them 
American, who were operating as "human shields", Information Minister Mohammad Said al-Sahhaf said Tuesday in a briefing over the war situation.

Sahhaf told a press conference here that reports from various Iraqi cities 
and other places indicated that 18 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in Baghdad, of whom five were killed and 25 wounded in Tuesday morning's raids.

He said more than 30 other Iraqis were killed and more than 130 injured in varous other parts of Iraq, including the provinces of Qadisiyah, Babylon and Salaheddin. 

The US forces are using the British troops as war fodder and shield in the war as they keep them in front of their troops, said. Tuesday near Mosul the British paratroopers were send in front of the US soldiers and an Iraqi military unit killed all of them and captured the military equipment, he told.

He denied having any weapons of the mass destruction with Iraq and dubbed the US defence minister Rumsfeld's statement baseless.

Arabs to call UN General Assembly session
(Updated at 1610 PST)
UNITED NATIONS: The Arab countries' envoys in the United Nations have decided to call a UN General Assembly session to discuss massive losses of lives, said a press report on Tuesday.

Malaysian envoy to the UN will write a letter to the General Assembly President for the session, an Arab diplomat said.

Commanders order strict checking of vehicles
(Updated at 1520 PST) 
WASHINGTON: The US commanders have directed strict measures after stiff resistance to the US troops in Iraq, a US newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The military officials have ordered thorough searches of drivers, passengers and vehicles passing from the checkposts. Passage of vehicles and trucks near the coalition convoys was strictly prohibited.

Allies claimed to capture Abul Qaisar
(Updated at 1450 PST)
BASRA: The coalition forces Tuesday claimed to complete its control over Abul Qaiser, a hamlet adjacent to Basra, said a press report.

Meanwhile, street fighting was reported in Hindya where coalition troops were trying to capture a bridge. 

While, the Iraqi spokesman also reported intense fighting with the allied troops on various places near Basra and claimed heavy losses to the allied forces. 

New air strikes on Baghdad
(Updated at 1440 PST)
BAGHDAD: The coalition warplanes bombarded Baghdad on Tuesday noon where two huge explosions rocked the city, a TV report said.

Pentagon said 700 Tomahawk and eight thousand laser guided bombs were dropped over Baghdad till now, a British TV reported.

Coalition warplanes strike Republican Guards
(Updated at 1430 PST)
DOHA, Qatar: The coalition warplanes are continuously bombing in Iraq to weaken the Republican Guards an American TV reported from the Central Command headquarter in Doha.

Allied forces are prepared to face any possible chemical attack from the Iraqi forces, the report said.

Coalition claims to enter Baghdad within few days
(Updated at 1420 PST)
LONDON: The coalition forces will enter in Baghdad within few days, claimed an officer of the US Central Command here, a British TV reported on Tuesday. 

The coalition troops have not lost their hearts and proud of waging the war for a noble cause, he added.

Saudi FM advises Saddam to leave power

(Updated at 1410 PST)
WASHINGTON: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal advised Iraqi President Saddam Hussain to leave the power in the best interest of the people of Iraq, a US TV channel reported on Tuesday.

He said, Saddam Hussain is asking the Iraqi people giving sacrifices for the country, he should set an example before them. If Saddam not left the power in the interest of the millions of Iraqi citizens lives, the country will be trapped in acute problems, he observed.

UK will not send more troops to Iraq: Hoon
(Updated at 1400 PST)
LONDON: British Defence Minister Geoff Hoon said the UK will not send more troops to Iraq, said a press report on Tuesday. 

Addressing members of the parliament, he said no more troops are needed in the campaign in Iraq.

Arab League advises against any military adventure in Syria, Iran
(Updated at 1400 PST)
CAIRO: Arab League has warned any adventure against Syria or Iran will prove beginning of destruction in the middle east, said a press report on Tuesday.

The Arab League Secretary General Amar Musa in an interview said with such US steps the war will spill over to other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, discussing Iraq with the Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreau, he said the aggression against the Iraqi people was unbearable for Arabs.

Ammunition depot captured: Central Command
(Updated at 1350 PST)
DOHA, Qatar: US Central Command Tuesday claimed the US marines have captured an ammunition dump in southern Iraq, a press report said Tuesday.

The dump was as large as the US ammunition stock in the southern California, the official said.

US plane crashes into sea
(Updated at 1340 PST)
WASHINGTON: A US plane fall down into the sea while it was landing over a plane carrier ship, said a press report on Tuesday.

Two pilots of the plane ejected out of the plane for saving their lives. They were rescued by a helicopter from the sea.

US troops in psychological strain after suicide bombing
(Updated at 1330 PST)
KARBALA, Iraq: After a suicide attack at a US check post in Najaf the US troops are facing psychological strain and fear the recent firing over a civilian vehicle was a consequence of that strain, said a press commentary on Tuesday.

Ten innocent Iraqi civilians, including five children, were killed by the 25mm cannon fire, another man was so badly injured that he was not expected to survive.

The international law urges for proper prior warning to any civilian vehicle in the war, but the US troops in Iraq are violating all international laws in the war. 

Saddam announces compensation for martyrs' families
(Updated at 1310 PST)
BAGHDAD: President Saddam Hussain has announced awarding medals of courage and cash awards to all Iraqi troops, Fidayeen Saddam and Republican Guards in Umm Qasr and Basra and a 20 million Dinar compensation for families of the every martyred soldier.

Four Iraqis held for plotting to blow up Amman hotel
(Updated at 1255 PST)
AMMAN: Jordanian authorities have arrested four Iraqis on suspicion of plotting to blow up a luxury Amman hotel frequented by foreign journalists including Americans, diplomatic sources said Tuesday.

Saddam denies his family leaving Iraq
(Updated at 1220 PST)
BAGHDAD: Iraqi President Saddam Hussain has denied the US claim that his family was escaping from Iraq and called it ridiculous.


Coalition forces rain bomb on Kalak 
(Updated at 1150 PST)
BAGHDAD: The US forces have bombed Iraqi troops positions at Kalak in the northern Iraq, an American TV channel reported on Tuesday.

The US troops shot dead an unarmed Iraqi civilian at a Shatra check post. A British soldier was killed while on duty in southern Iraq, taking the death toll to 26 since the war against Iraq began, said another report.

Allied forces could meet suicide bombings: Myers
(Updated at 0900 PST)
LONDON: The coalition forces commander Richard Myers has indicated a change of tactics by the coalition to meet the suicide bombing attacks, said a press report on Tuesday.

70 percent US citizens are backing the war and said the US prepare to bear further loss of lives in the war.

IAEA has mandate to inspect WMD's in Iraq: al-Baradi
(Updated at 0830 PST)
NEW YORK: The International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohammed al-Baradi said that only IAEA has legal mandate to inspect the nuclear energy or weapons issues in Iraq, said a press report on Tuesday.

The IAEA will restart its work of the arms inspection in Iraq as the war will end in the country, he hoped.

Chief arms inspector of the United Nations Hans Blix has said the US authorities have contacted his inspectors to work with the US for search of the weapons in Iraq, said another report.

Prominent Jordanians demand open opposition of war
(Updated at 0800 PST)
AMMAN: Former Prime Ministers and peace activists in Iraq's neighboring country Jordan have urged King Abdullah to issue clear statement against the war in Iraq, said a press report on Tuesday.

Former Prime Ministers, Ministers and peace activists have demanded the Jordan's clear policy on war in a letter to the king, a British Radio channel reported. 

Pentagon warns to shoot who refuses to stop vehicle for check-up in Iraq
(Updated at 0630 PST)
WASHINGTON: the Pentagon has issued a warning, saying they would shoot at any one who would not stop his vehicle on the coalition forceps's signaling with raised hand for stop for check-up purposes.

Arab League calls upon UN to stop US war in Iraq
(Updated at 0600 PST)
NATIONS: Arab League has demanded the United Nations Tuesday to get the on-going US-led war in Iraq stopped without further ado, said a report.

In a meeting with the Secretary General of United Nations Arab countries leaders cried over the war and termed it unlawful and they will raise their case of the War in Iraq before the General Assembly.

Eight thousand Iraqis made war prisoners 
(Updated at 0425 PST)
LONDON: British Defence Secretary claimed the US-led coalition forces have made around eight thousand persons war prisoners and added, until now no Iraqi military officer or politician has been arrested.


10 missiles hit central Baghdad
(Updated at 0415 PST)
BAGHDAD: At least 10 missiles hit the heart of Baghdad on Monday around 1930 GMT, at least one of which slammed into a presidential compound of Saddam Hussein, a report said.

US troops kill seven Iraqi women and injure two

(Updated at 0415 PST)
AS-SALIYAH: US troops opened fire opened fire on a civilian vehicle at a military checkpoint in southern Iraq, killing seven women and injuring two others, a report said on Tuesday.

Bombing never brings democracy: Arab League
(Updated at 0410 PST)
TUNIS: Secretary Arab League Amar Moosa said early Tuesday democracy could never be brought with the bombardment of B-52 jet fighters, sources reported him.

He demanded of the US to end its war in Iraq immediately. He said that bringing democracy in Iraq with war, taking a big death toll and complete destruction of the land, would never work. He called upon the Arab world to intervene and struggle to end the US war in Iraq. 

Overthrow of Saddam regime inevitable: US
(Updated at 0405 PST)
WASHINGTON: US Deputy Denfence Secretary in a briefing at the Pentagon said early Tuesday that the overthrow of Saddam’s regime is inevitable.

The Defence Secretary confirmed that Saddam has neither used lethal weapons in the US-led war nor he used the Scud missiles on Israel.  

The Defence Secretary said the war would further intensify over coming days that would surely not lead to any big death toll of the human, whereas the oil wells were safe and added that the US allies had begun providing aid to war victims in Iraq on humanitarian ground. 

Coalition forces 80 kilometers near Baghdad
(Updated at 0345 PST)
BAGHDAD: The US-led coalition forces on Monday reached 80 kilometers near Baghdad, a report said.

The battle is continued near a river where coalition forces were facing tough resistance.

Coalition fails to lure any Iraq army official
(Updated at 0345 PST)
WASHINGTON: Pentagon said on Monday that the coalition forces have failed to lure any Iraqi army official against Saddam Hussein regime. 

Iraqi TV shows Saddam with two sons
(Updated at 0330 PST)
BAGHDAD: Iraqi TV on Monday broadcast a video tape showing Saddam Hussain with his two sons at a meeting of senior army officials, a report said.

Arab volunteers leave Lebanon to fight for "God and Iraq"
(Updated at 0015 PST)
MASNAA, Lebanon: More than 30 Arabs, mostly Islamists, left Lebanon on Monday to go and join the Iraqi resistance against the US-led invasion, vowing to fight for "God and Iraq".

The volunteers, most of them Lebanese but also including Palestinians, two Egyptians and a Syrian, gathered at the Iraqi embassy in east Beirut where they received their passports stamped with visas.

Before mounting the bus to Iraq via Damascus, the volunteers prayed in 
front of the embassy. One of them said it was "the duty of every Muslim to engage in jihad (holy war)" against invading forces.

They bade farewell to relatives, before mounting the bus. "God is great!" and "We will sacrifice our souls and blood for you, Oh Iraq!" they chanted as the bus left.

On arrival at the Masnaa border post with Syria, a 33-year-old Lebanese father of three explained why he was leaving his family behind to risk his life in Iraq.

1000s of Sudanese flee Iraq but yetl no sight of Iraqi refugees
(Updated at 0015 PST)
AMMAN: Hundreds of Sudanese are fleeing embattled Iraq and heading for its neighbours Syria, Iran and Jordan, said a report on Monday.

According International Organisation for Migration (IOM) spokesman Christopher Lom, said 119 people, most of them Sudanese, entered Syria on Monday from the Abu Kamal border post.

But 60 others who who did not have proper travel documents were stuck on the Iraqi side of the border, Lom told a news conference in Amman. Meanwhile 144 Sudanese, including families with newborn babies and children, were evacuated from a no-man's land at the Iraq-Iran border after being stranded there for a week, Lom said.

Powell meets Israeli minister after warning Iraq's neighbours
(Updated at 0010 PST)
WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday held talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom hours after warning Syria and Iran, key neighbours of Iraq, to end support for terrorism. 

While US leaders sought to head off suggestions of divisions over war 
strategy, the talks came as Powell prepared to embark on a trip to Turkey and the NATO headquarters in Brussels to seek support for the US-led war in Iraq.