Safari Scatter

27th/28th March 1999

Regulations Entry Form Final Instructions Results Home


Winners: Steve Cole & Bob Blows 680 points
1st Exp: Les Parsons & Stefan Arndt 508 points
1st Semi: Andy Watson & Alan Whiteley 496 points
1st Novice: Peter Wheatley & Steve Azzopardi 448 points

Well that's the Safari out of the way for another year. I hope you all enjoyed the event and found some fun roads to drive along, and that you'll all come back next year for another go. This year's event was yet another change of format for the Safari, partially returning to its original format of A boards leading to B boards, but expanded by the use of two extra levels, and at the same time simplified with the use of a vast number of easy points available from the word 'go.' The idea of this was to give everyone plenty to do throughout the evening, with a minimum of sitting around wasting time. I realise there may have been an element of going back over where you'd recently been, which has attracted criticism in the past, but I feel the true art of doing scatters is in the ability to modify your route plan as you go along. This always has been, and always will be, an essential part of the Safari Scatter.

At the lower end of the points scale, of course, where three A boards led to each B board, there was unavoidably a bias in terms of ease of route for one of the As in favour of the other two, but I did try to even things out to some extent with regard to that. You'll have to be the judges of how well that was or was not achieved. Feedback from such an event is always useful, and next year will probably be fairly similar, so if you'd like more of the same, then please come back. Having read the results and compared how well you did and where you went with those above you in the results list, I'm sure most of you will be eager to improve your own strategies, and get one over the opposition, next time. I know I always come back from these events thinking If Only I'd had another 5 minutes, or not ignored that particular route check three hours ago, or whatever.

Returning to this year's event, a look at the results sheet shows that virtually all 60 codeboards were visited and found, with the exception of D4 (Bob, Stefan and Dave, did you fail to plot this or just not have time to get to it?), and A30, which did go missing. Any crew who visited this and wrote or told us that they could not find it were awarded the points for it. Unfortunately we can do nothing about the fact that they would have needed to visit A28 or A29 instead, in order to get the location of B10, but it would appear that A29 was on a good route for most people, as it was found by 13 out of 16 crews.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the other people who contributed to the successful running of this year's event:

That's all for now, until Safari 2000,

PositionDriverNavigatorClubA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27A28A29A30A31A32A33A34A35A36B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B11B12C1C2C3C4C5C6D1D2D3D4D5D6Codeboard TotalNo. of CodeboardsCM1CM2CM TotalTotal PointsPosition O/AClassClass Position
1Steve ColeBob BlowsGuildford101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Cole/Blows151515151515151515151520202020202025252525625452926556801E
2Les ParsonsStefan ArndtWindsor10101010101010101010101010101010Parsons/Arndt1515151515151515151515202020202525455332924535082E1
OTLNeville HawkinsIan CameronCSMA101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Hawkins/Cameron1515151515151520202020252544534282654499NOTL
3Andy WatsonAlan WhiteleyWindsor10101010101010101010101010101010101010Watson/Whiteley1515151515151515202020202525440332927564963SE1
4David ColdicottIan YoungNatWest101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Caldicott/Young151515151515151520202525420332725524724E2
5Peter WheatleySteve AzzopardiWessex1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Wheatley/Azzopardi151515151515152020202542034280284485N1
6Steve PorterChris MooreWessex10101010101010101010101010101010Porter/Moore15151515151515202020202525395292823514466N2
7Gavin JohnsonClive ClarkGuildford10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Johnson/Clark1515151515151515400362020404407SE2
8Mark BrowellPaul ChurchWindsor10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010Browell/Church15151515151515355322420443998N3
9Andy CollettRoger JackMCAC101010101010101010101010Collett/Jack151515151515151520202025325242927563819SE3
10Tim LloydDave TurnerGuildford1010101010101010101010101010101010Lloyd/Turner1515151515152020253252627204737210N4
11Nick HenryAshley CromackWessex1010101010101010101010101010Henry/Cromack151515151515151515152902427204733711N5
12Ken JenningsBrian AmblerCranleigh101010101010101010Jennings/Ambler15151515151515152020252752027245132612SE4
13Steve NorrisGordon PurdueCranleigh10101010101010101010101010Norris/Purdue15151515152020252702126224831813SE5
14Bill MexsonDavid MexsonHart MC101010101010101010101010101010101010Mexson/Mexson1515151515152702420204031014SE6
15Takashi Takeuchi"""Zip"" Zerihan"Wessex10101010101010101010101010Takeuchi/Zerihan15151515152051828235125615N6
Number of finds155512869549864134111344121010103291031361071251571111410612131113513139853298450111615No. of entries16

B board locations

B1 635.5 227.25 B2 585.25 189.5 B3 551.5 263
B4 654.5 228.5 B5 628.5 278 B6 600.5 340
B7 668.75 427 B8 595.5 377.25 B9 634.25 366.5
B10 546.25 390.5 B11 592.5 437 B12 629.5 429.5

C clues and missing info

C1 Junction in 5919 CRO Herringbone, read left to right, to 667.25 193
C2 SH 69 in 5828 CRO Square tulips, start heading east, to 530.5 245
C3 SH 113 in 5950 CRO Add/subtract spotheights, to 687.5 486.75
C4 Church in 4331 CRO Depart squares Top Bottom Left Right, to 516.75 345.25
C5 Ropley Station CRO Times. Enter on Minute, depart on Hour, to 595.25 300
C6 Tumulus in 6236 Plot distances to C6 at 615.25 405

D clues and missing info

D1 Square 6830 CRO Follow letters/spotheights etc touching road, to 687.25 180
D2 PH in 5927 CRO Cross Vertical or Horizontal grid lines, to 603 220.25
D3 Square 6552 Shows ETL going to edge of map. D3 on stile at 677.5 501
D4 Junction 7 CRO from Jn7 of M3, depart junctions in given direction to 597.25 416.5
D5 Church in 5032
Codeboard A18
Intersection of lines, at 559.5 339.5
D6 SH 86 in 5935 CRO Turn (right) through angles (eg 270 equals 90 left), to 655 414.5

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