- Corliss Burying Grounds see Hunters Creek Cemetery - (Town of Wales)
- Carpenter Cemetery (Private) - 1853 - 1868 (MF) Strykersville Road (Town of Wales)
- Gail Property Burial - Near Route 78 and Hunters Creek Road. Private burial location. (Town of Wales)
- Goodleburg Cemetery - 1817 - 1926 (MF) Goodleburg Road, between Vermont Hill Road, and Hunters Creek Road (Town of Wales)
- Havens Cemetery - 1832 - 1848 (Private) (MF) Centerline Road near East Creek Road (on a hill in a field) (Town of Wales)
- Holms Hill Cemetery - Vermont Hill and Centerline Road (South Wales)
- Holms Hill Cemetery, Lot 54 - (Town of Wales)
- Hunter's Creek Cemetery - 1792 - 1983 (MF) Hunter's Creek Road near the Holland town line. (Town of Wales)
- Ingalls Hill Cemetery - Hunter's Creek and Fish Hill Roads (Town of Wales)
- Private Cemetery - (Town of Wales)
- Reservation Cemetery, South Wales : East Creek Rd., South Wales, NY 14139
- Rogers Burying Grounds see Hunters Creek Cemetery - (Town of Wales)
- SS Peter and Paul Cemetery - (Town of Wales)
- South Wales Cemetery - Olean Road [NY Route 16] at Warner Hill Road. (South Wales)
- South Wales Cemetery - New Section (South Wales)
- South Wales Cemetery Veterans Roster
- Town of Wales Cemetery - (Town of Wales)
Just over the northern border of Holland on the west side of Hunters Creek Road. Wales Center
This cemetery includes many Holland residents who lived in this area.
Some of the family names are Fischer, Ingalls (related to Laura Ingalls Wilder), McArthur, Parker, Rogers, Sleepers and Trank.Wales Center
- Evergreen Cemetery - 1882 - 1981 (MF) 4 Four Rod Road. Karen Stoiber 716-652-2472 (Wales Center)
- Old Wales Center Cemetery - 1763 - 1939 (MF) Route 20 A at the Baptist Church (Wales Center)
- Wales Center Cemetery - 1890 -1949 (MF) Route 20A, Big Tree and Hunters Creek Roads see Evergreen Cemetery (Wales Center)
Wales Hollow
- Wales Hollow Cemetery - East Creek and Center Line Roads. (Wales Hollow)
- Wales Hollow United Methodist Episcopal Cemetery - 1772 - 1982 (Wales Hollow)
Town Information WALES - was formed from Aurora, April 15, 1818; and a part of Marilla was taken off in 1853. It is situated near the center of the E. border of the co. Its surface is broken and hilly and inclined toward the N. The principal stream is Big Buffalo Creek. The soil in the N. is a gravelly loam, and in the S. clay underlaid by hardpan. Wales Center, (p.v.,) on Big Buffalo Creek, in the N. part of the town, contains 2 churches, a gristmill, a sawmill, and 40 dwelllings; Wales, (p.v.,) on the same stream, contains 1 church, a gristmill, a sawmill, and 30 dwellings; and South Wales (p.v.) contains a gristmill, a sawmill, and 25 dwellings. The first settlement was made in 1805, by Oliver Pettengill.(1) There are 3 churches in town; 2 M.E. and a Free Will Bap.
(1)Ethan and Wm. Allen and Jacob Turner settled in the town in 1806, and Chas. and Alex. McKay, Ebenezer Holmes, and Wm. Hoyt in 1807. The first birth was that of Wm. Pettengill, in June, 1806. Isaac and Eli Hall built the first mill, in 1811; Isaac Hall kept the first inn, in 1816; and Orsamus Warren the first store, in 1824. The first school was taught by Jas. Wood, in 1811. In 1813 an Indian hatchet was found imbedded in a tree at Wales Center, and in 1825 John Allen related the following circumstance concerning it. About the time of the first settlement of Buffalo an Indian came to that place and exhibited the skin of a white child, and boasted that he had murdered and skinned the child for the purpose of making a tobacco pouch. Truman Allen, (brother of the narrator,) hearing the boast, became so enraged that he followed the Indian to Wales and shot him. He buried the body and rifle in the sand, and stuck the tomahawk into a tree, where it was afterward found as above stated.
- * J.H. French, Gazetteer of the State of New York (Syracuse, New York: R. Pearsall Smith, 1860), p. 293.
Assessor Assessor's Office
12345 Big Tree Road
Wales Center, New York 14169
(716) 652-2662
Books and Microfilm
Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce
Churches and Schools
Clerk's Office
- Town Clerk
- 12345 Big Tree Rd.
- Wales Center, NY 14169
- (716) 652-0589
- Fax (716) 652-0589
Historical Museum & Society Historical Society
Town Links WNY Ghosts & Hauntings Researcg Society - Goodleburg Cemetery
- "Good Wishes Birthday Book" -
Notes by Eva HEITMAN LUSS, Lifetime resident of Wales
Local areas, Maps & zip codes
- Map showing Township
- Wales
South Wales - 14139
Wales Hollow
Wales Center - 14169
Local researchers
- Sandra Luss - slluss_AT_msn.com
- Donna Peacock - dpeacock_AT_snet.net
- Dale Ehrenberg
Newspaper (Check for obituaries)
Many Thanks to all who have contributed to this page
Dale Ehrenberg, Sandra Luss, Donna Peacock
Vital records
Sources Gazetteer of the State of New York, author, J.H. French
United States Postal Service
Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society files.
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Special Collections Room
Talking Phone Book
Unless otherwise noted all listings are tombstone readings, and the information has not been provided by any official cemetery source.
It is offered here as a tool to promote further research, and should not be considered as verified proof for genealogical records.
This information is to be used as a reference, please check with the source for conformation.
Readings have been doubled checked, but mistakes are possible.
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