Your score placed you in the category of Classic Femme. This is what most people think of when they hear you are a lesbian, or if that is not your orientation, a traditional wife. You may also wish to review Lipstick Femme and Practical Femme, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 16 and 24 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. You are a fairly common type.

You are the "modern woman" but still a woman in thinking. It would not occur to you to take on a "man's job" but you can do it if forced to. You like to work, but prefer secretarial/support positions, teaching, and health care provision rather than management or technical.

Your house is basically neat and clean, but a little disorder doesn't drive you up a wall. You try to design it attractively but don't go to extremes.

You are ambivalent about wearing a dress, and usually do for work, church, and social occasions, but wear pants or shorts around the house. You do usually wear makeup and keep your hair in an easily maintained but feminine style, often long.

You like children and pets, cats in particular, and do make an attempt at gardening every so often but aren't very good at it. You like art in an absent minded way - you enjoy the aesthetics but don't often buy it for the home. You enjoy movies, particularly human drama and cartoons.

For a partner, you prefer a softer butch along the line of the Gentle or Feminist Butch. For friends, you float with Strong Femmes, Androgynes, as well as some Gentle Butches. Extreme Femmes annoy you and Extreme Butches scare you.

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