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Thank you!

Hope this has helped to enlighten and amuse you!

Let us know if you have comments about your test. Naturally this test is just for fun and nothing scientific, but we'd love especially to know if you feel the test accurately reflected who you are, and if not, why not?

If you are interested in the commentary on the other classifications, here they are in order from femme to butch:

Please type in your email and join our update list!

Help us out here a bit - answer however many of these you feel like doing - remember though the more of these we get feedback on, the better we can improve the test!

You can skip this pink section if you signed up for our mailing list above... just scroll down for the rest of the questions.

How did you find this page?

*Which link (URL address please), chat room, news group, or other source if not listed above?

We've been visited by folks from all over the world. What country are you from?

Your country not listed? Great! It means you are the first from there to visit us! Please be sure to ADD your Country to our list and welcome!
My Country is:

How old are you?

These questions deal with body type and gender perception. Please do not answer them if they bother you, but it helps us to see how persons of various genders feel how effective the test is - so we can improve it to accommodate all types of folks!

Ignoring the test for a moment, how do you see yourself generally?

You scored on this test as a(n):

What are you currently, biologically (as in body form)?

What are you genetically (as in what you were born with)?

What gender do you feel that you are (regardless of body type or DNA)?

What gender are you attracted to?

Tell us what you think about the test:

Please visit our net friend who offered free use of his server and wrote the perl script to enable automated scoring!!! AT: FLUTTERBY!!

Feedback on the Complete Test