Your score placed you in the category of Strong Femme. This is often called a "femme butch" type. You may also wish to review Practical Femme and Soft Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 33 and 40 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your type is the majority of the femme and the female population and includes a fair number of males.

You identify as female rather than femme, or as a male with an open mind to female issues. Your raising and socialization, however, has implanted enough of traditional femme roles and obligations, though, that you don't quite make it to the bridge category of Androgyne which lies between femme and butch.

You are practical in child raising but have no qualms about calling a baby sitter when you've had enough for the day. You are a good co-provider in a balanced partnership but resent carrying the full financial weight. You expect your partner to help you with your home and while you prefer order to chaos, won't do their share for them.

You are independent and proudly female, and don't really mind living alone, though you'd prefer not to. You sleep with a small light on, and usually in the nude. You insist on good communication in your relationships.

You are most comfortable with Androgynes and Gentle or Feminist Butches as partners, rarely dating other femmes, though admittedly physically you find them attractive. The butch "mystique" or the balance in an Androgyne attracts you more. You get along well with most types, though Extreme Femmes you find a bit overdone and aren't entirely comfortable with Extreme Butches.

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