Your score placed you in the category of Extreme Femme. In short, this is as femme as you could possibly get. You may also wish to review Lipstick Femme, your closest next category. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 1 and 7 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. You are a very rare type.

You are a Mrs. Cleaver, a traditional housewife, at-home spouse. You contribute your share though, and some of it is hard work, not being completely helpless. Although you prefer to hire help for the more unpleasant housework.

You excel at child raising and domestic responsibilities. You do not work or if you must work, don't like it. If you garden at all, you raise flowers. Your interests are in romantic escapism in your reading and movies, and the humanities and arts in your hobbies. Visually you are impeccably perfect, nails, makeup, hair, clothes - none of it ever out of place. You get up before your spouse to make sure you look perfect and it is unlikely he or she has ever seen you any other way. You are almost never in anything but a dress, hose, and heels.

You absolutely do not like to lead or make decisions, preferring to allow your boss or spouse to do this for you. You like to be pampered but are also very good at remembering anniversaries and preparing special dinners to celebrate. You are a consummate hostess and your parties are well favored by your guests.

You are passive aggressive and usually get your way. You don't throw temper tantrums if you fail at that. You simply sulk and save it for when you need the brownie point later.

You keep a beautiful, well designed home and are a bit anal about keeping it clean. You strongly dislike noise, chaos, or disorder.

You believe in the role of the femme in society and wear the role well and proudly as a natural part of who you are. For you, it is not an act - it is a reality.

You are most comfortable with Extreme or Boot Butches as partners, though are not beyond dating less strongly butch persons. You would never dream of dating a femme. Androgynes are your pals and support system and you mistrust other femmes, particularly other Extreme Femmes.

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