More Confessions

Errrm....I sometimes eat a whole pack of choc coated biscuits in one sitting, mind you, and hide the empty pack from my g/f. And I got really got paranoid when the manufacturer published a free postcard with a photo of a pack of biscuits and the txt: "One more thing your girlfriend hides from you". That stopped me for a little while.

i confess, i am having a irc relationship. and think i am in love with this woman.

When I finish eating cereal, I drink the milk straight from the bowl. I also drink milk straight from the carton, but my roommate has her own milk carton. I lick the bowl clean after ice cream, too. When people catch me, I bat my eyelashes innocently.

I'm the one who put the powdered tempera paint in all the shower heads in the Chi Omega house at the University of Puget Sound in 1969.

I am involved with two women at this moment. One is a long distance relationship (that keeps getting longer) so I can get away with it... but saying "I love you" gets more and more difficult...

I carry around a little piece of cloth with me all day and night. When I'm at work in a meeting, I have one hand in my pocket, and rub the cloth. It soothes me. When no one else is around, I rub it against my lips.

I think about making love to my therapist sooo much...

I'm 26..and I've never had SEX, isn't that weird?!!

I like the smell of armpits. (I know, eeeew) I don't know if I know what love is. I'm not sure if I'm 100% a dyke. I only clean if someone's coming over. I have a social conscience and I like Wendys and Ultimate Cheeseburgers.

I pick my nose, but I am nice enough not to leave it under the covers or pillow for someone else to find. I eat it instead. My mom told me I have been doing this since I was 2! Like I'm gonna stop now, mom!

While at a party a few weeks ago I had a discussion with an acquaintance about the fact that we both think tongue piercing is gross! After a few more beers and tequila shooters my partner and I headed for home (not to fret...she was driving). When we arrived, I stepped out of the car, tripped over a landscape timber, fell flat on my face and pierced my tongue with my teeth. We had to get the neighbor (who, fortunately is a nurse) out of bed at 2:30 am to do her first aid thing. Those of you who know me, are not only aware of this unfortunate incident but have also been generous enough to offer studs for the tongue. Needless to say, my tongue was out of commission for a couple of weeks....a most tragic condition for a dyke! But, heck, it was a wonderful party annnnnd I still drink beer and do tequila shooters on occasion.

My friends and I like to eat fruit seductively, and play the "penis" game while walking to class. It's rather silly.

ok this is hard... I have two girlfriends but one know about the other one and one dosen't. I feel especially guilty because the one who does not know claims to be very much in love with me and we just celebrated our aniversary

I played the "penis" game in the middle of a crowded lunch room---and won.

I have racked my feeble little brain trying to come up with something to which I could confess and can't think of a thing! Everyone I know already knows my foibles and eccentricities [with the exception of those who choose not to know, of my mother who is still pretty well convinced that I will someday meet the right man and get married, adopt the obligatory 2.5 children (adoption being the only reasonable action at age 51), have a ranch style home with a two car garage, etc.].

I married my first boyfriend. You're not supposed to do that. But we're still in love after 20 years. Sometimes I wonder if we'll explode when we're 50 from not having slept around. I'm an artist and a radical, and my marital situation would shock people if they knew. I have to invent ex's sometimes in conversations.

I get off on watching "the World's Strongest Men" on ESPN. I love those barrel chests!

I still communicate, every so often, with an ex that my girlfreind has forbid me to speak with. At work of course. Sometimes I feel guilty, but its not like I am being.....

I have fallen in love with someone I have never even seen but would spend my life making happy

Y'know those Ramen noodles that come in the little bricks? I eat them raw.

i'm afraid to call my mom

i think the music at most so-called lesbian "nightclubs" [bleep!] big pickles

As a Senior in H.S. I had a serious crush on a classmate, who probably never knew I existed. That was 12 years ago. Anyway, about six yrs ago I started working in the same area he works at. I smile everytime I see him b/c he didn't age well, and men don't really do it for me anymore. I smile b/c if he only knew what I was thinking, but then, he must think I'm crazy or that I like him. Strange. (Smiling)

I'm living with a man and am in love with another man in another state who is married and met over the internet...and we love each other and will someday soon leave the bf and the wife and live happily ever after. oh and btw he's twice my age!

I compulsively groom other people--straighten collars, remove fuzz and stray hairs from clothes, push clothing tags back inside the collar, brush out wrinkles, fix mussed hair. My girlfriend hates it, so I've been trying to keep it at a dull roar. I have to physically restrain myself sometimes, actually grab onto something else so my hands are occupied. I annoy even myself sometimes.

I am in love with someone on the internet and have a lover I am living with! I think I am loosing my mind?! o, ps to the confession of being in love with someone on the net? I don't know how to tell my present live in lover that I want out! Chicken I guess!

I hide my best chocolate from my gf!

[you'll have to fill in the blanks here... 'twas a bit TOO graphic for the general tone of this page...] i love to _____ during ______. The _______ makes it even better.

I confess that I may not be the best roommate in the world and I want to work to making my life better and my living situations lovely.

I am not in love with my girlfriend.

I am addicted to my computer and the internet.

i 'fess, lol ...... i like to watch

I am 31 years old and I still tear the crusts off my sandwiches. I never order anything in a restaurant (or fast food either!) that I don't change at least one thing! (No tomatoes, but extra mayo....). I eat each food I may be having at a meal one at a time and worst of all, I never let foods on my plate touch each other.

i am an attorney and while everyone at my office thinks i am slaving away over a case, i am in my office having [ah.. shall we say internet enjoyments here?] with my butch love or writing butch/femme erotica (but so far i have not billed any of my clients for this)

I'm in love with my former high school teacher. If that weren't enough--she doesn't know, we're both married, and she's thirty years older than me... oh what to do...


I pick my scabs. Now I have all these little scars all over my body. I blame my dad for this bad habit of mine. I watched him do it for years.

I kiss my dogs on the mouth.

I confess to falling in love with an alcoholic, knowing in the beginning that she had this problem. Then, after we had lived together for over two years, I told her that I had to take back my commitment to her and moved into my own apartment, leaving her with more loss in her life.

I am a lesbian and i don't eat vegetables !!!!!!

I pick my nose. I don't hate Hanson (even though I should.) I fart under the covers when I think I can get away with it. I don't rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. I "lend" expensive software to my friends. I borrow expensive software from said same friends. . .

I pee in the shower. Sure, most of us do, right? But, uh, I'm at college, it's a public shower, and sometimes there's girls only a plastic sheet away. But you know, all that running water...

well I do my studing infront off the I can see/ read the most interesting thing and scipp the boring...

well I love to pick my parnters blackheads.. I secretly wish her screen was oily so I would have lots to pick, But alas, she has clean skin. Is that gross enough? I can do oh yeah ps. I met my Wife on the Internet and I love her tons. She just moved up to be with me!! "the zit picker"

I love my girlfriends butt and her beautiful long curyly black hair. She knows this, but sometimes I just stare and stare. (Guess all that repression is bustin loose!!) I also like to carry my dog around like a baby, well he IS my baby!I even talk babtalk to him..Agggh:)

i fell in love with my best friend and even though she keeps telling me that she will never love me i cant give her up im a big obsessed but i admit it i dont see anything wrong with falling in love with a sweet, beautiful girl even if she doesnt love me back

I walk in front of my window nude at times.Sometimes I have just panties on or just a bra and I sometimes wonder if I am being watched. Maybe I want to be seen? I could be a bit of an exibitionist.

I am the second girlfreinf of a current relationship who shares the free time avaible against the first girlfreing, AND. a hubby, 2 younger children and a 3rd in college. Oh yeah, the first g/f has a hubby also, I'm the lesbian, with the 2 wanna be lesbians. A minni "platon Place" in real time.

I love the feeling of a perfect [bowel movement], it comes out all at once, in a nice long hefty turd. I feel clean, empty and very self-satisfied.

I am sooo bad at if an adult in my family asks me a question, I will almost always answer it, even though a lot of times it means getting my siblings in trouble.

I'm gay and I'm a Republican.

I ain't from around here.

I played poker and cheated

I burnt my privates dropping a cigarette....

Col. Mustard did it in the library with a lead pipe.

I lick my plate when nobody's looking!

I peed in my neighbor's yard.

Wehn I get drunk I mak prank phone calls.

I eat the cookie and leave the chips.

When my parents were otherwise occupied I stole cookies with my sister.

My cousin and I roamed the storm tunnels under the city

I broke the window I accused my brother of breaking.

To get revenge on some former friends I fed them a meal full of every food I could think of to make them fart.

I slipped sleeping pills in my dad's soda when I was 10.

I hate cleaning! I find it degrading

I buy the dark blue packs of Extra sugarless gum, and every piece I chew....I swallow... I think I'm addicted to the dang stuff...

I confess. I lust for someone other than the man I married.. and it's another womyn I'm lusting for.. the hubby has no clue.

I maintain a web site... and it isn't half as active as yours - and it takes me ALL of my time. I don't see how yall do it! What's your secret???

I put french fries in my cheeseburgers but so no one can see

I pick my nose in bed, and wipe it under the pillow. Gross. And then I nag my other half when they do the same thing.

My obsession with certain women in chat rooms... I have these fantasies of being with them. I have to QUIT THIS!!

I "abdicated" my role as "housekeeper" for my family in 1994. I haven't washed a dish since, nor vacuumed. But unfortunately, neither have they. The house is a literal pig-sty. I am deeply embarassed by it, but it is too much for me to keep up with. I thought they would get the message, but they didn't.

I fell in love with a woman half my age, and was ready to leave my lover of 20 years for her when SHE dumped me.

city bus operator

I confess that i am one of the rare people who really loves my lover. I love every thing about her everything!!!

I still suck my thumb. I have no intentions of quitting either. (but never in public)

Ok fine I admit it. I dont hate Hanson. In fact, I kinda like that mmmbop song. Ok so i even sing along with it in the car. Geez I'm glad theyre not sisters because then I'd prolly have to admit to dreaming about them too.

When I was about twelve, I got really angry at my father (as I still do, actually), so I used his toothbrush to clean the slime out of my pet mouse's water dish...and put the toothbrush back in the medicine cabinet for him to use. By the way, I don't use such tactics any more...I just live in a different part of the country from him.

I fart in the bathtub

i really do wash my whites in with my colored clothes!!!!! i hate to do dishes i don't dust under anything ok I don't dust at all!!!! and i never clean out my tackle box like I should!!!!

I have so many. You know those things you say you will NEVER do...well I did EVERYone of 'em! LOL Premarital sex, getting drunk, things w/ guys, and everyone hide...BEING W/ AND LOVING A GIRL...the list could go on, but I will spare ya'll!!!! Oh yeah, and the love of my life...I met her on the damn INTERNET...can you believe that???

I am a femme all the way around, but when me and my gal are in bed, I am so butch it is not even funny! And she is butch, but she is the opposite too! Guess we are just PERFECT for each other! I love her so much! :o)

I just sat here and took the time to read al the stuff on this page. Is that sick, or what?

I am addicted to the computer

I confess I was the one that put itching powder in the nuns kotex at the catholic girls school when my Jr. High school volley ball team went there to play them.

In the 2nd grade, I lured my teacher over to see the llama (a creature notorious for spitting) while on a field trip to the zoo. She gullibly complied and planted her feet right smack in front of the rude creature. While she chatted away in her "know it all" fashion, the llama grew more and more agitated at the sound of her voice. When she turned investigate what had caused the poor thing distress, it hocked a big "looie" right in her face! I laughed. A lot.

I like the smell of my shampoo so much that I [blush] use it ALL over me!

I'm a very butch womyn.. but I secretly paint my toenails. Don't show under the boots... hehehe

I have dandruff, which I never seem to be able to get under control. I don't wear a hat all the time for fashion (although it does make me sexy).. I wear it to cover the dern flakes!

I.. ahem.. pass wind when I'm on the phone.

If I'm home alone, I wipe my mouth on the inside edge of my tee shirt head opening.

I sneezed once without a kleenex just before I had to shake someone's hand. So...I wiped my hand inside my suit pocket and shook hands anyway. I know that's wrong.. I kick myself every day thinking I probably gave that client a cold... but what's a person to do?

I compulsively straighten pictures.

I change the clock at work after lunch to run faster... and... I get out earlier. I change it back to run slower just as I go out the door so I'm not "late" the next day. Boss hasn't caught on.

Mine is strange. I have to touch people's clothes. I loooove the feel of fabric and have to slap myself some days to not touch!

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