Current Results

        Thursday, December 30, 1999 SMACKDOWN
**IF X-Pac loses, he's fired**
X-Pac d. Big Show via pedigree
The match started off with X-Pac getting thrown around the ring by BS. Hunter stops the match and makes the match a handicap match with Road Dogg X-Pac's partner. BS still dominates and goes for a double show stopper and Hunter stops the match again. This time, he adds Billy Gunn to the mix. The three triple team Show and get him down. Hunter stops the match again and adds himself to the match. They deliver a chair shot, a bronco buster, a fame-ass-er and finally a pedigree and X-Pac covers for the victory.

        Thursday, December 30, 1999 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac/Road Dogg d. Edge/Kane via pinfall

Road Dogg and X-Pac worked much better as a team than did Kane and Edge. X-Pac picked up the win with a pinfall

        Wednesday, December 29, 1999 HOUSE SHOW
Once again, X-Pac ran in during the Kane vs. Big Show cage match and distracted Kane by messing with Tori. When Kane went for the door, X-Pac slammed the door on his head.

X-Pac d. Test via X-Factor
Seesaw match but in the end Test tried a 10 punch on the top rope but X Pac low blowed him and then gave him the x factor for the win.

        Monday, December 27, 1999 RAW IS WAR
X-Pac d. Jeff Hardy via X-Factor
Awesome match that shown the "old" Sean Waltman as he used various high spots that have been absent for a long time. X-Pac kicked out of a Senton Bomb then turned around and hit the X-Factor for the victory.

        Sunday, December 26, 1999 HOUSE SHOW
The first match X-Pac interfered in was a match between Test and Road Dogg. X-Pac crotched Test giving Road Dogg a fairly easy victory.

The next match was Kane vs. Big Show in a cage where pinfalls count. X-Pac came down with Tori and slams the door on Kane's head allowing BS to get a Showstopper on Kane

        Thursday, December 16, 1999 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac d. Tori via X-Factor
This match was announced Steph vs. Tori, but Steph came out dressed in that fine looking mini-skirt and it was obvious she wasn't wrestling. HHH and Steph set up Kane getting beat up by the Posse, so it gave X-Pac a chance to kick Tori's ass without Kane interfering. After Steph announced X-Pac was her opponent, X-Pac hit the bronco buster and X-Factor and the match was over.

        Monday, December 13, 1999 RAW IS WAR
**IC Title Match**
Chris Jericho d. X-Pac via Walls of Jericho
Jericho slapped on the Walls of Jericho but X-Pac didn't submit right away. Chyna and Miss Kitty were on the ramp and they started down the ramp. As Chyna and Kitty hit the ring, X-Pac also tapped out and the ref just happened to see it as he went to stop Chyna. The ref called for the bell and declared Jericho the winner

        Sunday, December 12, 1999 ARMAGEDDON PPV
**Steel Cage Match**
Kane d. X-Pac via Tombstone
Kane can win only by pinfall. Xpac can only win by pinfall or climbing out of the cage. Match starts off with Kane attacking Xpac outside the ring as he was harrassing Tori. Xpac hits Kane with the ring bell. Back inside the cage Kane press slams Xpac. Xpac hits Kane with a spinning heel kick. Xpac crotched Kane on the ropes when they were both fighting on the cage trying to get out. Xpac with a ddt on Kane. Xpac comes off the top but Kane catches him by the neck and Kane begins to come back. The Outlaws come to ringside with a pair of bolt cutters. RoadDogg cuts open the chain around the cage. Mr Ass slams the cage door on Kane's face. Xpac hits the x-factor on Kane on the chair. Xpac handcuffs Kane to the cage and beats on him with a chair. Xpac goes to climb out the cage. Tori runs in the ring and pulls Xpac off the cage. Xpac spits in her face and gives her the x-factor. Xpac goes to climb back out of the cage. In the meantime Kane breaks his handcuffs and stops Xpac from hitting the floor. Kane slams the cage door into Xpac's face. Kane climbs to the very top of the cage and comes off with a clothesline on Xpac. Kane then tombstones Xpac for the 3 count.

        Thursday, December 9, 1999 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac d. Text via X-Factor
Test went for the Grade, but X-Pac slipped out and ended up hitting and knocking out the ref. X-Pac eventually got the best of Test and hit the X-Factor to pick up the victory.

        Monday, December 6, 1999 RAW IS WAR
X-Pac/HHH d. Test/Kane via Pedigree
X-Pac and HHH controlled most of this match. X-Pac was going to hit a bronco buster on Tori (whom he dragged in the ring when Kane was out of it), but Kane grabbed his neck and chokeslammed him directly from the bronco buster. Kane and X-Pac fought outside the ring and HHH hit the Pedigree on Test after a low blow.

        Sunday, December 5, 1999 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac d. Val Venis via schoolboy
Val came out to a huge pop and did his sex joke. "The Big Valbowski is a lot like Starbucks coffee. We're both hot and fresh. We're both smooth and creamy. (I saw that part coming) We're both (something I can't remember, but if anyone that went and is reading this email me). The only difference is that the caffeine from a shot of Starbucks will keep you awake and a shot from the Big Valbowski will knock you out." X-Pac came out to a huge pop. He told Val that the Starbucks bit sucked and called all of Albany idiots. The match went back and forth. Both superstars pulled off some great moves. X-Pac missed a Bronco Buster. Val puts X-Pac at the corner and goes up to land some punches. X-Pac turned it into a power bomb and rolled up Venis. X-Pac put his feet on the ropes without the ref seeing and scored the victory.

        Saturday, December 4, 1999 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac d. Test via X-Factor
Sounded like a boring match. X-Pac hit the X-Factor and picked up the win.

        Thursday, December 2, 1999 SMACKDWON
The Hardy's/Big Show d. The New Age Outlaws/X-Pac via Schoolboy
Jeff Hardy went for his corner splash but BA got out of the way. Jeff jumped on the turnbuckle and stopped himself, turned around, got on the Show's shoulder and hit his Senton Bomb off the Show's shoulders. X-Pac broke the count, but Matt came from behind and schoolboyed him for the pinfall.

November 1999 Results
October 1999 Results
September 1999 Results
August 1999 Results
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